Chapter 767 Ghost City
After learning about Mermaid Xiao, Hong Xing Zhun's face flashed a turbulent look, and then he regained his composure.

Yu Wentian knew that the seemingly calm depths were still turbulent, and Hongxing Zhun seemed careless, but in fact his heart was very complicated.

It's just that Yu Wentian can't say much about these things, he can only wait for Hongxing Zhunren to see through them slowly.

Yu Wentian also stopped paying attention to Hongxing quasi-real person, and looked at the so-called Yinshan mansion in front of him that had a certain similarity with the underworld.

The Yinshan mansion is completely exposed in front of the eyes at this moment, it is a black mountain range, spreading into the distance, and the end of the Yinshan mansion cannot be seen.

There are obviously no tall mountains, but the sun cannot penetrate this black land. Even in the daytime, it is still dark here, with a little bit of yin.

This kind of Yin Qi is different from the Yin Qi of Life and Death Cliff, it really has ghost Qi in it.

However, it may be because it is still daytime. In the Yinshan mansion, there is no ghost to be seen, and even the voice of the ghost cannot be heard. Everything is so quiet that it makes people feel a little depressed.

In addition to the endless mountains, the Yinshan mansion also has many islands in the sea, which are easy to identify. As long as it is in the glazed sea, the black areas belong to the steps of the Yinshan mansion.

Among so many islands, it is not easy to find the hiding place of the ghost city, but the mermaids seem to have already known what they are going to do, and when they left, they had already taken the ghost city away. The island where the city is located was told to them.

After going ashore, Hongxing Zhun took the boat and looked at the island in front of him. It was not big, only half the size of a basketball court. It was bare, and only a few black plants could be seen.

These plants look a little familiar, but the colors are too different, and I can't tell why.

"Uncles, is this really a ghost market? Why can't I see anything? Did that group of mermaids lure us here on purpose?"

Liu San looked around the island, his face was a bit ugly, he was still full of hostility towards the mermaids, even Xiao and Xiaodian did not change his view of the mermaids.

His idea is not groundless, according to the hatred between the mermaid clan and the human race, it is indeed possible to do such a thing, otherwise, the real Hongxing Zhun would not have heard Liu San's words, and just frowned not talking anymore.

"This is indeed the place where the ghost city lives, but the ghost city is located in a crack in space. Naturally, it is not easy for you to find the ghost city."

But Yu Wentian spoke at this time, he has already discovered the clue, there is a very small space crack on this island, if you don't pay attention, you can't find it at all, let alone Liu San who doesn't even have space Contacted exists.

"where is it?"

After hearing Yu Wentian's words, Hong Xingzhun looked around, finally settled on a place, and asked Yu Wentian.

Yu Wentian looked at Hongxing Zhunren, his eyes were slowly amazed, Hongxing Zhunren didn't really have the power to touch the space, but he just used the power of the domain to find out, and he found out exactly where the space crack was. It has to be said that Hongxing's quasi-real talent is very powerful.

Yu Wentian clicked, yes, if the deduction is correct, there should be the entrance of the ghost market.

Yu Wentian didn't dare to be completely sure, after all he knew the power of the crack in space, if that position was just a crack in space, none of them would be able to escape.

"I'll go first."

Before Yu Wentian could express his worries, Zhun Hongxing stepped into the crack of space.

Yu Wentian knew that the real Hongxing Zhun wanted to prove Xiao's innocence in front of Liu San, and it seemed that the real Hongxing Zhun felt more guilty about the mermaid clan.

After a pause for a few seconds, Hong Xing's quasi-real voice finally came from the space crack, "Xiaotian, come in, this is indeed the entrance to the ghost city."

Hearing Hongxing Zhunren's voice, Yu Wentian finally breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he did not make a mistake in his judgment, otherwise, returning to the Yinzong would be another trouble.

Yu Wentian and Liu San didn't hesitate anymore, and entered the space crack one after another. Inside was a long and narrow cave, only a little circle of light could be seen in the distance, and the noisy sound from the depths of the cave could be heard, what else? Can neither see nor hear.

On both sides of the cave, there are several half-closed holes, and there is a table inside, and behind each table stands a person who is wrapped in a black cloak and even wears a black mask on his face.

It's just that these people are a little strange, their movements are very stiff, like people who have already died, but on them, they can feel the existence of popularity, which is really weird and extraordinary.

The clothes and masks on these people are very special, even Yu Wentian's Yaotong can't see clearly what these people look like.

"The rules of the ghost market are that you must wear the clothes of the ghost market and the mask of the ghost market. If you don't get the witch wish, no one can take off the mask, otherwise you will be invited out of the ghost market."

A stiff voice came from the mouth of the man in black, followed by three sets of clothes and three masks that he handed over, which were almost exactly the same as what they were wearing.

The hands of the man in black are also wrapped, but they look very thin, as if they only exist with bones, which is really incomprehensible.

"The ghost market doesn't look easy, you two have to be more careful later, you must follow me, and don't get separated at will."

Both Yu Wentian and Liu San nodded. Although Yu Wentian knew the ghost market the best among the three, he had never entered a ghost market before, and this was the first time, so it was a bit unexpected.

The three of them quickly changed out of their original clothes in the changing room, and then walked out. Although it is said that they have changed their clothes to hide their faces and cultivation, those who are familiar with them can still deduce their acquaintance from the breath. come as a person.

There was only one corridor, and there was no need for someone to lead the way. The three of them walked towards the bright place together, and gradually the noisy voice became clearer.

There are the sounds of peddlers hawking, the sounds of old women coaxing children, and even the sounds of fighting and cursing.

In the clear sky, there are actually brothel women standing on the attic, shouting loudly and rushing downstairs, but those young men who can't help but look up, the ghost market is indeed a chaotic existence.

(End of this chapter)

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