Chapter 824

Although Ge Lian'er didn't like killing people, she didn't feel that there was anything wrong with Yu Wentian's actions. It was just that she didn't want to have blood on her hands. Since someone helped her do this, she naturally did too. very comfortable.

As for the blood and corpses, the two of them didn't care at all. When it came to the existence of their cultivation, except for those warriors who relied on pills to improve their cultivation, who didn't crawl out of the blood and corpses?Who cares?

The waiter who originally wanted to find out what the two of them were talking about didn't dare to go forward, his little cultivation was not enough to watch at all, so he put a few jars of wine in front of the two of them, and hid far away up.

"What? Don't plan to talk about what's on your mind? It's rare for me to be willing to be a tree hole alone. If I miss this opportunity, there won't be a next time."

"A tree hole?"

Ge Lianer frowned, she had never heard this word before, but judging from Yu Wentian's reaction, she still roughly understood what Yu Wentian meant.

Yu Wentian wanted to be her confidant, tree hole, that's a good word.

Looking at Yu Wentian, Ge Lian'er finally compromised. She has been doing this for many years, and no one has ever listened to her concerns, not even the Daoist Hongxing who grew up with her.

Thinking of Hongxing, another gloomy look appeared in Ge Lian'er's eyes.

"What is the relationship between you and my third senior brother?"

"I said I was her sister, do you want to believe it?"

"I believe."

Yu Wentian nodded. Before, he felt that the relationship between the two was not simple. Later, he smelled the same body fragrance from the two of them. Even if they were not biological sisters, they might have a blood relationship, so he believed Ge Lianer's words.

In fact, Daoist Hongxing's real name was Ge Hongxing, but Hongxing called it more casually. After entering the Yin Sect, no one knew his surname anymore.

And Ge Lian'er is the younger sister of his mother's compatriots, and the family is considered a businessman, but when the two were in their teens, both of their parents passed away, and the two finally joined different sects.

After Ge Lianer changed, Daoist Hongxing was even more reluctant to use his last name, and he didn't even associate with Ge Lianer. There were fewer and fewer people who knew the relationship between Ge Lianer and Daoist Hongxing.

"Do you think I'm a bad person? I don't even care about my brother's reputation for myself?"

Ge Lian'er was a little drunk, her eyes were still clear, but she couldn't stop talking.Yu Wentian shook his head, he didn't think so.

"Let me tell you a story, but you may not like to listen to it. After all, even my brother doesn't like to hear it. I didn't even say a word, and he left."

Yu Wentian opened another jar of wine for Ge Lian'er. This may be the source of the conflict between Ge Lian'er and Master Hongxing. He doesn't have this habit of helping others, but since he met, listening to the story is also a good idea. good.

It turns out that the head of the Tianxingmen of Yangzong in the main city of the East is not only extremely talented, but also very handsome. Many years ago, he was a gentle and elegant son. At that time, Ge Lianer was still very young. She didn't understand feelings, only knew She enjoyed looking at this young and handsome master very much.

Then one day, the master slowly began to change, and everyone said that the master was unable to improve because of his cultivation, so he didn't want to continue anymore, and wanted to degenerate.

Only Ge Lian'er knew that Master's most beloved person, the woman who had been secretly cooking soup for Master, finally abandoned Master because Master could not cultivate into a fairy.

Master doesn't really care about his cultivation, he just cares about that woman, but that woman has left, so what's the use of Master's cultivation?

Ge Lian'er felt sorry for that sloppy man, and finally one day, she knew what her feelings for Master were called, but everything was right, except that at the wrong time, Master's heart had been sealed.

Ge Lian'er began to move closer to her master. Since she couldn't stand in his heart, she had to work hard to stand by his side. As long as she was like him, no one would criticize him.

This is Ge Lianer's love, Yu Wentian was a little stunned when he heard that, Ge Lianer could do this for the one he loves, probably this is true love, right?

"What about you? Don't you have anything to say? I can be yours too... Hey, what's that word called?"

"Tree hole."

"Yes, I can also be your tree hole. My wife rarely does this. Don't miss the opportunity."

Yu Wentian smiled, "It's not yet the day to tell my story, but one day, I will tell it all in front of the heavens."

Ge Lian'er looked at Yu Wentian, and suddenly smiled. She didn't know why she laughed. Maybe it was because the secret that had been hidden in her heart for many years was finally known?
"Yu Wentian, I've been looking for you for so long, and I finally found you. I just left the auction just now, and now I'm here to have a tryst with a beauty. What do you think of my sister?"

Just when the two were drinking for half a day, an extremely angry but suppressed voice exploded above the heads of the two, still wearing a mask, Yan Moyu seemed to be wearing a mask at any time.

The two of them woke up immediately after seeing Yan Moyu. Although there was an iceberg standing next to it, it seemed that the iceberg didn't exist at all. The two of them really sounded like they were having a tryst.

Ge Lian'er and Yan Moyu are considered to be acquaintances. The two of them met once before, and they get along very well. They don't like to put on airs, and they like to be more direct.

Ge Lian'er glanced at Yan Moyu strangely. She had never heard of Yan Moyu's other sisters. In the Nangong family line, only Nangong Moxue was alone, and the Yan Moyu in front of her was the one. The only remaining Nangong Moyu.

Taking a sneak peek at Yu Wentian, Ge Lian'er probably knew that the two were a couple, but Nangong Moxue deliberately wore a mask and did not tell Yu Wentian her identity.

This is not the first time Ge Lian'er has encountered this kind of situation. Of course, in the hearts of the two of them, there must be something else that prevents them from recognizing each other easily.

"I'm sorry, sister, my sister just found a handsome man and no one to share it with. That's why I found him to drink with my sister. It's not what you imagined. Now that you have found him, my sister also If you can leave, go first."

Ge Lian'er bent the Bingshan man's hand, and left directly. When she left, she gave Yu Wentian a cheering gesture, but Yu Wentian looked blank, and didn't know what Ge Lian'er meant.

(End of this chapter)

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