Chapter 49 Garlic (1)

Qiao Ran, who "died" for the second time, looked at this room that belonged to her, feeling a little dazed.

Did she return to the Kunlun sect?

But how many years later?Would it scare people if she went out suddenly?
She looked at the bracelet on her hand and breathed a sigh of relief. Although her body had no signs of life, her consciousness was still there. Of course she could feel that Xuanyuan Miao wanted to take her bracelet, but luckily he didn't let him succeed.

She stepped out of the door cautiously, and the yard was silent. She looked around and found no one before walking into the yard with confidence.

Faintly, she seemed to hear a conversation, which was still coming from her senior brother's room.

Originally, she shouldn't be eavesdropping, but she really wants to know how many years later this time will be. If she really has traveled directly for several years, then she should run away and find a suitable opportunity to appear, anyway, absolutely not Appeared in Kunlun Sect!
Imagine that when you wake up and find that a person who has been missing (dead) for several years suddenly comes back and says good morning to you, how do you feel?
It must be scary, but what Feng Beiye and Luo Li thought of must be to ask her what happened, how will she explain it then?

I can't explain it, okay?

She cautiously approached the door, and before she could put her ears on, the door suddenly opened from the inside, and she was hit directly to the ground by the door.

Feng Beiye who opened the door: "..."

Qiao Ran reached out and rubbed her red forehead, then looked at Feng Beiye, and muttered with some dissatisfaction:

"Brother, can't you be gentle?"

She raised her head and saw Feng Beiye's appearance, but she was stunned, she saw that his face was full of haggardness, and there was still faint blue and black color in his eyes.

Feng Beiye looked at Qiao Ran, also stunned for a moment, and then immediately closed the door.

Qiao Ran with a confused face: "..."

She stubbornly climbed up from the ground and patted the dust off her body, but she wondered in her heart, could it be that the senior brother couldn't see her?
It shouldn't be, she is not really dead...

Thinking of this, she felt a chill in her heart. Could it be that she is really dead? !Is it the state of the soul now? !

She stretched out her hand and pinched her thigh, and was relieved after feeling the pain. It seemed that she herself was fine, and the one with the problem was the senior brother.

Seeing her and closing the door as if she hadn't seen her, any case, it shouldn't be, or after she has traveled for a long time, the senior brother doesn't know her anymore, if she doesn't know her, then just drive her away...

So what's going on now?

Just when Qiao Ran was puzzled, the door opened again, and Luo Li came out first.

Luo Li was not surprised at all when he saw her, he casually walked to her side, patted her on the shoulder, and said with a casual look:

"As a teacher, I know that as my apprentice, you will be fine!"

Qiao Ran was at a loss for words for a moment, and she really wanted to say: No, if she hadn't had cheats, she would have died a hundred and eighty times.

She didn't speak, and Luo Li didn't care, but continued:

"Okay, since you are no longer in danger, you can go to retreat with peace of mind as a teacher."

After he finished speaking, he glanced at Feng Beiye, who had been standing behind him as the background board, who had been steaming coldly, and the corners of his mouth curled up calmly, tsk, although he really wanted to watch a good show, it was obvious that someone would definitely blow his hair.

Thinking of this, Luo Li didn't stay too long, and left in a cool manner to return to his room.

(End of this chapter)

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