Chapter 721 I am Yu Wentian

This battle lasted for three days and three nights. Both Yu Wentian and the black-clothed boy slowed down a lot, and neither of them could hurt the other. Thousands of tricks, but all the tricks failed, and none of them hurt the opponent.

Thinking that Yu Wentian's spiritual energy was almost exhausted, the boy in brown clothes secretly shot a few more arrows, but unfortunately, there was still no way to hurt Yu Wentian.

What he didn't know was that Yuwentian controlled the domain using spiritual power, which had nothing to do with aura. If he used spiritual power now, the boy in black might be defeated.

"I lost, I can't beat you, but it is absolutely impossible for you to get news about that woman from me, although I don't know why you chased her down, but she is from our inner domain, just I will definitely not let you people from outside the domain bully you casually."

The boy in black retreated from the battlefield first. During these three days, although he was not harmed, every step he took was frightening, and every step he took was extremely difficult.

He is also a smart person, and he immediately saw that Yu Wentian hadn't used his housekeeping skills. Although he also had housekeeping skills, he might not be as powerful as Yu Wentian.

If he continued to fight like this, he would only be the result of defeat.He knew that Yu Wentian didn't show mercy to his subordinates because he wanted to know about Yan Moxue, and of course he wouldn't betray Yu Wentian just because of this.

Yu Wentian spread his hands and stretched his waist. This battle can be described as hearty. A real competition should feel like this. It's a pity that many people have turned the competition into a duel of life and death.

Hearing such a sentence suddenly, Yu Wentian was stunned, and immediately realized that there was a misunderstanding between them, the boy in black and the boy in brown robe mistook him for the person who came to chase and kill Yan Moxue up.

After thinking about it, Yu Wentian didn't blame too much. When he came in before, he was so excited when he heard the news about Yan Moxue. It is understandable that the two of them misunderstood.

Seeing two people defending Yan Moxue and Yu Wentian, I don't know how I feel in my heart. On the one hand, I am a little lucky. Fortunately, Yan Moxue came to the inner domain and met such two people.

But there was also some soreness in his heart, he could tell that the boy in black seemed to have sprouted love for Yan Moxue.

Sure enough, for an existence of Yan Moxue's level, no matter where she goes, there will always be a large group of suitors. This is her charm.

But it's a pity that Yan Moxue has already been selected by him, no matter who it is, don't try to snatch Yan Moxue away from him, otherwise, he will never be polite.

Ever since he found out that Yan Moxue had given up his identity as a protoss, returned to the inner domain, sought strength, and was ready to help him, he had completely confirmed Yan Moxue.

No matter how many suitors there are, he will definitely defeat them one by one and declare Yan Moxue's ownership. Yan Moxue will only be his for the rest of his life.

"My name is Yu Wentian, I thought, have you misunderstood the purpose of my visit?"

Yu Wentian frowned, and asked about the man in black. He didn't know that Yan Moxue had told the boy in black his name, maybe he didn't.

After all, Yan Moxue was a very strong existence, and had destroyed the traces left before. If he hadn't been careful, there would be no way to find the clues outside the wormhole.

Since Yaoxue never thought of letting him catch up, how could he possibly tell the boy in black his name?

Yu Wentian shook his head helplessly, "It seems that I think too much."

However, after hearing this name, the boy in black was stunned. Yuwentian, he had really heard of this name before. Yuwentian's appearance was too irritable before, so he preconceived Yuwentian's attribution. among the bad guys.

But he forgot another possibility, that is, Yu Wentian was really worried about Yan Moxue, so he couldn't control the emotions in his body.

If it is really Yu Wentian, then everything is said, he is really powerful, no wonder Yan Moxue always has this person in his heart.

"You said you are Yu Wentian, are you Yu Wentian? If you are pretending to get information from us, wouldn't we be fooled?"

The boy in brown clothes knew the key point when he saw the sad face of the boy in black clothes. He really didn't want to see his brother like this, so he spoke directly. No matter what happened to Yu Wentian, he felt that his brother Yan Moxue and Yan Moxue are a talented couple.

"Huixi, don't talk about it, we must have misunderstood before, this person is Yu Wentian, you don't need to worry about this matter anymore."

A trace of complex pain flashed across the body of the man in black, but in the end he still couldn't match the breath of justice in his heart.

It's true that he likes Yan Moxue, and it's true that he wants to pursue Yan Moxue, but if Yu Wentian and Yan Moxue are separated by such a method, it is unacceptable in his heart. Use upright methods to win Yan Moxue's love.

"Brother, but..."

Huixi is obviously still a little unhappy. My brother is a genius, and geniuses are often lonely. There are many people who like him, but there are very few people who are attracted to him. I have almost never seen my brother fall in love with anyone. .

It was so hard to meet one, but it was such a coincidence that the other half already existed, which was really infuriating.What's even more infuriating is that his brother actually surrendered to others, Huixi really hates iron but not steel.

"Stop talking, didn't you hear what I said? If you don't listen to me, you don't have to follow me out in the future."

With the words of the boy in black, Shaohuixi finally shut up, and looked at Yu Wentian viciously, it was Yuwen's genius who made things like this.

He still remembered that Yan Moxue had said before that Yuwentian probably wouldn't chase him to the inner domain, and he thought that he could help his brother to get married by taking advantage of this time.

This month is his 22nd birthday, and as soon as he turns 22, his brother no longer needs to accompany him to guard the altar.

But I didn't expect that the time limit was about to pass. At this time, Yuwentian rushed to the inner domain. He didn't come for such a long time, but he came at this juncture. Although he knew it must be a coincidence, Huixi's heart Still very uncomfortable, I always feel that Yu Wentian is deliberately targeting his brother.

(End of this chapter)

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