The correct posture of Kuai Chuan's face

Chapter 78 The Difficulty of the Xun Family

Chapter 78 The Difficulty of the Xun Family (20)

They got up early because they were going to investigate about the demon clan the next day. Qiao Ran didn't sleep well at night and couldn't get up, so she was dragged up by Rongxi abruptly.

After washing up, Qiao Ran listlessly followed Rongxi to go out to discuss with other people.

In fact, she is really just a spectator. Wow, there is no need to take it so seriously.

Qiao Ran secretly glanced at Xuanyuan Miao. The latter looked the same as usual, but I don't know if it was due to psychological effects. Qiao Ran always felt that the corners of his eyes were slightly raised, and he couldn't hide the excitement.

As if sensing that someone was looking at her, Xuanyuan Miao suddenly turned her head to look at Qiao Ran.

Qiao Ran was startled, and hurriedly looked away.

Xuanyuan Miao had a panoramic view of Qiao Ran's performance, and frowned calmly, thinking about how to deal with Qiao Ran.

This time, he didn't dare to attack Qiao Ran again. It was too evil. The man who had died suddenly disappeared out of nowhere, and appeared again as a normal person after a while.

If possible, he would like to draw Qiao Ran to his side.

After being discovered by Xuanyuan Miao, Qiao Ran didn't dare to look around any more, and just looked at her nose and nose and heart honestly.

"Then it's decided. The troops will be divided into two groups. Gu Lingyun Leng Ruozhu and I will take five people to Doctor Li's house in the west of the city, and Feng Beiye, Qiao Ran, and Xuanyuan Miao will take five people to the house of King Butcher in the south of the city." Rong Xi thought I want to say.

The daughters of Dr. Li and Wang Tuhu's family are the only two remaining women in this city who are full of yin after one after another disappeared.

Although I don't know how many people are in the hands of the demons, but according to their urine nature, they will definitely not let one go.


Why did you arrange her and Xuanyuanmiao together?And... why did her senior brother carry two burdens!

However, Feng Beiye didn't say anything, so it was impossible for her to say anything, she could only obediently obey the arrangement.

Qiao Ran followed Feng Beiye to Wang Butcher's house. Wang Butcher hadn't opened for the past few days, and the family was very worried.

It turned out that Wang Butcher's daughter, Wang Ling'er, had already discussed her marriage, and planned to set the date of marriage in the next few days, but when this happened, her husband's family left the matter up, for fear that Wang Ling'er would marry her. Come here and drag their family down.

That's all, Wang Tuhu and his wife only have such a daughter, if something happens to their daughter, they really don't know what to do.

Knowing the purpose of Feng Beiye and his party, Wang Tuhu immediately welcomed them into the door enthusiastically.

After sitting down, Wang Butcher asked with a smile:
"A few distinguished guests are immortals, right?"

Judging by the extraordinary demeanor of these people, they must be the immortals above the nine heavens.

Cultivators are so far away in the eyes of ordinary people. They think that monks have great powers and can ride clouds and fog, so they call them immortals.

Feng Beiye picked up the tea on the table and took a sip, then said lightly:
"It's just a monk who is fighting for fate with the sky, not a fairy."

Qiao Ran listened, and took a sip of the tea on the table. The strong bitterness spread in his mouth, which was really hard to swallow.

In order not to lose her composure, Qiao Ran wrinkled her nose and swallowed with a bitter face.

She wondered in her heart, why did the senior brother look the same?

Could it be that senior brother's taste is so peculiar?The more bitter the better?

Qiao Ran silently remembered this incident in her heart, and later tricked Feng Beiye countless times because of it.

(End of this chapter)

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