Chapter 94
He was keenly aware that this cup of milk tea was wrong.

"Hehe, there are always people who want to harm me." Yu Wentian chuckled, and his eagle-like eyes glanced around casually.

"You still want me to invite you out?" Yu Wentian couldn't help but snorted coldly.

The shadow guard who was hiding in the dark was shocked. He didn't know how Yu Wentian could tell that there was something wrong with this cup of milk tea, but he absolutely didn't believe that the other party could see through his concealment technique.

"Hehe, since you won't come out, I'll do it myself."

Yu Wentian sneered, and pointed like a sword, a sword was drawn, silver light flashed, and the extremely sharp sword energy immediately pierced through the space and ruthlessly pierced towards the position of the shadow guard.

Even though it was just a sword qi casually sent out by Yu Wentian, its power was the full blow of a fourth-level Golden Core warrior, and it was simply not something a second-level Golden Core fighter like Yingwei could bear.

"Not good!" Seeing Yu Wentian's attack, the shadow guard knew it was going to be bad. He was undoubtedly in a turmoil at the moment. He never thought that Yu Wentian could actually detect his position accurately. A bit scary.

The shadow guard's hairs stood on end, facing this sharp sword energy that could definitely kill him in one blow, the shadow guard showed his fastest speed, and kicked his feet heavily on the ground, pushing all the hard ground out. After getting out of the sag, with the help of the huge rebounding force, the whole person soared into the sky, moved laterally for tens of meters, barely avoided Yu Wentian's powerful sword.


The shadow guard looked back at the solid stone pillar that had been pierced by Yu Wentian's sword, and his vest was completely soaked with sweat.

"Damn, Yuwentian is really scary." The shadow guard was terrified, he just wanted to run away now.

"Oh? Now you're coming out." Yu Wentian casually looked at the guy in black in front of him, and said lightly, "Not bad, you can escape my casual blow."

Seeing Yu Wentian's extremely contemptuous attitude, the shadow guard was furious, but thinking of Yu Wentian's terrifying strength, he was helpless.

He is very scared now, afraid that he will not be able to leave today.

"Come on, let me guess, you must have been sent by the suzerain." Yu Wentian said very confidently: "That old man is quite courageous, he dared to make the first move, he is courting death."

"You, since you know that I am the suzerain's person, then, then I will leave first." The shadow guard said tremblingly, and gave Yu Wentian a careful look.

"Go? You can, but there is one condition." Yu Wentian touched the still warm milk tea in his hand and said.

"What condition?" The shadow guard heaved a sigh of relief, as long as he can leave now, he will agree to any conditions, as long as he escapes, he will not care about any conditions.

The shadow guard is quite afraid of Yu Wentian now, he thinks that Yu Wentian is a scourge, no, more terrifying than a scourge.

All he wanted now was to escape from this horrible place.

"Well, it's very simple. You can drink this cup of milk tea before leaving. This is also my way of hospitality." Yu Wentian said lightly.

"What?" The shadow guard opened his eyes wide, looked at Yu Wentian in disbelief, and said loudly, "I will definitely not drink."

"Oh? Really? That's good. If that's the case, then I will reluctantly feed you to drink it myself. I really want to know what effect this cup of milk tea has." Yu Wentian said with a smile.

Hearing this, the shadow guard's expression changed dramatically, he turned around and ran away without saying a word.

Yu Wentian sneered, how could he let this person who dared to murder him run away.


Yu Wentian suddenly turned into an incomparably shining golden light, and caught up with the fleeing shadow guard in front of him within a few breaths.

Yu Wentian's face turned cold, and he struck out his palm like lightning, and the palm wrapped with golden thunder and lightning stretched out like lightning, and bombarded the shadow guard's back with a loud "bang chi".


The shadow guard let out a scream, and he was crippled by Yu Wentian's palm.

"Gulong, Gulong..." Yu Wentian squeezed the shadow guard's mouth fiercely with one hand, and then forcibly poured down the cup of milk tea in his hand.

The shadow guard's face was pale, he was dying, and his whole body was shaking desperately, but it was useless at all, because Yu Wentian's big hand was like a pair of big pliers, grasping the neck of the shadow guard extremely firmly.

In just a few seconds, the shadow guard twitched all over, foamed at the mouth, and bled to death from seven holes.

"Um, this poison is really powerful. A martial artist at the second level of Golden Core was poisoned to death so quickly." Yu Wentian was surprised in his heart.

But I'm very fortunate, fortunately, he has a good ability to identify drugs, otherwise he would have really hit the road today.

"What the hell, suzerain, it's time to die." Yu Wentian didn't even look at the dead shadow guard at his feet, and went directly to suzerain without hesitation.

In the main hall of Cangtian Sect, the leader of Cangtian Sect is sitting on a chair, casually playing with the stone beads in his hand.

"Sovereign, you are quite leisurely!" Yu Wentian said coldly.

"Huh? Yu Wentian, you, when did you come here, where is the shadow guard?" The suzerain was very surprised when he saw Yu Wentian who suddenly appeared without a sound, and at the same time, he had a very ominous premonition in his heart.

"Hehe, that useless guy was killed by me a long time ago, now it's your turn." Yu Wentian's voice was so cold that it made people shudder.

The moment he saw Yuwentian appeared intact, the Cangtian leader guessed the result, and now he was a little scared.

"You, Yu Wentian, I've treated you well, are you really going to do that unrighteous thing?" The Cangtian leader stood up and shouted sternly.

"Hehe, I don't want to talk nonsense with you. If I don't kill you, how can I sit on the position of the leader of heaven." Yu Wentian said indifferently.

In fact, if it wasn't for the system mission, Yu Wentian would really be too lazy to ask for the position of the leader of the sky.

Hearing what Yuwentian said, the leader of Cangtian breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yuwentian, it's very easy for you to want this position. I'll abdicate now, and this position will be given to you. I believe that with your strength and prestige, no one will object to it." Cangtian Hierarch said hastily.

Now that he has recognized the facts, he knows that he will never be Yu Wentian's opponent, so he simply handed over his position, after all, his life is the most important.

Hearing this, Yu Wentian was surprised, he didn't expect the other party to be so afraid of death.

But he didn't want to leave troubles, so he said, "I'm sorry, but if you don't die, I can't even sit at ease in this position, so it's better for you to die."

"Yuwentian, do you really want to kill me?" The voice of the leader of Cangtian became indifferent.

"Yes, you will definitely die today."

Yu Wentian nodded, and immediately without any hesitation, he directly punched out, blasting the air, transforming into a golden light and attacking the opponent frantically.

The face of the leader of Cangtian is extremely ugly, but now, facing Yu Wentian's strong speed, it is extremely difficult for him to dodge, and he can only resist the opponent's attack.

"Heaven God Fist!"

As the leader of the Cangtian Sect, he is naturally very familiar with the "Cangtian Divine Art", and there is no need for Yuwentian to use it, but his cultivation level is not as good as Yuwentian's, so the power it can exert is limited.

"Hmph!" Yu Wentian grinned grimly, and punched him in the same way.

Bang chi!

Circles of golden ripples spread around, Yu Wentian remained motionless, but Cangtian Hierarch seemed to be bounced out heavily by a spring, and the wall was dented with a "bang chi".

The Cangtian leader's face was bitter, and his right arm was in severe pain when he punched, and there was a constant "creaking" sound in it, obviously the bones were broken.

"Sure enough, he's not an opponent." Although he had expected it, he felt bitter after being hit so badly by Yu Wentian's punch.

Anyway, he has been called a genius since he was a child, and he thinks he has a lot of opportunities and hard work, otherwise he would not be able to stand out from the many competitors and get the position of the leader of Cangtian Sect.

Now being forced to such a point by a young man who is only 22 years old, his heart is undoubtedly broken.

"It's true that people are more angry than people." Cangtian Sect Master sighed.

"Immortal, what's the matter, is it dead?" Yu Wentian chuckled lightly.

"I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse that you appear in the Cangtian Sect." The leader of the Cangtian Sect sighed, looking quite lonely, as if he had aged dozens of years in an instant.

"Hmph! You don't have to worry about this. I think it's better for you to die with peace of mind." Yu Wentian said without the slightest emotion.

"go to hell!"

The face of the leader of Cangtian changed suddenly, and he suddenly exploded. He concentrated the strength of his whole body, and his whole body seemed to turn into a cloud of blue steam in an instant, rushing towards Yuwentian at a super fast speed, and the speed was close to Jindan Fifth Layer. .

The leader of Cangtian knows that he is definitely not Yu Wentian's opponent in a head-to-head confrontation. Just now he deliberately pretended to be indifferent to the world and life and death. He only had one purpose, that is, to confuse Yu Wentian and let the other party relax his vigilance. Launch a sneak attack.

In fact, the leader of Cangtian is most afraid of death, how could he take life and death lightly.

Yu Wentian has long had a deep understanding of Cangtian leader's fear of death, so he is always on guard.

"Hmph, old man, I knew you would play dirty tricks, sir." Yu Wentian chuckled disdainfully, his right foot was like a long hard whip, and he threw it with one blow, blasting the air with incomparable precision He kicked the sneak attacking Master Cangtian in the chest.


The leader of Cangtian only felt the shadow of a leg magnified continuously in his sight, and then he felt a sharp pain in his chest, his sternum was constantly being kicked and shattered, and it was exploding, his entire chest was deeply sunken go down.

(End of this chapter)

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