Chapter 35 Chaos Art
Back in the room, Qiao Ran sat on the stool and couldn't wait to open the "Chaos Art".

She was dumbfounded when she saw the first sentence:

"...This exercise was written by me in my spare time, so it should not be taken seriously."

Qiao Ran tried her best to digest the meaning of this sentence. Since she couldn't take it seriously, how dare she practice it!

Isn't it common for something to go wrong in cultivation, and then go mad?Why did Master give this thing to her...

[Host rest assured, according to my appraisal, there is no problem with this exercise, and it belongs to the superior exercise, but this exercise is somewhat incomplete, only the first half, and at most it can only let you practice to the Nascent Soul stage. 】

When Qiao Ran heard that there was only the upper part, she still felt uneasy. She said:

"Otherwise... I'll go to Master and ask for another copy?"

[As far as I know, there are very few exercises for the body of chaos, and it is difficult for even your master to get them. 】

" mean I can only make do with this?" Qiao Ran wrinkled her face.

[The Nascent Soul stage is not easy, you should be content as the host. ] 038 said earnestly.

In fact, it didn't think that Qiao Ran could reach the Nascent Soul stage.

Qiao Ran reluctantly nodded and said, "Alright then."

Although there is only the first half, who knows if she will find the second half in the future?

She is just so upbeat!
After figuring it out, Qiao Ran continued to look at the "Chaos Art" in his hand.

People with a chaotic body don't need to practice like people with spiritual roots, they can only absorb the spiritual energy that matches themselves. What they need is to continuously absorb the spiritual energy into their bodies, and finally transform it into the power of chaos.

The power of chaos is equivalent to the compressed aura, which is more majestic than before, but this also means that it is quite difficult for people with a body of chaos to cultivate.

The first third of "The Art of Chaos" is to introduce the body of chaos and the deeds of some people who possess the body of chaos known to the owner of the book.

Qiao Ran watched carefully, she knew that if she could persevere, this chaotic body would become her greatest help in the future.

She thought she would have a lot of things she didn't understand, but she quickly grasped the essence of the exercises as if she had suddenly realized.

She couldn't wait to meditate as Ruo said in the book, sinking her breath into her dantian, calming down to feel the rich aura in the air.

This Kunlun sect deserves to be rich and powerful, and the place where it is located is even more aura, even a layman like Qiao Ran can feel it.

She tried to absorb the aura into her body according to the method in the book, but the aura wandered around in her body and then returned to the air.

Qiao Ran couldn't help being a little discouraged after trying several times.

Unwillingly, Qiao Ran absorbed the aura into her body again, and this time she carefully guided them to swim towards the dantian little by little.

These auras were like flexible little snakes, swimming in Qiao Ran's meridians.

Qiao Ran was so nervous that a dense layer of sweat oozed from his forehead.

This time, these auras entered her dantian obediently, and did not wander away as before.

Seeing this, Qiao Ran was so excited that she wanted to jump up, because she was suddenly distracted, and the aura seemed to be wandering away again.

Qiao Ran was too frightened to be distracted, so she hurriedly consolidated her aura.

After a while, she suddenly opened her eyes, which were filled with joy.

If she guessed correctly, she should already be at the first level of Qi training.

I feel that my waist is no longer sore, my head doesn't hurt anymore, and my body is great.

(End of this chapter)

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