Chapter 751
What Yu Wentian held in his hand was a long knife. When Yu Wentian took out the long knife, most of the people around felt that in this competition, Yu Wentian might fall on the cliff of life and death.

How can a warrior who can't even use a gas condenser compete against Fengming? Many disciples even started betting that Yu Wentian would lose within a few strokes.

They are quite sure about Fengming's strength. Most people think that Yuwentian will lose within ten strokes. After all, it seems that the gap is already huge.

Of course, there are also people who bet that Yu Wentian will lose after ten strokes, within thirty strokes, fewer disciples will lose within fifty strokes, and very few disciples will lose within one hundred strokes.

As for the ones who pressed Yu Wentian to win, there were only four people. His old urchin master, senior sister, and two senior brothers all pressured Yu Wentian to win with heavy capital.

They were not sure that Yuwentian would really win, but they had to stand behind Yuwentian, no matter what, they had to bet that Yuwentian would win.

After a few breaths, ten strokes have already passed. Those who were within ten strokes were all staring, with faces full of disbelief. Yu Wentian really exceeded their expectations.

After a while, those who made less than [-] moves also showed slumped expressions, followed by those who pressed [-] moves, and then those who made [-] moves. Almost everyone has lost.

Of course, they were a little happier, they all lost, and they felt better in their hearts. As for Yuwentian really winning against Fengming, this was something they couldn't even imagine.

Fengming's whipping technique was very fierce, and there were almost no loopholes. Yu Wentian could only attack. Looking at Yu Wentian, it seemed that he could only defend and dodge, but he never hurt Yu Wentian.

"Junior Brother Yuwen, you are indeed a disciple of Tianxingmen. I didn't expect that in just three months, you have already reached such a point. Could it be that someone secretly instilled you with Qi?"

Feng Ming's eyes were gloomy. Although he had already denied the idea of ​​infusing Qi before, Yu Wentian's speed of cultivation had exceeded his expectations. Apart from this, he really couldn't think of any other possibility.

The disciples around showed some stunned expressions again. Although Tian Xingzi of Tianxingmen is an old urchin, no one knows how deep his cultivation base is. The Yin Sect is a very famous and powerful existence. If they are willing to give Yuwentian a boost, it is understandable that Yuwentian has such strength now.

Thinking of the four members of Tianxingmen who all chose to suppress Yuwentian to win, they felt that Fengming's words were very likely.

Only a few disciples with relatively high cultivation bases realized that this was Fengming's random nonsense. The qi in cultivation was different, so how could it be possible to infuse qi?
Of course, they didn't want to say too much. It was abnormal for Yuwentian's cultivation base to grow so fast. Even if he had sufficient cultivation resources, it would be very difficult to achieve such a speed.

"Fengming, how did my master's cultivation base come about? It doesn't seem to have anything to do with you, does it? My master reminds you, it's best to think about how to defeat him. It will be ugly if you lose .”

Yu Wentian sneered, Fengming's words were just to hurt his self-confidence and make him angry, but unfortunately, Fengming's words did not have any lethality to him at all.

However, for these disciples around him, the harm was quite serious. Yuwentian's master and senior brothers all gave him encouragement. Resentful.

"Junior Brother Yuwen, do you really think that you can defeat me if someone cheers you up? The gap between me and the quasi-real man is only one step away. Do you really think that you may be the quasi-real man's opponent?" Is it?"

"Hahaha, Fengming, I heard you right, right? The gap between you and a quasi-real person? You are not a quasi-real person at all. Although you are only one step away, you are still several years away. Now you are calling yourself a quasi-real person." , is it too early?"

"Besides, you don't seem to have the chance to become a quasi-real person."

Yu Wentian's eyes were full of murderous intent. On the Cliff of Life and Death, only one person survived. He had to kill Feng Ming. Feng Ming had to die today.

Ever since he agreed to Fengming, Yu Wentian already knew that Fengming must die today, and his reputation in the Yin Sect would reach a rising state today.

Yu Wentian suddenly changed his fighting method, just now Yu Wentian was only on the defensive, and now he finally turned into an active attack.

Yu Wentian's speed seemed to be much faster than when he was dodging before, and he slashed at Fengming one by one, and Fengming had no chance to be reactive again.

The whip overcomes rigidity with softness and is very powerful, but there is a problem that there will be a gap in speed. Every time Yu Wentian swings the knife, it is too fast, and the distance from Fengming is also very close. Fengming has no way to use it at all. The mighty power of the whip.


Feng Ming was in a hurry, obviously he was many times stronger than Yu Wentian, but in Yu Wentian's hands, he didn't have the slightest strength to fight back, which made him extremely aggrieved.

Even Yu Wentian still couldn't hurt him, but this kind of fight was not what he imagined at all. In his imagination, Yu Wentian should be beaten all over the ground by him.

The surrounding disciples also let out a voice of amazement. They thought that this competition was nothing to watch at all, but they didn't expect it to be so exciting.

Yu Wentian, who had always been at a disadvantage, has become so powerful. It seems that Fengming's defense is much weaker than Yu Wentian's.

Although Yu Wentian was defending just now, he was able to do so with ease, just like a dancing butterfly, struggling in the storm, no matter how strong the storm is, he can still go against the wind.

At this time, Fengming's defense was about to become weak, and Yu Wentian almost fell off the cliff of life and death several times, and he only reacted when half of his foot fell on the edge of the cliff.

"Yin and yang are formed in nature, and heaven and earth borrow qi."

Feng Ming also realized that he was already being crushed to death by Yu Wentian at this time, if he kept holding on to the whip, he would definitely be dragged to death by Yu Wentian.

When he made up his mind, he chanted the spell and replaced the long whip with two steel forks, one on the left and one on the left. The long whip is naturally a very powerful weapon for long-distance attacks, but for short-distance attacks, he still prefers to use steel forks.The steel fork is his most powerful weapon in close attack.

(End of this chapter)

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