Chapter 761 Departure
At that time, real person Xuanji, real person Tongming and real person Hongxing were all guarding Yuwentian's side, and Yuwentian didn't know who was helping him. No matter who it was, they were helping him seriously.

After waking up, Yu Wentian didn't bother with this matter, and it was inevitable that he would show favoritism, but he didn't expect that it was Tian Xingzi who rescued him.

"Thank you Master for your help. This disciple will definitely remember Master's teachings and will not use the Demon Devouring Art lightly."

Yu Wentian categorically agreed to Tian Xingzi's request. Even if Tian Xingzi didn't say anything, he would use the Devouring Demon Art with caution. This time it was too dangerous, and he also felt the loopholes in the Devouring Demon Art.

Tian Xingzi nodded, "As a teacher, I know that your way is different, and as a teacher, I will not deliberately evaluate the path you walk. The world itself is not black and white, and there is no need for a teacher to say anything. It's so clear, but Xiaotian, you remember, no matter what path you seem to take, you must persevere and don't give up."

Yu Wentian looked at Tian Xingzi and was stunned. It seemed that Tian Xingzi knew what path he was taking. Tian Xingzi, who was supposed to organize him, actually said such a thing, which made Yu Wentian a little at a loss. up.

"Okay, go to bed early, lest you can't get up early tomorrow morning, your senior brothers and sisters will complain about being a teacher again. If there is no Yin-Yang order in the ghost market, that's all. Don’t blame the teacher for being rude.”

But after a few words of seriousness, Tian Xingzi once again changed back to the original image of an old urchin. Everyone has secrets in their hearts, and Tian Xingzi is no exception. with great secrets.

Even Master Xuanji didn't know this secret, and Yu Wentian didn't plan to delve into it. Tian Xingzi's actions had already made him trust Tian Xingzi a little bit.

Tian Xingzi, as the head of the sect, naturally wanted to hold his ground in the Yin sect. Master Xuanji was really worried that Tian Xingzi would be alone in the Yin sect, and he would definitely deal with it casually.

Tian Xingzi is not young anymore. Although Master Xuanji and others have no way to spy on the remaining life of Tian Xingzi, they also know that it should not be much. She wants to stay and protect Tian Xingzi. Everyone agrees.

Originally decided to go to Yuwentian, Tongming Daoist and Hongxing Zhunren, but at this time, Tongming Daoist was appointed and needed to govern the Liuli Coast, so he had to stop at the Liuli Coast, and only Yuwentian and Hongxing would be there. Real Xing Zhun has entered the ghost market.

"I didn't expect that the appointment of the second junior brother would come down at this time, and it was really unexpected. Third junior brother, Xiaotian, you two must be careful, and don't be impulsive when encountering things."

With Daoist Tongming by their side, Daoist Xuanji naturally wouldn't worry. After all, Daoist Tongming is also a very safe existence, but now that Daoist Tongming can't go, Daoist Xuanji is a little worried.

Hongxing Zhunzhen didn't have much to say, he was originally a fiery temper, and he couldn't bear it at all. As for Yuwentian, he was a little better than Hongxing Zhunren, but sometimes, he also liked to act on his temper.

"Senior Sister, you underestimate Xiaotian and me, don't you? No matter what we say, we are powerful existences in Tianxingmen. It is not easy for those people to deal with us."

Master Hongxing put his hand on Master Xuanji's shoulder, and said to Master Xuanji with great ambition.It's just this sentence that made Master Xuanji even more worried.

"Senior sister, don't worry, I will patrol Biluohai at that time, if there is anything, I will definitely rush over there as soon as possible."

Master Xuanji looked at Master Tongming, and now that's all there is to it.

The appointment of the Yin sect is determined by the destiny. No one knows what the so-called destiny is. They just know that there is a sacred stone in the Yin sect. All appointments will be displayed on the stone, and even the suzerain has no way to influence it.

No one knows when the divine stone was handed down, only that the divine stone is the supreme life-changing existence.Therefore, it is impossible for a bright quasi-real person to delay reporting for a few days.

Yu Wentian had seen that sacred stone before. It was a very ordinary oval stone, about as tall as a person, but Yu Wentian couldn't see anything weird about the stone.

It is said that the stone will show supernatural powers only when it is appointed. Yuwentian's luck is not very good, and he has no chance to meet the stone to show supernatural powers.

Yuwentian and Hongxing Zhunzhen were not the only ones who went to the ghost market this time, they all sent people from the Nine Sects of the Yin Sect to take credit for this time.

Besides, this is also the suzerain's decision. Although Yu Wentian has some relationship with the ghost market, after all, it cannot be completely guaranteed. With the two people Yuwentian and Hongxing Zhunzhen, it is really foolproof. The suzerain naturally wants to make a complete decided.

After all, not only Beiming Yinzong knew about this news, but also other forces already knew about it, so the suzerain naturally did not dare to be careless.

On the second day, on the square, more than 100 people stayed in Haohao Tangtang, all of whom were sent from the ten gates.Originally, Yuwentian and Hongxing Zhunzhen thought that the number of people from Tianxing sect was the fewest, but they didn't expect that there would be even fewer people.

As a result, there were even fewer people from the Dixing Gate, and only one person was sent from the Dixing Gate. Over there was Ye Ranyu, who was also the strongest among the more than 100 people.

If Master Tongming wanted to go, it would naturally not be Ye Ranyu's turn to be superior, but Daoist Tongming really didn't get away, that's all he could do.

Fortunately, the suzerain didn't require everyone to act together. Several people could form a team or act alone.

Several other sects gathered together in twos and threes, only the Tianxingmen side was left alone, as if they were deliberately separated.

Hongxing Zhunren and Yu Wentian seemed to feel nothing at all. It was a good thing that no one formed a team with them.

To Yu Wentian's surprise, Ye Ranyu also chose a Tianxuanmen team to join, becoming one of the many women.

Originally, Tianxuanmen planned to lure several warriors to join their team, but seeing Ye Ranyu walk into their team, they simply gave up forming a team. Anyway, Ye Ranyu is already in their team now, and they can use There is no need to continue to form a team, no one can fight against Ye Ranyu, not even Hongxing quasi-real person.

(End of this chapter)

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