The correct posture of Kuai Chuan's face

Chapter 27 The Master Who Has Never Met Before

Chapter 27 The Master Who Has Never Met Before (6)

Qiao Ran thought for a while, and finally her eyes fell on Feng Beiye, her eyes sparkled, as if she saw her prey.

Feng Beiye was a little uncomfortable being stared at by her, he stretched out his hand to cover his lips and coughed, his knuckles were distinct.

Qiao Ran came back to his senses when he heard his coughing, with a flattering smile on his face:
"Brother, you must help me..."

In less than a quarter of an hour, Qiao Ran joyfully sent Feng Beiye out of the house, and in Feng Beiye's hands...

Still pinching the dream-eating bug.

How could there be dream-eating insects in the Kunlun sect?

Qiao Ran didn't know much about this place, so she wouldn't think too much about it, but Feng Beiye had doubts.

If he's not mistaken, it's not accidental that this dream-eating insect appeared in Qiao Ran's room, but someone deliberately did it. As for who this person is...

Feng Beiye suspected that it was probably done by Moxiu's people.

After the disappearance of Demon Lord Ji Li, the group of demon cultivators had no leader, and they were quickly wiped out by all sects. Although many high-level demon cultivators were wiped out at that time, the four guardians of Ji Li were not among them. , not to mention that demon cultivators are treacherous by nature, and most demon cultivators left the magic palace after Jili disappeared and hid.

And these years the younger generations in the cultivation world have withered, and they are no longer as prosperous as they were back then. The demon cultivators are already ready to move, but they are afraid of one person...

The elder of Kunlun Zongding Jianfeng, Luo Li, is also his master.

No one knows where he came from, because of his strong cultivation base, he was able to be unrestrained in the Kunlun School, and suppressed those demon cultivators with great strength.

But recently, Luo Li has been missing all year round, which makes the demon cultivators active again.

This time the Kunlun Sect suddenly reported that Luo Li had taken in an apprentice, which made the demon cultivators worry that he was another evildoer like Feng Beiye. If so, they would never recover.

And the dream-eater was deliberately put in by someone to inquire about the news.

The information that 038 knows about dream-eating insects is one-sided. Dream-eating insects can not only make people die without anyone noticing, but can also eat away at people's consciousness, and finally turn them into puppets.

So the purpose of the demon cultivators is also clear.

If Qiao Ran is really a talented monster, then the dream eater will eat away at her consciousness and turn her into a puppet for the demon cultivator to use.

And if Qiao Ran's talent is average, then it's a dead end. No matter what the reason is, Moxiu will never let an enemy's apprentice go.

It's just that what they didn't expect was that Qiao Ran, who had a chaotic body, was so mentally powerful that he discovered the existence of dream-eating insects.

But Qiao Ran himself didn't know, he thought he was woken up, but it wasn't.

Dream-eating insects are strange beasts that can attack people's minds, which made Qiao Ran's mental power feel threatened, so he sent an alarm to Qiao Ran, that's why he was woken up.

Feng Beiye squinted her eyes as she looked at the dream-eater who was constantly struggling in her hands. It seemed that she would soon be able to protect herself, but not every time she could survive.

Qiao Ran didn't know about these things, without the harassment of the dream-eaters, she couldn't sleep soundly.

The next day was slightly bright, Qiao Ran got up, and carefully checked what she was wearing before going out.

What is she going to do?
What else can I do!Her master, whom she had never met before, came back today, but she still remembered Feng Beiye's requirement of "clean clothes"!
Since she couldn't go down the mountain by herself, she could only wait for Feng Beiye to join her.

The first time is raw and the second time is familiar, this time she is not as afraid as last time.

(End of this chapter)

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