Chapter 934 Go Upstairs
Jiuling took another puff of cigarette, and then knocked on the heads of the two spirit infants. The two spirit infants seemed to have received some instructions, and rushed towards Yu Wentian and the others. They were still a few steps away from the three of them. When he was on the way, he stopped and started to circle around the three people.

A gray vortex formed under the feet of the three people and slowly rose, while the same vortex appeared on the ceiling above their heads.

The second floor is like a courtyard. There is a lake at the foot. There are many lotus in the lake. Every lotus blooms brilliantly. There is a pavilion in the center of the lake, but there is no plank road. It is also standing on the lake in Lingkong.

They didn't use their cultivation, and the lake under their feet was not weak, but standing on the lake like this made the three of them feel very strange.

A red air mass exploded next to the three of them. Jiu Ling's way of entering the second floor was a little different from the three of them, and he didn't need the help of the baby spirit.

After seeing Jiu Ling, the two soul babies smiled and ran to Jiu Ling's feet. It seemed that the two soul babies were always smiling, and they never looked disgusted.

"The lotus is a very beautiful thing, but it's a pity that if the light is too bright, you can't feel its beauty, and only in such a dim situation can you better experience its beauty."

Jiuling took another puff of cigarette, and this time the smoke circle ran directly towards Tianyu Ziran, Tianyu Ziran didn't expect Jiuling to make such a move, and before he had time to dodge, he coughed violently beside him.

"Hahaha, kid, you haven't even smoked a cigarette, right? But it's okay, you're still young, it's not good for you, you should be obedient like this in the future, otherwise my sister won't give you a good face next time she sees you Oh."

Yu Wentian and Qin Yuyi looked at a childish face, and when they said these words, their faces were immediately covered with black lines, as if countless crows were flying over their heads. Among them, I saw a line of words "It's really weird."

Tianyu Ziran, who was coughing and crying tears, couldn't see Jiuling's face, but he also heard Jiuling's words. Even if he wanted to argue, he was still coughing and couldn't even speak. .

Jiu Ling's body began to sink into the lake water, and so did Yu Wentian and the others, but the lake water couldn't touch their clothes at all, as if everything was an illusion.

With their heads submerged in the lake, the scene in front of them suddenly changed dramatically. In front of them, there were three huge refining furnaces, right in the middle of a piece of magma, and each refining furnace had several layers. The size of a small house, the three of them are as insignificant as ants in front of the refining furnace.

There are only four places to stay in the magma, which is under the three pill furnaces and their current positions.

Here, except for the fiery red of the ground, there is darkness above the head, and there is a starry sky in the darkness. The starlight condenses into a beam of light from the starry sky, and enters through the hole of the refining furnace.

If the guess is correct, the stars that the star chasers chased should be trapped here for refining.

"Is this the place where you forge your natal weapons for others?"

Yu Wentian turned around with some doubts and looked at Jiuling floating in the air. Although the refining furnace was huge and had the power of stars, he still couldn't see anything special about it.

If it is said that this is a place for refining weapons and magic weapons, Yu Wentian believes [-]%, but if it is a place for refining natal magic weapons, there should be a little difference no matter what, but here, he can't feel the slightest difference.

"Seeing that the three of you are all extraordinary people, you should know a truth, right? You can't easily draw conclusions about things you don't understand. If you want to know what's special here, you must experience it yourself."

Jiu Ling shook the pipe, and three fire dragons protruded from the three refining furnaces, condensing into a bed of fire in front of Yu Wentian.

Tianyu Ziran and Qin Yuyi kept signaling to Yu Wentian that this place cannot be entered, after all, it is on other people's territory, and if someone wanted to play tricks, there was nothing they could do.

"It's me who wants to change the status quo. Since I'm going to try, then let me try."

Qin Yuyi looked at Yuwentian, and suddenly thought of Yuwentian's character. Yuwentian must know about the specialness of this place. If this is the case, then he can only try it.

Although they were terrified in their hearts, if Yu Wentian was harmed, it would really be the end of their game.

"This pavilion master is not a black shop? Do you think that this pavilion master can eat people? Hahaha, if you want to try, all three of you can try it, there is no need to fight."

Tianyu Ziran wanted to lose his temper. When Jiuling taught him a lesson, he couldn't help it anymore, and now he is still mocking them like this.

However, Yu Wentian stopped both of them.

"The Lord of the Jiuling Pavilion opened the door to do business. Let us experience it. It is considered a violation of the rules. If there is anything to worry about, I will go up and have a look."

After all, Yu Wentian lay directly on the fire bed, and the two spirit babies quickly ran away from both sides of Jiuling, went to two sides of the tower, and turned on two switches.

Yu Wentian felt that there were three flames of different strengths that bound his meridians, but it was not impossible to break through. Yu Wentian did not move, and continued to lie on the fire bed to feel it.

The power of the three flames contains the power of derivation, and Yu Wentian is not very good at deriving it, but the old ancestor is full of this power, and he is already very familiar with it.

This is the deduced power of the Tianyu family, but it is even stronger than the power of the ancestors.

Yu Wentian thought of the seniors of the Tianyu family that Tianyu Ziran had said before. In the past, the Jiudan Pavilion had always invited the Tianyu family to deduce, but after one time, there was a change, and they were never invited again. A member of the Tianyu family.

I thought it was the people of the Tianyu family who had deduced some secret of the Jiudan Pavilion, but now it seems that it has nothing to do with this place.

The reason why Jiudan Pavilion can refine the warrior's natal weapon is not only because it can extract many factors in the warrior's body, but also deduce the warrior's secret. No wonder the Tiangong clan can't catch up with Jiudan Pavilion.

Yu Wentian half-knocked his eyes, looking at the dim starry sky above his head, at the top of the Nine Pill Pagoda, there must be more shocking secrets.

Although this is just a feeling of Yu Wentian, but he is [-]% sure that if he continues, the secret he will get is an existence that even he would be unbelievable.

(End of this chapter)

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