Chapter 729 The main city
"Brother Xingche, do you think the Beiming family will listen to your explanation?"

After thinking about it for a while, Yu Wentian asked back.

Beiming Xingche was stunned for a moment. According to past experience, the Beiming family would never listen to him.

"This... No matter what, I will find a way to keep Brother Yuwen."

Bei Ming Xingche made another promise, this time the promise was a little more firm in it. It seemed that Yu Wentian's questioning also hurt Bei Ming Xingche's heart.

That's fine, Beiming Xingche has been enduring all this time, and it's time for him to resist, then maybe he won't have the energy to focus on Yan Moxue.

It's just that Yuwentian didn't want him to be the reason for Beiming Xingche to rekindle his fighting spirit.

"Brother Xingche, please don't blame me for being straightforward. I really don't care about the Beiming family. Maybe I have no way to fight against the Beiming family, but it is not an easy matter for the Beiming family to get rid of me. "

When Yu Wentian spoke, his body exuded a radiance of confidence, and it was not blind conceit, but a genuine confidence. This radiance stunned both Beiming Xingche and Beiming Huixi.

Could it be that their muddling along all along was wrong?Even Yu Wentian, who is an outsider, is not afraid of the Beiming family. They are originally from the Beiming family, so what is there to be afraid of?
The worst consequence is nothing more than expelling their family from the Beiming family, but what is the difference between their family's current situation and being expelled from the Beiming family?

"Brother Xingche, don't worry about this deity's affairs. This deity is sure of himself, but you, you must remember. Ma Shan is ridden by others, and Renshan is bullied by others. The meaning of tolerance will only let others Push you off the cliff even more brazenly."

Yu Wentian looked at Beiming Xingche, he is a smart person, he must know what he said just now, there is no need to explain it too thoroughly.

Some things are too thorough, which is not good. In the inner domain, he has no foundation to support, and now he has to be more careful in his actions.

The altar is in the gap between the mountains. These two mountains are very high. No one knows how high the two mountains are, because the highest point of this mountain is the place of the altar. , No matter how high the place is, no one has been there, and it is rumored that it leads directly to the heaven.

Of course, many people know that this is impossible, but the top of the mountain is surrounded by fog all year round, and it is not clear where the peak is, and it is almost like a fairyland.

Below the two peaks are bottomless canyons filled with poisonous gas. If someone falls, even if they are strong enough to survive the fall, they will be poisoned to death by the poisonous gas.

Therefore, the only way down the mountain is a single peak directly opposite the two peaks. This single peak is nothing special, it is bare, only a few big trees and a few grasses grow in a few places.

It's just that this solitary peak has covered up the situation in the inner domain. Unless you are on the solitary peak, there is no way to see the general situation in the inner domain.

The distance between Dufeng and the gap between the two mountains is about 50 meters. For practitioners, 50 meters is actually not a big distance. This should also be the experience of the Beiming family for their children.

It has to be said that the Beiming family is a ruthless character, and they are so ruthless to future generations, let alone an outsider like him.

The three of them easily reached the top of Dufeng and saw a part of the situation in the inner domain.

"Brother Yuwen, this is a part of the Inner Domain. It is mainly the territory of the Beiming Family and the Yin Sect. In the past few mountain ranges, there were probably three places of the same size, namely the Ximen, Dongfang, and Nangong families. And Yinzong and Yangzong's territory."

Yu Wentian looked around, and saw a huge basin in the distance, densely packed with buildings, it looked like the size of an ant egg from here, and people couldn't see it at all.

This place alone probably covers an area of ​​thousands of square kilometers.

In addition to this big city, there are sporadic sects and villages on the surrounding mountains, which shows the strength and cohesion of the inner domain.

"In the inner domain, there are only four main cities. In other places, even a market town does not exist. Most of the people are concentrated in the main city. Only scattered cultivators or small sects will In the countryside, when the time comes, I will come to the main city to buy some things."

Beiming Xingche explained to Yuwentian again.

In the inner domain, the consciousness of centralization is very strong, and the distribution scale of the four main cities is almost the same, divided into seven urban areas.

The outermost urban area is where ordinary people live and has the cheapest labor. If you want to find something to clean the house, you almost have to go to the outer city to find coolies.

The Sixth District is the existence of some craftsmen who live in it. They just have a higher status than ordinary people because they have a pair of skillful hands.

Of course, it is very possible that some powerful and highly skilled craftsmen will also live in the middle urban area, or even the first urban area. After all, big families and powers also need the existence of artisans.

As for the fifth city, the mercenary group and the killer organization live there, and there are still some differences between the mercenary group and the killer organization.

The mercenary army can run darts, protect, and kill monsters and monsters. Of course, they can also kill people, but there is only one function of a killer.

Killers and mercenary groups are allowed in the four major cities, but there are rules and regulations that prevent casual killing unless someone pays for their lives.

The fourth district is the largest trade center. After the second district, all the districts will be concentrated in the market area. Of course, the sixth district and the seventh district cannot be visited every day. Their identities and status, every day It takes seven days to get one in the fourth city today, and you can't wander around at all.

As for the second and third urban areas, there are some sects, families, and forces gathering places, and they are fighting each other fiercely. Because the distance is too close, there are often things that change plaques every three to five days.

But this is the living atmosphere that sects should have. As long as they don't go to the first city, no one will rule them.

The first urban area in the center is the forbidden zone in the main city, and it is divided into two, one side is the main line of their Beiming family, and the other side is the branch of the Yin sect.

"This kind of layout is exhausting. Everything is under the nose. Even if you want to rebel, it is impossible."

Yu Wentian has to admire those in power in the inner domain, they are so courageous, wanting to gather all the sects and common people together cannot be accomplished overnight, I don’t know how many generations it took It was hard work that made it what it is today.

(End of this chapter)

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