Chapter 45
What's more... there was Rongxi among them.

What is written in the book is that Rongxi accidentally ate the psychedelic fruit in Qinglian Secret Realm, and needed sex with someone to detoxify.

And at this time Xuanyuan Miao happened to pass by, of course it wasn't that Xuanyuan Miao just had sex with Rong Xi and then successfully took over such a harem.

On the contrary, he behaved very gracefully, not only did not take advantage of the danger, but instead helped Rongxi find an antidote.

However, what he thought in his heart was that Rongxi was the suzerain's daughter. If he got involved, he might not get half of the benefits and would have to pay for his own life. Therefore, he chose to boil the frog in warm water, showing his love for Rongxi all the time. it is good.

Rongxi fell quickly (don't ask why, this is the way of the stallion!), and then Rongxi wanted to tell the suzerain about her and Xuanyuanmiao, but Xuanyuanmiao said, "he is not worthy at this time." "Rongxi" refused.

But in fact, it was because he was having a hot fight with a demon girl again.

Afterwards, many peerless women appeared one after another. Qiao Ran's names were a bit unfamiliar, so he didn't look carefully, and only jotted down the names.

Speaking of which, there was another person Qiao Ran knew, and that was... Gu Mingyue.

Gu Mingyue's family belonged to a family of immortal cultivators, and she was favored by Beiqing since she was a child because of her outstanding aptitude, and she has been practicing in Kunlun Sect since then, and she is also a big disciple whom Beiqing loves very much.

Originally, it was nothing, but Xuanyuan Miao was also a disciple under Beiqing's name, and Beiqing didn't care about world affairs, and Gu Mingyue was always taking care of Shangqing Peak's affairs.

Gu Mingyue also knew about the bullying of Xuanyuan Miao by the disciples of Shangqing Peak, but in her view, the world of cultivation is a law of the jungle. It's her junior brother, so occasionally she reminded him a few words.

However, Xuanyuanmiao felt that Gu Mingyue acquiesced in these disciples' bullying him, and he considered the occasional reminders as sarcasm.

So that later, with the help of Rongxi, Xuanyuanmiao's status became higher and higher, he embarrassed Gu Mingyue in public, and asked to compete with Gu Mingyue. If Gu Mingyue lost, he had to give up the position of the eldest disciple to he.

As a result, there is no doubt that Gu Mingyue lost. She was so proud that she couldn't accept this kind of blow for a while, so she left Kunlun Sect in a fit of anger, but after leaving Kunlun Sect, she was deceived by Xuanyuan Miao who pretended to be Feng Beiye. had a relationship with it.

After a night of lingering, Gu Mingyue found that her original lover had become the person she hated the most, and Gu Mingyue almost collapsed.

But Xuanyuanmiao threatened her that if she dared to talk nonsense, he would tell Feng Beiye what happened today.

In the end, Gu Mingyue ended up helping Feng Beiye secretly, and was finally thrown into the snake group by Xuanyuan Miao, leaving no body behind.

It can be said that, as Xuanyuanmiao's harem, Gu Mingyue was the only one who died, and the reason was because she loved Feng Beiye.

After seeing Gu Mingyue's ending, Qiao Ran, who was still a little shy of her, felt sad for a moment, and her prejudice against her disappeared in an instant.

Next is her senior brother, Feng Beiye. In a sense, if the hero is decent, then his senior brother is the biggest villain in this book.

Xuanyuan Miao obtained the Kunlun Sect step by step, killed the suzerain, and finally calculated that Feng Beiye colluded with the devil to drive Feng Beiye out of the Kunlun Sect, and Feng Beiye also disappeared for ten years.

(End of this chapter)

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