Chapter 669 I'm Back
Yu Wentian, who was sitting leisurely on the roof on the other side, had another look in his eyes at this time. It seemed that the four old guys often came here to make trouble, otherwise, Mo Ya and Xiao Wu would be like this.

Now, according to Yu Wentian's request, Mr. Wu has increased the coercion on Mo Ya to [-]% of his strength. As for Xiao Wu, he has also increased his strength to [-]%. The legs of both of them began to bend slowly. , but still refused to admit defeat.

"Continue to increase slowly, this deity wants to see their limits."

Yu Wentian's words reached Mr. Wu's ears again. Mr. Wu looked at the two children in front of him with pity on his face. Although there would be great opportunities by Yu Wentian's side, but what he had to bear This is not acceptable to ordinary people.

When Yu Wentian spoke again, Mr. Wu didn't argue, he had already tried it, and what Yu Wentian said could not be changed by just a few words.

The strength on Mr. Wu's body strengthened again, and at about [-]% of the time, Xiao Wu couldn't bear it anymore, one leg bent down, and he knelt on the ground with one knee.

After all, Xiao Wu is too young, even if his strength is not weak, but now his physical strength is still too weak, otherwise, it is estimated that he can last for a while.

As for the cliff, it exceeded Elder Wu's expectations too much. Originally, Elder Wu thought that the cliff could withstand [-]% to [-]% of the pressure, but the cliff had withstood nearly [-]% of the coercion.

It seems that there is not much difference, but the power in it is not the same. The further you go to the back, each tenth of the power will be much stronger than the previous tenth.


Finally, the iron-eating beast who disliked Mr. Wu's weapon at the side discovered the crisis of its master, blood red appeared in its eyes, and rushed towards Mr. Wu.

Although the iron-eating beast already possessed a little spiritual wisdom, it didn't have wisdom yet, and it didn't care about Elder Wu's strength, so it charged towards Elder Wu directly.

Mr. Wu looked at the iron-eating beast and smiled coldly. With a slight shock, a powerful force rushed towards the iron-eating beast, and the iron-eating beast was immediately bounced away.

Just as Mr. Wu turned around, a snake rushed over. Mr. Wu's eyes froze, only to realize that it was not a snake, but a rope.

When he saw this rope, Elder Wu's eyes immediately lit up. This is already a weapon that surpassed the ninth rank. As for how many ranks, he couldn't tell. I haven't seen it before.

Naturally, he wouldn't be so stupid as to resist a weapon of this class. He subconsciously wanted to dodge it, but the rope still touched his body.

The expected powerful impact did not exist, and Mr. Wu was stunned for a moment, and was instantly entangled in the rope. Now he finally knew the function of this rope, but it seemed that everything was too late.


Old Wu wanted to cry, but he had never seen such a weapon before, but turning the boat over in the hands of a teenage child also made him lose face.

At this moment, Mo Ya suddenly exerted strength and broke away from the coercion of Mr. Wu. The complexion of Mr. Wu changed. This was already close to [-]% of the coercion. Although the rope bound part of it, it was still very strong. I didn't expect that Mo Ya would Will take advantage of this gap to break free.

Mo Ya quickly took out a palm-sized fan from his bosom, flicked it slightly in his hand, and the fan became several times larger, about the same size as the fans used by ordinary literati.

"Is this another weapon beyond the ninth rank?"

Mr. Wu is almost in a mess. What kind of existence is Yu Wentian? They are just two little followers, and all of them are using weapons that surpass the ninth-rank existence. Sure enough, there is no comparison between people.

Taking advantage of this gap, Mo Ya hastily slapped the golden rope hard, although the golden rope can restrain the old man's cultivation, but it can't restrain his coercion. If he reacts, he and the little general will be in danger again among.

Huge flames rushed towards Mr. Wu, and Mr. Wu's eyes were illuminated into fiery red, and his eyes suddenly widened.

If the golden rope hadn't restrained his cultivation, these samadhi fires would have no effect on him at all, but now his cultivation has been controlled, and even his spiritual power has been restrained in his body. It is relying on coercion, there is no way to stop it.

"If the two of you don't make a move, the old man will be played to death by these two little guys..."

Elder Wu couldn't care less, and yelled directly at the distant roof without any image, and the expressions of Mo Ya and Xiao Wu changed. There is only one old man and they are difficult to deal with. If there are two more people... …

But it was too late for Cliff to think about it. At the moment when the flame was about to touch the old man, a gust of sword energy flew from a distance, and a slender woman stood in front of Mr. Wu.

Half of this woman's face is a fairy, and the other half is a devil. Mo Ya and Xiao Wu have no intention of looking down on her, but they feel the powerful aura of the woman, full of hostility.

"Okay, let's all stop, little general Wu, let go, you and Mo Ya's real body have already understood the strength, it seems that you haven't been lazy during the time when the real body is away."

Yu Wentian's voice came from a distance, and he walked over leisurely, with gentle steps.

The moment they saw Yu Wentian, Mo Ya and Xiao Wu's eyes were full of surprises. They had been hiding in the mansion all this time and had never heard the news of Yu Wentian's return. Seeing Yu Wentian at this moment still thought it was a dream.

"Boss, are you really back?"

After all, Mo Ya is an adult. Although he was a little excited, he could still endure it. Xiao Wu was different. He rushed directly in front of Yu Wentian, looking him up and down, for fear that he was just having a dream. I often dream that Yu Wentian is back.

"That's right, the deity has returned, you don't need to hide like this anymore."

When Mo Ya and Xiao Wu heard Yu Wentian's words, they became even more excited. When Yu Wentian was around, they were so beautiful. During the time he left, their lives were about to return to their previous state.

"Before you talk about the past, can you let the old man go first? The old man is not a real villain."

Elder Wu reminded with a black face beside him that although he made the move this time, he is still a positive person after all. Isn't it a little bad for this group of people to forget him like this?
Xiao Wu looked at Yu Wentian and nodded, then recited the mantra, and took back the dangling gold rope on Mr. Wu's body.

(End of this chapter)

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