Chapter 621 Grievance

Everyone in the Duan family was stunned, they really didn't think of this, they only wanted to help Elder Tong defeat Yu Wentian.

Not to mention them, even Elder Tong didn't think of the principle of mutual restraint of attributes. If he knew about it earlier, he would definitely not let so many people help him.

In the land of yellow sand, there are the most cultivators of the fire attribute. Even though the Duan family has thousands of resources, they are used by those who have the foundation for training. Not everyone can cultivate the attribute they want to cultivate.

Counting all the fire attribute power of the Duan family, it is enough to eliminate half of his ice and snow ability. It is just that the ice shield has been repaired on the surface. In fact, the power of the ice shield has already melted.

Elder Tong regretted it very much, but he didn't have the right to speak. Now that the entire Duan family is helping him, it's fine if he doesn't appreciate it. If he said anything else, it would hurt the hearts of the Duan family.

Especially the young man of the Duan family lying beside him now, spitting out a mouthful of blood. This young man was the first to rush out and stood on the same line as him. Helping to resist part of the force, this young man is now the first person in the Duan family to lose his life in Yu Wentian's hands.

"What a regent elder of Huangsha Town, the head of this branch has never heard of such a hero appearing in Huangsha Town. Our Duan family was reckless before. If you don't dislike it, you can stay in our Duan family. As an aide, all resources are available to you."

The branch leader looked around at the fallen Duan family children, and instantly made the best decision for the Duan family, that is, not to fight Yu Wentian now.

He and the manager may be able to suppress Yu Wentian, but there is a monster watching over him, the two of them may be fine, but the children of the Duan family will be in trouble.

Now that the elders have been injured, it is really hard to say whether they are the opponents of Warcraft.

The only way now is to stabilize Yuwentian. If Yuwentian can be the Duan family's staff with peace of mind, he doesn't care. After all, Yuwentian's existence is also a very powerful force for their Huangsha branch.

If Yuwentian is not willing to be an aide of a branch, he can wait until the people from the main branch of the Duan family come to deal with Yuwentian. Anyway, the strength of their Huangsha branch cannot be weakened.

Now that the Duan number is gone, the ranking of the Huangsha branch must have dropped again. If other Duan family children are also hurt, their Huangsha branch will really have no way to meet people in the main vein.

"Branch Master's big tone made this deity admire him, but it's a pity that the master's memory doesn't seem to be very good. Did the deity forget what the deity said just now?"

The branch master was stunned for a moment, he didn't take Yu Wentian to heart at all just now, he really couldn't remember what Yu Wentian said, and hurriedly looked at the disciples who were getting up from the ground.

"Return to branch master, just now he said...he said that he would occupy our entire Huangsha branch."

The disciple of the Duan family didn't dare to raise his head at all, he lowered his head tremblingly and simply repeated what Yu Wentian said just now, and it turned out that the face of the branch master was a bit ugly.

"He's right. The entire Huangsha branch now belongs to the deity. You dare to say that the deity is here to be an aide. You think too much of yourself, don't you?"

Yu Wentian's words can be said to be merciless, and the old face of the branch leader is almost red, even the branch leader does not realize that his current appearance is equivalent to agreeing subconsciously The yellow sand branch has become Yu Wentian's private property.

"This deity has always been very cruel, and will never leave any future troubles. You are all members of the Duan family, and this deity and the Duan family also have a deep feud. I will kill you all today."

After Yu Wentian mentioned the word festival, the branch leader and the manager finally remembered who Yu Wentian was. Yu Wentian was the one who killed a genius of the Duan family in the hunter's palace.

At that time, it was the two of them who jointly reported this matter to the people in the main line, but later the people in the main line did it themselves, so they ignored it, and only heard that the people in the main line ruled out the four main line killer.

The four big killers and Xu Renren, they had long thought that the person who opposed the Duan family was dead, but now that Yu Wentian was standing in front of them alive, it showed a problem, the four big killers of the main line of the Duan family has died.

This realization made both of them tremble, and they were sure that they had no way to resist the power of the four big killers, but the four big killers died in the hands of Yu Wentian, so are they really still alive?
Just when they were thinking about their memories, Yuwentian was already standing in midair, and the endless flames, with Yuwentian as the center, scattered in all directions, surrounding all the members of the Duan family inside. People can escape.

"Ah, ah,..."

In the four hidden corners of the Duan's courtyard, four screams suddenly appeared, and suddenly there was the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground, and dust was stirred up everywhere.

The faces of the branch master and the general manager were even more ugly. They knew that those four directions were where the four major killers of their Huangsha branch were lurking. They wanted to give Yu Wentian a fatal blow when Yu Wentian was not paying attention.

It's just that before they launched an attack, Yu Wentian had already discovered their tracks and killed them in the courtyard of Duan's family.

The branch master and the general manager didn't have much reaction to this matter. Since Yu Wentian was able to kill the four major killers of the main branch, he could easily eliminate the four major killers of the branch branch, but it was just a trivial matter.

The people here are all fine now, but the four killers are dead, which proves that Yu Wentian has been confusing the public just now, and deliberately diverted his attention to kill the four killers.

Yu Wentian also knew that the existence of the killer would definitely threaten him.

But the branch master and the general manager really think too much. These four killers are too weak, and Yu Wentian doesn't pay attention to them at all. A killer, someone is dozing off.

Although the four of them seemed to be killers who had not been trained as killers, they had to respect their opponents no matter what. Yu Wentian couldn't bear such behavior.

Of course, he didn't just attack the four killers. Everyone here, no matter men, women, old or young, master or servant, must die here.

(End of this chapter)

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