Chapter 648
The last piece of spirit stone was consumed, and the spirit stone was consumed by the formation method very fast, but it took three full days to consume the spirit stone. During these three days, no one from the Duan family came to make trouble.

However, the members of the Duan family still mingled with the surrounding hunters, and Yu Wentian didn't say much. After all, they have also exerted their strength now, and they will not be able to deal with them. When the time comes to the outside world, the Duan family will still be a powerful one partner.

Although it is not necessary to cooperate with the Duan family, the enemy of the enemy is a friend. They have to fight against the human race and the god race. Naturally, they are all friends. After all, the two parties have no old grudges.

"Look over there, what's going on?"

The crowd suddenly became chaotic, and most people knew the general direction of the poison domain, but it was too difficult to find the poison domain, and they were not sure exactly where the poison domain was located.

But at this moment, everything is very clear, where the other ray of light disappears is the center of the poison domain, where the spirit of the four seasons is sealed.

At this time, the array light has disappeared, replaced by five more powerful forces, spring breeze, summer, autumn rain, and winter snow. It's foggy, with a little bit of green light mixed in.

This is the power of the spirits of the four seasons and Ke Ze. They are using the remaining power of the formation to break through the sky and open the passage to the wild.

"This is the power of the sacrifice. It seems that the spirit of the four seasons has broken through the seal."

Yu Wentian's eyes were full of light. The power of the gods is indeed not an ordinary existence. They have just broken through the seal. Their power must have not fully recovered, and they already have such abilities. If the power of the four gods is fully recovered If so, it must be stronger.

Yu Wentian didn't stay idle either, and walked into the center of the altar under the watchful eyes of everyone. The spirit of the four seasons and the backlash of the formation can indeed shake the seal of the wild, but it doesn't mean it can be completely broken.

In order to integrate the wilderness with the outside world, the seal of the wilderness must be removed, and the way to remove it is to sacrifice, and use the power of the sacrifice to break the seal.

Watching Yu Wentian walk into the center of the formation, those giants carrying a big bag all opened the bag and kept the contents inside the formation.

The corpses of hundreds of monsters were easily piled up around Yu Wentian. All kinds of monsters formed a colorful wall around Yu Wentian.

Among these demonic beasts, the ones with the lowest cultivation level are all in the Golden Core stage, while the ones with the highest cultivation level are in the Nascent Soul realm, and there is even one in the Nirvana realm.

This was secretly prepared by Yu Wentian for the Giants and Foxes, and he perfectly fulfilled his requirements, especially for monsters in the Nirvana realm. His request was only for Jindan and Yuanying, in order to be afraid of the monsters in the Nirvana realm. They are difficult to deal with.

However, on the way, they encountered a little lord in the Nirvana realm who wanted to attack them. After paying the price of the injury, they managed to get the monster back.

Of course Yu Wentian wouldn't mind, anyway, these monsters are used for sacrifice, if the level of monsters is higher, the power of sacrifice will be stronger, why not do it?

Sitting cross-legged in the center of the formation, slowly closing his eyes, a very strange light appeared around Yu Wentian's body. Except for a few people who knew it was the power of sacrifice, most people didn't know it What exactly is the power.

Yu Wentian's own sacrificial power is naturally very rare, but he has already discovered that the sacrificial altar that once sealed the wild is among the meteorites in the world.

He couldn't use all the power of the altar, but it should be enough to use part of the power, plus the power of the five gods and the animal sacrifices in the formation.

In the city of the sky, the twelve generals gathered together for a rare occasion, looking at the black clouds in the sky, their faces were so ugly that they were about to drip bitter water.

During this period of time, they were all busy fighting with each other, and they had already forgotten what was wrong in the wild. After all, they had been in the wild for so many years, and no one would have expected that there would be problems in the wild.

"I'm afraid the world will really be in chaos this time."

General Zishu looked at the black clouds in the sky, and didn't know what to say. If the door to the wilderness was opened, it would be possible for them to win in the chaos, but they still don't know the power in the wilderness. If it is still strong, it will be a little troublesome.

"Not to mention the world, isn't even our heaven already in chaos?"

General Yinhu said with a sneer, he seemed to say something lightly and casually, but it seemed that he was speaking to all the twelve generals.

Ever since Yan Moxue followed Yuwentian into the wilderness and lost news, the twelve generals have turned from undermining each other secretly to fighting on the surface. They almost started fighting several times, but they never fought. It is also a miasma.

Of course, everyone knows that what General Yinhu said is more than that. In the wilderness, there are many gods who have made mistakes. Take the former Ke Ze as an example, he is a very powerful existence. The first thing they deal with is The gods in the sky city.

"Look, what are those four forces?"

General Shenhou's eyes were extremely sharp, and soon he discovered the strange power in the black cloud, and everyone's faces became even uglier. This is the power of the true god, and it is stronger than these so-called gods. doubled.

"Is it possible that they haven't died for such a long time?"

"Stop talking nonsense here, we are fighting among ourselves, but if we let them make a comeback, we will be in more trouble."

General Chenlong's face is the most ugly. Now in Sky City, he is the most powerful. Zishu and others are worse than him, but at this time, Cheng Yaojin rushed out halfway, how could he accept it? .

The other eleven generals looked at it, and although they were a bit reluctant, they were still ready to give Chenlong a helping hand. When the true god of wildness appeared, they didn't know what kind of changes would happen.

"These things are all due to God's will, it's not your business..."

A very old voice appeared in the sky. This is the voice of the Supreme Holy Emperor. Since the disappearance of the true god, he has never appeared again.

All the gods, after hearing the voice of the Supreme Holy Emperor, stopped their movements. They are not the opponents of the Supreme Holy Emperor.The Supreme Saint Emperor is the only true god left in the sky city. Although he is dead, his spiritual power is still stronger than those true gods.

(End of this chapter)

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