Chapter 54 Going Out (1)

Qi training and foundation building can be said to be two watersheds. The monks in the Qi training period have better energy than ordinary human beings, but after building the foundation, they can really start to practice spells.

And what Qiao Ran was most curious about was Yujian flying!
Forgive her for being just an ordinary person, but she still has a little yearning for Fei.

Although it is said that she has the Fire Phoenix Feather, but it is a magic weapon, how can it be compared with Yujian!
Qiao Ran's first thought was to ask Feng Beiye to teach her, but after thinking about it, she felt that it was not appropriate, after all, Luo Li was her master...

This feeling of being full of power but not knowing how to use it feels really aggrieved.

There are only two months left in the Zongmen Grand Competition, and Qiao Ran's mood is like an ant on a hot pot. If he doesn't get the quota, he will lose Ding Jianfeng's face, and Xuanyuanmiao will even get a big chance , so the chances of her going back are even slimmer.

Seeing this, 038 said to Qiao Ran:

[I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. If I don't get the quota this time, although it will make things more difficult, shouldn't the host have full confidence in myself?It is necessary to show an aura of soldiers to block the water and cover the soil! 】

What 038 said was impassioned and full of passion, but what Qiao Ran heard made her feel even more uncomfortable.

She cried and said with a mournful face, "It's simple for you to say, but what will my goddess do then? Besides, I'm not smart in the first place, and this world is not an ordinary world. How could you let me be like that?" Be confident!"

038 was rendered speechless by Qiao Ran's words, so he had to keep his mouth shut.

Qiao Ran suddenly seemed to think of something, and his eyes lit up: "By the way, 038, do you have any powerful skills there, that can beat five with one!"

038:【...You think too much. 】

When Qiao Ran heard this, her face fell down again.

She spread out her palms and stared blankly at them.

When she sees other people waving their hands, she can make a strong airflow or something, why is it wrong when it comes to her!
She is now a real foundation-building cultivator, she doesn't believe it!

Thinking of this, Qiao Ran let out a mouthful of turbid air, sank into her dantian, and slapped the door suddenly...

Feng Beiye who happened to push open the door: ...

"What are you doing?"

Feng Beiye was just stunned for a moment, then frowned and asked.

Qiao Ran was also stunned, and when she heard Feng Beiye's question, she quickly withdrew her hand, her eyes met, her face flushed red.

Qiao Ran hurriedly lowered her head, staring at her toes, wishing she could find a hole to slip in.

"No, it's nothing, why is senior brother here?" She quickly changed the subject.

I'm sorry, she really can't say that she is practicing qigong, no matter how you look at her just now, she looks like a fool, even a very stupid kind.

Feng Beiye glanced lightly at her still flushed face, amused in her heart, but didn't ask any further questions.

"You have never been out in the past few days since you came to Kunlun Sect. It just so happens that I have some business to go to Youzhou. What do you want?"

Qiao Ran's eyes lit up, she was almost suffocated to death by staying in Dingjian Peak!

With a flattering smile on her face, she looked at Feng Beiye and said:
"Brother, what are you going to do?"

If her senior brother is going to meet her parents or meet her sweetheart, then she'd better not go, it's so annoying.

Feng Beiye saw through her thoughts at a glance, but he pretended not to know when she didn't make it clear.

"Recently, people from the demon race have appeared in Youzhou, and the suzerain sent us to check the situation."

(End of this chapter)

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