Chapter 682 follow suit
However, from the fleeting look in his angry eyes, it can be seen that the goal of the Elder Zhuxie this time is to form an alliance with the Demon Realm, otherwise, the Zhuxie Sword Master would not be so kind.

"The devil was joking, but the old man doesn't have that much awareness. It's just that the sharp edge of the sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold. For them, this is also a kind of experience. Now that it has happened, now they can only let him continue. Just do it."

The evil sword masters didn't bother with the name of the cult, anyway, it has always been rumored as a cult, so it doesn't make much sense for him to entangle with it now.

"The Juggernaut is right. Everything has two sides. This seems like a disaster, but it is also an opportunity."

"Well, those who regard this incident as an opportunity will definitely grow, and those who regard it as a disaster may have some difficulties."

The demon king and the high priest also spoke one after another. After all, the identities of the evil sword masters and Qingquan are different. If they don't speak, they will look down on others.

After hearing the words of the Demon King and the High Priest, the evil sword masters still looked calm, but Yu Wentian guessed that he must be thinking about this matter now. After all, the cult regarded this incident as a disaster. In other words, it must be dangerous.

"As far as the Naqihuang Kingdom is concerned, this time they dispatched silver-armored soldiers to suppress the wild people. It can be said to kill three birds with one stone and benefit a lot."

The evil sword masters looked at Yu Wentian curiously. After all, he has been in seclusion all year round. Except for some important things, he still knows very little about other things.

On the way, he walked directly towards the Demon Realm again, so he naturally didn't know what the situation outside was like.

"Can you ask the demon spirit to explain how this Qihuang Kingdom kills three birds with one stone?"

Yu Wentian took a sip of the tea next to him, then put it down gently, before he was ready to speak.

This time it was enough to give the evil sword masters enough face. What they took out was the best tea in the devil world. The only tea tree in the devil world that blooms and bears fruit for a hundred years can achieve the effect of seeing and hearing with its leaves. What's more, the tea made from the fruit is still used.

Just looking at the appearance of the evil sword masters, I still feel a little disgusted, and I didn’t even drink a sip of tea, but Yuwentian didn’t care about it. The lack of resources in the demon world doesn’t mean that he is also lacking in resources. Put it in your eyes.

"First, there is no need to say much about the reason for the appearance of the silver armored soldiers. They succeeded in the end. They successfully suppressed the wild people and made the wild people fear them. The second is to win the hearts of the people. As soon as the wild people came out, the silver armored soldiers came, and some places were not their territory, this time the hearts of the people were occupied by them."

"As for the third point..."

Yu Wentian intentionally paused for a while, just to let the evil sword masters reveal their flaws, but unfortunately he still underestimated the abilities of the evil sword masters. Although the evil sword masters really want to know these things now, they still have to watch No flaws came out.

"The third is that the Silver Armored Soldiers' combined attack formation has been improved to a greater extent. Although they have practiced many times before, they have no actual combat after all. This time the actual combat has benefited them a lot."

Yuwentian didn't talk all the words in Wujing. Zhuxie Sword Master is a smart person, and he can already analyze it. The Qihuang Kingdom, which was already powerful, is even stronger now.

The three harvests seem to be flat and not too threatening, but if they are all added up, it will not be a simple matter.

"The demon spirit is right. I have been in seclusion for a while, and I haven't learned about these things. Now it seems that I am still ignorant, but if we join forces, I am afraid that Qihuang Kingdom will have nothing to do with us. I don't know what three What do you think?"

The evil sword masters asked Yu Wentian, the demon king and the high priest what they meant, but their eyes were always on Yu Wentian. He could tell that although the demon king and the high priest were much stronger than Yu Wentian, but here It seems to be Yuwentian's home field.

However, he felt a very strange restraining power from the demon king and the high priest. This power seemed to come from the inner domain.

And the servants behind the two of them also had the same aura.

Of course, the evil sword masters are not sure. Even now, he does not dare to go through the wormhole easily to find the legendary inner domain. He just feels a little similar.

Here Yu Wentian spoke again.

"This deity is still very interested in the alliance of cults. If the former elder Qingquan was not arrogant and unruly last time and destroyed my devil palace in the devil world, even if this deity, the devil king and the high priest don't want to get along with him." When he signs the covenant, he will definitely go to find the leader of the cult."

Elder Zhu Xie looked around, he had already heard about this matter, and the leader had reminded him that he would definitely use this matter to blackmail him, and now it seems that it is indeed the case.

Elder Qingquan has already used 50 spirit stones, which is ten times more than repairing the place, but he is not as ignorant as Elder Qingquan.

Immediately, he acted as if he didn't know what to do, "That old guy, because of his perverse personality, made the old man get rid of the position of the elder. He destroyed this place, how about paying 50 spirit stones for a hundred years?"

Yu Wentian's expression was calm, and the demon king and the high priest couldn't see any sorrow or joy, only the valet behind him, but his eyes widened. Last time he took a gift from the cult and 50 spirit stones, this time he did the same thing again. Resources were suddenly abundant.

"All evil sword masters, this is a bit stingy."

Yu Wentian couldn't help admiring the elder Zhu Xie's generosity, but he didn't stop because of it.

The evil sword masters didn't feel angry either, instead they asked Yu Wentian with a smile. "I don't know what else the demon spirit wants. As long as the old man can take it out, he will think about it."

Yu Wentian didn't speak, but looked into the distance, there was obviously nothing in that position, but the evil sword masters understood it.

He brought a woman from the cult outside. This woman's cultivation has reached the Nirvana state, and she has brow bones. Sometimes even he can't help the desire in his heart.

The evil sword masters had no doubt that Yu Wentian was interested in that woman now, and he was very happy in his heart, but he looked a little embarrassed on his face.

"If it's inconvenient, just pretend that the deity didn't say it."

(End of this chapter)

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