Chapter 47 Strange People (2)

Speaking of which, when her parents just divorced, wasn't she just like this person?

The whole person is gloomy, so no one wants to play with her when she goes to school, and she almost develops a mental illness.

Fortunately, her mother discovered her problem in time and took her to see a psychiatrist, but it didn't help.

The doctor said that she had to figure it out by herself.

But how she figured it out, the good family suddenly broke up, and others laughed at her when she went to school, and she felt that the whole world was abandoning her, which made her more and more fond of staying at home, locking herself in her own world, For others, he erected a cold and harsh thorn.

At that time, she wished that someone could tell her what she should do.

Fortunately, she met Uncle Cen, who was also her future father.

Uncle Cen and her mother are classmates, and they have pursued her mother before, but unfortunately they did not succeed.

After knowing that her mother was divorced, she launched a fierce pursuit.

Hmm... Uncle Cen is a very childish person, he often buys food for her, and takes her out to play when he has nothing to do. He obviously takes her to the playground, but he has more fun than her...

Later I found out that it was because Uncle Cen knew about her illness and took her out to relax, pretending to be happy on purpose to make her happy.

At that time, she only thought that he was going to take her mother away, so she always ignored Uncle Cen and lost her temper frequently.

Thanks to Uncle Cen's big heart, if it were someone else, he might have just walked away.

She had forgotten that dark time for a long time, and it was only at this time that she saw this person in front of her that she remembered it.

After finishing speaking, Qiao Ran paused, and then said:

"Living in this world is already very difficult. If I can help others as much as I can, I think it's good. At least I hope that there are people who can help me when I am in trouble. If you don't take the initiative to give , why should others come to help you?"

038 was confused by Qiao Ran's words, it said:
[Although I don't understand it very well, what you said, the host, seems to make sense. 】

Qiao Ran was a little flattered by the sudden approval, but she still didn't forget the business.

"So, 038, is there anything you can do?"

【There is a way, but it's very dangerous. It needs the nine-petal lotus you just got. It's hard to guarantee that he won't become greedy, and it depends on whether he is worthy or not. You can see how he wants to kill you. 】

After hearing what 038 said, Qiao Ran hurriedly glanced at the man, and the latter looked at her with deadly eyes.

Qiao Ran pondered for a moment, this man wanted to kill her so much, but he didn't do it for so long, was it because he couldn't move at all?
Thinking of this, Qiao Ran had an idea in his mind.

By the time Qin Moli saw the weird smile on Qiao Ran's mouth and felt something was wrong, he had already passed out.

Qiao Ran looked at the person who fell on the ground apologetically, this was the second person she had fainted today.

The first one was to snatch the Nine Petal Lotus, and the second one was to save him.

Qiao Ran carefully took out the nine-petal lotus, took off a petal and put it on his lips, and the petal got in by itself.

In just a few moments, the wound on his body recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

038 looked a little pained, such a good thing as the nine-petal lotus wasted like this, and the nine-petal lotus could have been used, but there was nothing else at this time, so it could only be a waste of money.

(End of this chapter)

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