Chapter 37 Encounter (2)

There are many thoughts in my heart, but there is a gentle smile on my face, and I ask softly:
"Little junior sister, what's the matter?"

Seeing that instead of being angry at her for being unreasonable, Rongxi asked her softly what's the matter, Qiao Ran's favorability for Rongxi almost skyrocketed.

She blinked her eyes and said timidly:

"Senior sister, may I ask how to get to Qianjuetang?"

Rong Xi's beautiful eyes turned, this little apprentice of Ding Jianfeng, no matter how you look at it, is a weak chicken, and he is going to Qianjuetang?

Forget it, maybe they just go for fun, just pick up a task and deal with it.

Thinking about it this way, Rong Xi's eyes sparkled, her smile was still extremely gentle, and she said:
"It happens that I have nothing to do, so I will take you there."

Qiao Ran's eyes widened in surprise, and when she came back to her senses, she quickly shook her head and said:
"No, no, senior sister can tell me where it is. I'm really embarrassed to disturb senior sister."

But Rong Xi said with a smile on his lips: "Junior Sister doesn't need to be so polite with me, I just happen to have something to go to Qianjuetang, and Junior Sister and I just happened to be on the way."

Qiao Ran's eyes were full of emotion. She felt that the beautiful senior sister must have given her Qianjuetang, so she came up with such a reason...

She is indeed her goddess!Really super gentle!

Qiao Ran's face was flushed, and her eyes were surprisingly bright. The corner of her mouth unconsciously raised a bright smile, and said:
"Then thank you, Senior Sister! Senior Sister, you are such a good person!"

Rong Xi, who had no idea that she had been promoted to a goddess in someone's heart, only felt that this girl was too stupid. If others treated her nicely, she would think that others were good people.

With such a simple personality, I don't know how to stay in the Kunlun Sect. After all, she is Luoli's young disciple. This status will make many people envy and hate, and I'm afraid it will cause a lot of trouble.

If it was before, Rongxi naturally had the mentality of watching the excitement, after all, she didn't have the time to show kindness, and it was tiring enough to pretend to be dignified and quiet every day.

But at this time, she felt a little worried about this little girl. She didn't know about others, but Gu Mingyue alone might not make her feel better...

Thinking of this, she was startled suddenly, then smiled and shook her head.

What she cares about these things has nothing to do with her, besides, this little girl is the apprentice of Master Luo Li, Master Luo Li will definitely not watch her being bullied...

But this little girl is so simple, if someone plays tricks on her, I'm afraid it will be easy to fall for it.

Forget it, just treat her as kind, and take care of her more in the future:
Who made this little girl so stupid!She was so stupid that she couldn't do it even if she wanted to tease her.

The elated Qiao Ran didn't know the process of a certain person's inner change at all, but tried every means to talk to Rong Xi.

Rongxi just kept smiling, answering a few words from time to time.

As a loyal little fan girl, even if Rong Xi didn't say anything, just smiling like that, Qiao Ran would probably feel that "the goddess is so beautiful", "the goddess looks beautiful when she smiles" and so on.

Rong Xi led Qiao Ran to Qianjue Hall. On the way, Rong Xi saw a familiar figure from a distance.

Rongxi narrowed his eyes, a hint of impatience appeared in his eyes, and even a trace of coldness appeared on his face.

But the moment Qiao Ran looked over, he put on a gentle smile again.

 Sister Rongxi is a woman who has to pretend to be a lady= ̄ω ̄=
(End of this chapter)

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