The most powerful villain in the heavens

Chapter 860 Space Constraints

Chapter 860 Space Constraints
No matter how outstanding a warrior's cultivation is, there are limits to his realm. This is an eternal truth. If a warrior becomes a demon, these restrictions will be loosened accordingly.

After becoming a demon, the warrior's physique will undergo tremendous changes, and his cultivation will also increase greatly. It is very likely that in an instant, he will grow to a level that ordinary people cannot match.

Before, Ye Ranyu was always curious about what method Yu Wentian used to get those beast races out. Now if it is confirmed that Yu Wentian has really become a demon, these things can be explained.

Although I said I saw the demonic energy and heard the conversation between Daoist Tongming and Yu Wentian just now, I still don't really believe that Yu Wentian became a demon.

Becoming a demon is a big event in the inner domain, but if any warrior becomes a demon, there must be a sign from the sky, but there has been no sign in the past few years, just thinking that Yu Wentian may be on the way of the devil.

Looking at it now, perhaps what Yu Wentian said just now is true, and Yu Wentian had already become a demon before entering the inner domain.

"Ye Ranyu, have you heard what my senior brother said? Now I give you a choice, do you decide to solve it yourself? Or let us avenge the master?"

Yu Wentian uttered the words word by word from between his teeth, and Ye Ranyu's complexion became uglier word by word following Yu Wentian's words.

"Tongming, the junior brother's matter is indeed forced. Now most of the inner region is in the hands of the Patriarch. I think you should let it go. Why let the Tianxingmen cut off the last bit of incense?"

Di Xingzi stepped forward, he is an elder after all, even though his status is not as good as before, it is impossible for him to talk to Yu Wentian directly, he can only talk to Daoist Tongming.

Daoist Tongming glanced at Di Xingzi coldly, and didn't even respond with a single word. Tian Xingzi's death was also inseparable from Di Xingzi.


Di Xingzi, who had just stood up, was sent flying before he got an answer, and landed far away on the ground, causing a burst of dust.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense with them? Since they have come to your door, is there any reason for us not to harvest?"

It was Beiming Yinyue who made the shot. According to common sense, he naturally couldn't beat Di Xingzi, but Di Xingzi didn't expect Beiming Yinyue to make a sudden move, and received Beiming Yinyue's punch forcibly .

Di Xingzi stood up from the pit, as if he had not suffered any injuries, and patted the dust on his body, but the smile on his face was gone, and he returned to the silent attitude before.

Beiming Yinyue's move was too sudden, and only used [-]% of her strength, otherwise, even if she couldn't kill Xingzi, it would still hurt Xingzi.

With the beginning of Beiming Yinyue, several other people are also polite.

But in an instant, the battle began. Beiming Yinyue faced Di Xingzi, who had just been punched by him, and Tongming Daoist faced the slightly weaker Tianxuanzi. At this point One step, and don't care about the rules of not hitting women.

As for Tianyuzi, the weakest of the three sect masters, Daoist Hongxing, Beiming Xingche, and Beiming Huixi jointly dealt with it.

It has to be said that the strengths of the three people are all in front of them. Even if they fall into the formation set up by Yu Wentian, their strength is limited to a certain extent, but they are still much stronger than them. suppress.

"Junior Brother Yuwen is really a genius? We have not felt such a powerful formation in such a short period of time, or even entered it for such a long time."

Ye Ranyu looked around, and immediately knew what was going on. The three masters had already surpassed the realm of real people. Even the weakest Tianyuzi was not as simple as the rumors said. To get rid of these people is only a matter of ten strokes.

But now it can only suppress a few people, and there is no way to kill them. It must be that something happened in Beiming Mansion, for example, some formation was set up.

Yu Wentian didn't answer, Ye Ranyu was right, it was indeed within three days that Yu Wentian set up a formation here.

In the secret book of time and space given to him by Quan Shangren, the first one recorded is not a practice method, but a space formation method called space restriction.

Its function is similar to that of a field, it is to control the cultivation of some strong people in a certain area, so that they cannot exert their original powerful strength.

The most powerful thing about this formation is that as long as you don't fight in the area, even if you walk through the eye of the formation, you won't perceive the existence of a formation here, let alone a half-step immortal, even a saint like Baixi Waiting for someone to come in person is also the result.

This is the formation method created by Saint Baixi, or this time-space secret book itself is the experience of Saint Baixi. This formation method was recorded on the first page by Saint Baixi, because the power of time and space is very difficult to cultivate, so in the early stage The power of time and space transmission is very weak.

This formation is to protect the descendants of time and space from being threatened by warriors who are too powerful.

Of course, this formation is not perfect yet. Yu Wentian arranged this formation with the help of the power of the domain, so it is still impossible to control the cultivation of these strong men to be the same as theirs.

If the space constraints are really arranged, the warriors who enter the space constraints will be restricted to the same realm as the formation setters.

It's not that Yu Wentian can't arrange such a formation, but based on his current understanding of space power, it takes seven to 49 days to deploy a formation, and he simply doesn't have such a long time.

In these aspects, it also proves that Yu Wentian still needs to train hard. The time recorded in the notes is 49 hours, which is the time required for the formation of the Baixi Saint.

The gap between them is really too big.

"Yuwentian, do you think that you can easily defeat us by suppressing our cultivation? The six of you are not enough to look at at all. I originally wanted to give you a chance, but you are so ignorant. This seat is also impolite."

Ye Ranyu finally took off the hypocritical mask of forbearance. Originally, he wanted to let Yuwentian take the beast clan to take down the Yinshan mansion and Liulihai first, and then kill Yuwentian, but now it seems that Yuwentian is It is absolutely impossible to stay.

This formation is so powerful, but it still hasn't been successfully arranged. If Yu Wentian is given a period of time, Yu Wentian may not be able to control Yu Wentian.

(End of this chapter)

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