Chapter 771

In the early morning of the third day, Yu Wentian and others, Zhuxie Sword Master and others walked towards the Golden Palace. On this day, there were more people on the ladder of the Golden Palace than before, and many of them were from the Golden Palace. People outside the ghost city.

Among them, there are naturally Yinzong and Yangzong, people from the four major families, and even some casual cultivators and warriors from small forces. However, compared with when they came, the gap is not generally large, less than one-third people are here.

The real dragon must have not made a move, otherwise, it would be impossible for a warrior to pass through the glass sea to the ghost market.

The warriors who came from outside the ghost city were all extremely excited, but the residents who had been in the ghost city for many years looked indignant.

Not long ago, an edict was suddenly issued in the Golden Palace, and there are warriors who have recently entered the ghost market, who have the priority to enter the Golden Palace to visit, and there is no limit on the number of people.

Although there are still many opportunities for many people in the ghost market, they are very unconvinced after receiving such an edict. They have long been warriors in the ghost market, and many of them have never visited the Golden Palace. On the contrary, these warriors who appeared suddenly in recent days were the first to arrive.

However, although they were angry, they still consciously stood in two teams. Although they were a little unclear, the Golden Palace could distinguish very clearly, and it was impossible to make up for it under the nose of the Golden Palace.

When the edict was issued just now, there were a few warriors who had been in the Golden Palace for four or five months and wanted to pretend to be warriors who had just entered the ghost market, but they were caught and thrown down the ladder.

The evil sword masters and others are naturally among the warriors who came to the ghost market early. They have been in the ghost market for almost a month, and the word "recently" cannot be matched.

At this time, the evil sword masters still followed Yu Wentian with scorching eyes, and he still doubted Yu Wentian's identity, especially now that Yu Wentian was behind the team that had just arrived recently.

"The decree issued today is a bit strange. The witches in the Golden Palace are very disciplined, and this rule has never been broken. I'm afraid they did it on purpose today."

Master Hongxing Zhun whispered in Yu Wentian's ear that the real person Hongxing Zhun had inquired about the rumors about the Golden Palace in the outside world in the past three days. Since he said this, he must not problem.

Yu Wentian nodded, and fully agreed with Hongxing Zhunren's deduction.

"The news about the Yin-Yang Order has been spreading all over the place. It is impossible for the Golden Palace to know nothing about it. I am afraid that they want to use the Yin-Yang Order as an introduction to bring all the warriors who inquired about the Yin-Yang Order to justice. real."

Hongxing Zhunren also nodded, "Be careful when you go in, don't act recklessly, let other warriors inquire about the truth, we just need to sit behind and catch the fisherman."

Yu Wentian glanced at Hongxing Zhunzhen in surprise. He always thought that Hongxing Zhunzhen was an impulsive person. No matter what happened, he would be the first to rush up. Such a sensible time.

"What do you think I am doing? Although I look reckless, I am still delicate in my heart. I have never fought unprepared battles. I felt a powerful force in the Golden Palace, let alone the two of us. Even if the old man comes, he may not be able to beat him."

The seriousness in Hong Xing Zhun's eyes has never been seen before. He has always been very proud of his own abilities, and there are not many people who can make him say such things.

Yu Wentian also felt this powerful force. Wu Zhu cultivated the power of sacrifices, and he had experienced the power of sacrifices before. Naturally, he felt it more clearly than Hong Xing Zhun.

This force is really powerful. Although there is a breath of impending doom in it, the current move is still unbearable for them.

"I once heard that the Wuzhu family has a talk about Zuo Hua. It must be that someone is doing Zuo Hua. However, unless it is something that destroys the family, otherwise the power of Zuo Hua will not do it easily. At that time, we only need to pay attention to it." gone."

Master Hongxing Zhun nodded, now he just had to pay attention at all times, it would be better if someone found the Yin-Yang Token and brought it out of the Golden Palace, then it would be easier for them to handle things.

In the backyard of the Golden Palace, there are still a lot of shrines. In most of the shrines, the sitting golden bodies closed their eyes gently, just saying that the powerful sacrificial power is exuded from the body, which is used to protect the golden body. palace.

Only there is a golden body that has not been fully seated, with eyes open and frowning. In front of this shrine, stands an old man with white hair and a beard that has fallen to the ground. This is the current one. Big witch wishes.

"Old Ancestor, today is the time to observe the ceremony. Since the person holding the Shaowu Wishing Token has appeared in the ghost market, I don't think I should miss this visit."

The old ancestor couldn't nod anymore, but his eyes still showed that he agreed with Da Wu Zhu's words.

"I already feel that he has reached the ladder of the Golden Palace and is approaching us step by step, but the token seems to have been recognized."

The big witch Zhu's squinted eyes opened immediately, and he looked at the golden body in the shrine in disbelief, "What? Already recognized the master? Few people will know the master of the young witch Zhu's recognition. That traitor passed on to this man?"

The golden body in the shrine stopped talking. He knew that she would not do such a thing, after all, she was his disciple.

But after all, 200 years have passed, times have changed, things are different, and he is not completely sure that this is impossible. Everything can only be said after the person who owns the token is found.

The big witch Zhu didn't open his mouth when he saw the golden body, so he subconsciously realized his slip of the tongue. The traitor he said was a direct disciple of his ancestors. The person in his position would not be him.

"Old ancestor, I hope you can experience it again. I'll go right now and let in the group of people who entered the ghost market today."

The golden body agreed, "Don't forget to arrange someone to watch them. Although the token has been recognized as the master now, but to become a real Shaowuzhu, you must go to the Sifangding to carry the power of the sacrifice. If it is really Those who come here for the position of Shaowu Zhu will definitely go to Sifangding, this must be paid attention to."

(End of this chapter)

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