Chapter 594
Yuwentian didn't do anything all the time, just wanted to see how powerful Tianzhi could use the devilish energy. After a stick of incense, the devilish energy behind Tianzhi condensed into a demon god.

The demon god Yuwentian has naturally seen it before. The demon god of the sky only has one percent of the aura of the real demon god. If it is another warrior, he will definitely be oppressed by the demon god of the sky.

It's a pity that Yu Wentian has already seen the real demon god, and the power of the demon god condensed by this demonic energy is still too weak to affect Yu Wentian's existence after all.

Tianzhi looked at Yu Wentian's face, and it was slightly ugly. The phantom of the demon god was something he had spent ten years secretly comprehending in front of the stone statue of the demon god. He possessed [-]% of the coercion of the demon god. The last life-saving thing.

The gods of each race are inherently oppressive to the race, just like Yu Wentian, as a human race, should be oppressed by the demon god, especially in terms of spiritual power, as long as Yu Wentian's spiritual power appears any Every little loophole, he has a chance to escape.

But Yu Wentian looked at the strange phantom behind him, as if he didn't see anything, and was not affected at all, Tianzhi was stunned immediately.

"Martial Soul, Nine Heavens Thunder Astral Fire."

From Wuhun's hands, nine giant dragons flew out, and rushed directly to the Demon God phantom behind Tianzhi, but in the blink of an eye, Demon God phantom had already disappeared behind Tianzhi.

The nine fire dragons competed against the demon god, and there was naturally some gap. The three fire dragons all dissipated in the struggle against the phantom of the demon god, but there were still six fire dragons left, flying towards the sky.

Yu Wentian smiled evilly at the corner of his mouth, "Let you see what is the real power of the domain, and let you know how big the gap is between you and this deity, and this deity will be troubled."

With a big hand, Tianzhi couldn't move, as if there was an invisible force that trapped him here. He was very familiar with this force, and it was the power of the field he cultivated.

However, this is the power of the domain that can only be used after the domain has achieved great success. He has never experienced such power, and he never thought that he would make a wedding dress for Yu Wentian.

"Yuwentian, I fell into your hands today, so I have underestimated you, but don't be too happy, sooner or later the Duan family will know that you killed the old man, and the manager will not let you go .”

"I don't care about the future, I only know that your lifespan is over now, and it's time for you to leave this world."

Under the control of the domain, even if Tianzhi wanted to twist his head, it was very difficult. In the end, he could only watch six fire dragons pass through his back and fly from his chest. came out and pierced his body.

Seeing Tianzhi's death, Yu Wentian was very satisfied. As long as Tianzhi had no way to pass on the news, he would be safe for the time being. As for the future, let's talk slowly later, he didn't count on space power and martial soul Things will always be kept secret.

Crisis will exist at any time, in order to save his life, he will of course use the power of space and martial soul.

"This field is not cultivated by the deity himself, and it is indeed a bit troublesome to use."

Yuwentian stretched out his hand to feel it. Although he can already control this space now, this space was cultivated by Tianzhi, and there is still the willpower of Tianzhi for many years, which cannot be completely integrated with him. There is still a big gap between success, and it seems difficult to achieve small success.

"Forget it, the power of the deity has not yet reached the realm of the primordial spirit. Even if the domain is cultivated, there is no way to maximize the power of the domain. It is better to temporarily use this domain as a hole card of the deity. .”

After thinking about it, Yu Wentian still decided to temporarily accept the realm of the sky. Now that he has the meteorite space, when he reaches the realm of Yuanshen, he may have some understanding of the power of space. It is definitely much stronger than the field he created now.

Besides, domains are not something that can be created at will. He doesn't have so much time to waste creating domains now. Since there are ready-made domains, he can make use of them at his convenience.

"It seems that we still have to cultivate spiritual strength. If the opponent is stronger, the spiritual strength may not be enough."

In just a few tricks, half of Yu Wentian's spiritual power has been wasted, it is too weak. If he reaches the realm of Yuanshen, his spiritual power will continue to increase with practice, but now he is only in the Nirvana realm. Find a way to cultivate your spiritual strength.

This time it was a coincidence that Tianzhi used the power of the domain, and it happened that Tianzhi did not have the spiritual power to match the domain, so Yu Wentian took advantage of the loophole. It is not an easy task to defeat Tian Zhi before his strength is exhausted.

The domain separated the yard into two different planes, and the battle in the other plane was also very cruel. He Feifei and He Yanran joined in, and even Elder Wu would make a sneak attack from behind from time to time, but There is no way to defeat the land, but the battle with the land has become a tie.

It can be seen that Dizhi still has hidden means that have not been used. Although they also have life-saving things, they can't guarantee that they can be stronger than Dizhi.

"Little girl, the old man has been very patient with you. I advise you to follow the old man. I am afraid that your little boy has been wiped out by the sky. You are no match for the old man."

Dizhi looked at Yan Moxue, and there was still strong possessiveness in his eyes. The more he fought Yan Moxue, the more he wanted to possess Yan Moxue.

He has already seen that Yan Moxue's identity is unusual, she is a god, and he and Tian Zhi are both demons, if a demon takes the gods into their house and spreads the word, their reputation will definitely increase greatly.

"Bah, disgusting old thing, brother Yuwen won't be killed by you so easily. If you want my master, I think you'd better reincarnate once."

Yan Moxue doesn't like to argue with others, the only person who makes her argue is Yu Wentian, but He Yanran can't listen to Dizhi's dirty words anymore.

Yan Moxue is her master, no matter what, she must do her part for her master, and she must not let others underestimate Yan Moxue easily.

After hearing He Yanran's words, Dizhi's expression suddenly changed, and he looked at He Yanran coldly, "Ugly girl, I see that you don't want to live anymore."

(End of this chapter)

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