The most powerful villain in the heavens

Chapter 803 Ye Ranyu's Thoughts

Chapter 803 Ye Ranyu's Thoughts
The person who came was Master Xuanji. Today's Master Xuanji seemed to have just come over after taking a bath. He was wearing a long white dress, and his hair was only tied up with a wooden hairpin.

The ends of the hair still had a trace of moisture, and they hadn't dried completely.It is actually a simple matter for warriors to dry their hair, but it seems that Master Xuanji doesn't want to do this.

However, the real Xuanji like this looks like a fairy, and compared to the real Xuanji who is usually busy in Tianxingmen, he has a little more fairy air.

Ye Ranyu became a little obsessed with watching it. Ye Ranyu only entered the Dixingmen a few years after Master Xuanji, and had pursued Master Xuanji at that time, but Master Xuanji didn't fancy him.

But thinking about it now, I am afraid that Ye Ranyu had other purposes in pursuing the real Xuanji at that time. Yu Wentian did not believe that Ye Ranyu would really like the real Xuanji.

Seeing the arrival of Master Xuanji, Yu Wentian finally breathed a sigh of relief, and concentrated on preparing to accept the next thunder disaster. Master Hongxing will definitely not be Ye Ranyu's opponent, and Master Xuanji is different.

"Senior Sister Xuanji is always busy with daily affairs, why is she so free to go out for a walk today? After all, you and I haven't spoken to each other for a long time, right?"

Ye Ranyu's eyes returned to calm again. The real person Xuanji is different from the real person Hongxing, and he can't guarantee that he can really defeat the real person Xuanji.

Master Xuanji glanced at Ye Ranyu, very cold, she and Ye Ranyu didn't have much intersection, the only intersection was when Ran Yu pursued her so many years ago.

Although she didn't like Ye Ranyu, Ye Ranyu really cared for her at that time. She would not deny this. She used to think that Ye Ranyu was an introverted person who didn't like to talk too much. At least he could see In the past, I don't know how much better than those disciples who followed the other way.

Looking at it today, he still thinks too much. Yuwentian is just going to break through to the realm of Yuanshen now, and the real Hongxing has never really become a real person. He will take action, and he will definitely not be a gentleman.

"If I heard correctly just now, you want to take action against my junior brother from Tianxingmen?"

Master Xuanji didn't talk nonsense with Ye Ranyu, and asked again as soon as she came up, and she no longer wanted to talk to Ye Ranyu.

A trace of cruelty flashed in Ye Ranyu's eyes. Back then, he was really considerate of Master Xuanji. He didn't even treat his family like this, but Master Xuanji still treated him lukewarm.

But Master Xuanji cared very much for the juniors of Tianxingmen, the gap was too great, and now he even came to trouble him for Yu Wentian, regardless of the previous friendship, how could he accept it easily?
"There is a kind of cold fish in the cold pool. This kind of cold fish is very territorial. I am just worried about Junior Brother Yu Wentian and want to help him deal with these cold fish."

In the end, Ye Ranyu still didn't break his face with Master Xuanji. Among the Yin sects in the main city of Beiming, the most powerful person in their generation is Master Xuanji, and he is the second.

He can be regarded as a generation of heroes, but he is still not as famous as Xuanji and Tongming. Even the quasi-real Hongxing at that time was more famous than him.

He can't break his face with the real Xuanji yet, for the sake of Yu Wentian, it really doesn't pay to break his face with the real Xuanji now.

Others don't know the background behind Master Xuanji, but he does. He can't fall out with Master Xuanji at this time, which is not good for his plan.

Looking at Yu Wentian, Ye Ranyu gave up after all, Yu Wentian is an odd number in their big plan, but if everything is exposed for this odd number, then the gain outweighs the loss .

"Since Senior Sister Xuanji has already arrived, there is no need for my help, so I will leave first. If there is anything, Senior Sister Xuanji can come to me. As long as it is something I can do, I will definitely not refuse. .”

Master Xuanji didn't speak, but nodded coldly, agreeing.

Yu Wentian's back was facing this direction, and he seemed to be still preparing, and didn't notice the movement here at all, but Yu Wentian was actually watching every move here.

The murderous aura on Ye Ranyu's body was very strong just now, and he obviously wanted to put him to death, but Master Xuanji only said a few words, and Ye Ranyu left like this, which is really too weird.

Yu Wentian doesn't believe that Ye Ranyu left because of his love for Xuanji, for such a person, feelings are something illusory, so he won't believe it at all.

Even Yu Wentian, before meeting Yan Moxue, didn't really believe in love, it's all normal.

"What the hell is he still planning?"

Yu Wentian knew that his most critical problem now was to fight against the catastrophe, but he couldn't help but took a breath, and put a big question mark in his heart.

Ye Ranyu's position in the Yin Sect is very strange, especially in the conversation with Master Xuanji just now, Yu Wentian always felt that Ye Ranyu was planning a big event, and the premise of this big event was that Don't offend Master Xuanji, this is the real reason for Ye Ranyu to leave.

"Xiaotian, don't be distracted, prepare well, your lightning tribulation is something we have never experienced, and I don't have much experience to tell you, but the method given to you by your third senior brother is good, you have to prepare well."

Although Yu Wentian closed his eyes, Master Xuanji could tell from Yu Wentian's slow movements at a glance that Yu Wentian was in a trance at the moment, no matter what Yu Wentian was in a trance for, it shouldn't be at this time.

Hearing Xuanji's scolding, Yu Wentian put all these troubles out of his head for the time being.

Ye Ranyu wants to deal with him, but now Master Xuanji is protecting him, and Ye Ranyu is concerned about Master Xuanji, which means that he is not in danger for the time being.

The arrival of Immortal Xuanji gave Yu Wentian a shot in the arm, not that he looked down on Immortal Hongxing, it was just that the realm was different, and the gap was quite large.

Daoist Hongxing will definitely have no problem dealing with Ye Ranyu's subordinates, but if he wants to deal with Ye Ranyu, he still needs an existence like Daoist Xuanji.

Yu Wentian once again abandoned all distracting thoughts, and tried his best to absorb the Qi from the prepared spirit stones to replenish the Qi lost due to the thunder. This is why Yu Wentian did not use the spirit stones to a saturated level.

(End of this chapter)

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