Chapter 633 Goodbye Meiya
The spirit stone it swallowed just now is enough for it to practice for a period of time, but there is a place in its body to store the spirit stone, and it can store the spirit stone, and then take it out and use it when it wants to practice.

Tuntian hastily swallowed a hundred spirit stones into his stomach, and chased in the direction of Yuwentian.

Yu Wentian did not leave the underground palace, but squatted there in the central lobby of the underground palace, not knowing what he was doing.

Tuntian stopped far away, always feeling that Yuwentian would not do something for no reason, it felt the power of a monster by Yuwentian's side.

This monster is much stronger than it, and even has the aura of a king. Tuntian was a small lord before, but the gap with this aura is too big. Can compete with it.

"Meiya has seen the master."

The light of the formation flashed, and a very coquettish fox emerged from the formation. Its eyes shone with charming light, like a soft lake.

On its body, it is not the smell of foxes, obviously it has been cleaned up long ago, on its body, it is a scent of flowers, Tun Tian thought about it, it should be the smell of gardenias .

It doesn't like the smell of flowers. After all, it's a male. It's too weak to like the smell of flowers, but at this moment it likes the smell of gardenias.

From the first time I saw Meiya, there was a strange look in Tuntian's eyes. There was no fox in its previous territory, or even in several surrounding territories. I heard that The fox is glamorous, but I didn't expect the fox to be so glamorous.

"If you look at our Queen Meiya like this again, be careful that I poach your eyeballs."

Suddenly an angry voice came out from the formation again, it was a fox with gray hair all over his body, looking very angry at Tuntian.

Tuntian felt it carefully, and there was a faint smell of gardenia on Dust's body, but it was obviously not something that could be put on the body, but it was just that the time spent with Meiya was too long, and the smell was also stained on the body. This kind of taste is gone.

The most obvious thing about him is the smell of alcohol, like a drunkard, the strong smell of alcohol, at least the smell of alcohol for hundreds of years.

After receiving such humiliation, especially in front of the goddess, Tun Tian immediately wanted to fight back, but after feeling Hui Chen's cultivation, he was immediately stunned.

Mei Ya's cultivation is already much higher than it, and this Hui Chen is also on par with Mei Ya, both of them are masters in the Nirvana realm.

Tuntian was immediately discouraged, just now I heard Meiya call Yuwentian the master, Yuwentian has such a powerful monster, would he hesitate to dig out its eyeballs?
Meiya looked at Tuntian's appearance, and immediately covered her mouth with one paw and smiled, the laughter was very clear, like a ring ring.

"Okay, Dust, he is the master's pet, so don't be so tense with it. You have come here and haven't met the master. Instead, you have taught the pet a lesson. Is it because I am too normal for you? Pampered?"

Dust was stunned for a moment, then bent down to meet Yu Wentian.

I don't worry about Tuntian Dust at all. Meiya will never like a magical beast like Tuntian. It's just that as soon as I came out, I saw Tuntian's eyes on Meiya. I felt very uncomfortable and couldn't help but speak up. Lesson learned.

"Master, Dust didn't do it on purpose..."

Yu Wentian shook his hand, saying it doesn't matter, "Anyway, from now on, you will all be monsters next to this deity, so just don't cause internal strife."

Meiya and Chenchen once again claimed that Tuntian secretly looked at Meiya. Meiya was so beautiful, but they didn't dare to look at Meiya openly. It's really amazing.

"What you need to do next, the deity has explained very clearly in your heart, you just need to do what the deity said, and when this matter is completed, we can leave the wilderness."

After hearing about leaving the wilderness, Dust didn't react much. Anyway, for him, as long as there is Mei Ya, it's the same.

For Meiya, it was unusual. After hearing the word "leave the wilderness", Meiya's eyes lit up immediately. She hadn't seen her brother for a long time, and she didn't know how he was doing now.

Yu Wentian said before that he had rescued it, but she knew about Yuan Mendao, "Will my brother really survive intact?"

There is still a beautiful illusion in Meiya's heart, but she is also prepared for the worst. If Yuan Mendao really hurt her brother, it will definitely make Yuan Men Dao pay for it with blood.

"Master, what you ask us to do, we will naturally do it, but setting up the formation requires a lot of spirit stones, where do these spirit stones come from, master, won't you tell us?"

Mei Ya moved closer to Yu Wentian, her mouth was full of charm.

Later Tuntian became a little more obsessed with Meiya, but for Yu Wentian, it was useless. Now Yu Wentian's spiritual power has reached the peak of the early Yuanshen realm. Meiya's charm, Already too weak.

"The deity knows that the mountain you live in is a huge vein of spirit stones. I'm afraid it was jointly occupied by you and the giants?"

"Although that mine vein is very small, it is still very simple to produce tens of millions of spirit stones, right? Even if there is half of the loss, there are still 500 million pieces. On average, your fox family and giant family each have their own. 250 million."

"This deity does not force you to use your spirit stones to arrange formations, but you should let this deity collect the spirit stones to arrange them. You can think about it yourself."

Meiya froze immediately, but she didn't show it, but she had an angry expression, but she scolded Yu Wentian in her heart.

They are now Yu Wentian's subordinates. If Yu Wentian wants to confiscate the spirit stones, they naturally cannot refuse, but the giant family is different. The giant family is Yu Wentian's allies. If their spirit stones are confiscated, the giant family There is no need to produce spirit stones.

Say no to persecution, this is obviously a trick to force her and the giants to each take out half of the spirit stones to arrange the formation.

What Yu Wentian said is correct, they do have a lot of spirit stones, but they have consumed a lot over the years, they don't like to practice, they all use spirit stones for cultivation.

Now there are only a million spirit stones left, and to lay out Yu Wentian's formation, each needs to take out [-].

(End of this chapter)

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