Chapter 930 Funny People
Yu Wentian sneered, this thing is indeed powerful, but it is too bulky, otherwise it will not only be a thing to protect the city, and it is not a big threat to some fast warriors.

For Yu Wentian, it was just like a joke. Even if the three Tianlingdi artillery fired at the same time, it was impossible to hit him.

"Jiudan Pavilion is really willing to pay for it, but I want to see how powerful the Tianlingdi artillery is."

Yu Wentian took half a step back with his right foot, and took a horse step directly, facing the Tianlingdi artillery in the center. After Tianyu Ziran and Qin Yuyi saw Yu Wentian's movements, they immediately became anxious.

However, after the two people glanced at each other, their faces were full of helplessness. Regarding the Tianyu family, Tianyuzi was the patriarch, and regarding the human race, Qin Yuyi was the prince of the human race. Both of them had higher identities than Yu Wentian, but By Yuwentian's side, it was just to help, and he could only obey Yuwentian for anything, it was impossible for Yuwentian to listen to the words of the two of them.

In desperation, the two could only stand behind Yu Wentian with their heads drooping, hoping that they could help Yu Wentian at that time, so that the three of them would not have fallen before entering the Jiudan Pavilion.

"Ready, launch."

An energy vortex appeared at the cannon mouth in the middle, and in less than three breaths, the energy of the ground fire was gathered into a ball shape, facing Yu Wentian, with a "bang", a huge The earth fire energy ball rushed towards Yu Wentian with baring teeth and claws.

Yu Wentian didn't pay any attention to it, only to see Yu Wentian slowly put his hands together, and then slowly opened them. In front of him, a black gap appeared, facing the energy ball.

When the originally powerful energy ball touched the black gap, it instantly lost its luster and was sucked into the boundless nothingness.

However, Yu Wentian also took a few steps back. The energy ball is really too big. During the launch process, it will continue to absorb energy and grow continuously. There is no way for the space crack to hold the entire energy ball. It was also attacked by the energy ball.

As for Tianyu Ziran and Qin Yuyi, they were the most uncomfortable. Standing behind Yu Wentian, they originally planned to give Yu Wentian a helping hand, but they didn't expect to be hit by Yu Wentian who took three steps back. flew.

If the two of them hadn't opened up the protective Tiangang in advance, the injury at this time would definitely be more serious than Yu Wentian's.

"You can come in now..."

Just when Yu Wentian was still preparing to meet the second artillery, the three Tianling artillery retreated to the ground so easily, and the stone men on both sides no longer blocked the three of them.

The person who spoke just now was a woman, not the mechanical voice of a stone man. If the guess is correct, this should be the so-called owner of the Jiudan Pavilion.

There are many rules in the Jiudan Pavilion, and the records are very messy. The rules of the pavilion owner also exist. Each pavilion owner can only have one heir. No matter whether it is male or female, it will be the next pavilion owner.

If someone gave birth to twins, then after the birth, a child would be executed. This is a rule, so as not to compete for the Jiudan Pavilion and destroy the Jiudan Pavilion.

Jiu Ling, the current owner of the Jiudan Pavilion, is one of the accidents. The previous owner was also a woman, and she was a little indecisive. After giving birth to dragon and phoenix twins, she was unwilling to kill any of them.

Jiu Ling was raised by the personal maid of the previous pavilion master, but when Jiu Ling's elder brother was about to inherit the position of pavilion master, Jiu Ling's identity was exposed. You have to kill Jiu Ling.

After knowing the truth, Jiu Ling was very angry. She had already let her down when she was young, but now she even used her blood to pay homage to her superior, how could she bear it.

So Jiuling rose up to resist, but she didn't expect that Jiuling killed her brother in the end and became the master of Jiudan Pavilion.

According to the rumors, Jiuling has a very weird temper, especially after becoming the pavilion master, everything depends on her mood, no one will sell face, but anyone who dares to provoke her will definitely try everything Vicious ways to get revenge.

"Do you know? Just a while ago, a lord of the half-orc wanted to buy a magic weapon from the Jiudan Pavilion, but at that time Jiuling was in a bad mood and refused. At that time, the whole body turned into blood."

When Yuwentian and Qin Yuyi analyzed that the person who spoke was Jiuling, Tianyu Ziran's complexion suddenly turned dark. After so many years of coolies in the hands of half-orcs, he still knows some stories very well. .

Hearing Jiuling's voice just now, he didn't seem very happy. At this time, he might just hit Jiuling's muzzle when he went in.

If he and Qin Yuyi go in, that's okay, the big deal is an apology, and when Jiu Ling is in a good mood, he can think of a way, but for Yu Wentian, he can't guarantee it, Yu Wentian is not like a meeting The existence of bowing to women.

"Brother Yuwen, I think we still..."

After a lot of thinking, Tianyu Ziran still decided to tactfully hold Yuwentian back from entering the Jiudan Pavilion, but when he raised his head, Yuwentian had already entered the gate of the Jiudan Pavilion.

"It's already like this, let's take it one step at a time."

Qin Yuyi also saw Tianyu Ziran's worries, why didn't he have such worries?It's just that Yu Wentian was beyond the control of the two of them, so he patted Tian Yu Ziran on the shoulder and followed.


Tianyu Ziran sighed helplessly, and followed, and they were all here. If they ran away, they would not be enough buddies. How will they explain when they return to the Tianyu family?
After the three of Yu Wentian entered the gate of Jiudan Pavilion, the stone man's eyes dimmed immediately, and he looked like two big stone sculptures, nothing special.

"The successor of time and space? Interesting, how many years has this pavilion master not seen such an interesting person?"

A low whisper came from the stone man's mouth, but Yu Wentian and the three of them couldn't hear it anymore. If they walked a little slower, they could hear it. This voice was the voice of the Lord of Jiuling Pavilion.

After the voice of the Pavilion Master of the Jiujiudan Pavilion fell, several sharp voices sounded again, sounding very old-fashioned, and some seemed very young, chattering endlessly.It seems to be arguing about the question raised by the owner of the Jiudan Pavilion just now.

In the end, there was another burst of crisp laughter like a copper bell from the innermost part of the stone man, followed by a return to calm, as if everything just now was just an illusion.

(End of this chapter)

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