The correct posture of Kuai Chuan's face

Chapter 81 The Difficulty of the Xun Family

Chapter 81 The Difficulty of the Xun Family (23)

The passers-by around did not dare to get too close to it, for fear that the two eldest ladies would take it out on themselves if they were unhappy.

Qiao Ran pursed her lips, not intending to cause trouble for her upper body, and was just about to drag Feng Beiye away when Xun Yayun saw her.

"Sister, look quickly, it's that little bitch!" Xun Yayun hurriedly said to Xun Yueyin.

The first thing Xun Yueyin noticed was Feng Beiye. Thinking that Qiao Ran was Feng Beiye's junior sister, she clenched her hands jealously, but scolded Xun Yayun:
"Yayun, how can you talk like that? How did your mother teach you?"

Xun Yayun was always afraid of this elder sister the most, so she naturally shut up obediently, but felt a little uncomfortable.

"Mr. Feng, please stay." Xun Yueyin said.

Qiao Ran couldn't help but rolled her eyes, please call "Senior Feng" and thank you.

Feng Beiye had a panoramic view of her reaction, and couldn't help but bend the corners of her lips, but Xun Yueyin thought she was smiling at her, with a look of joy on her face, and hurried over.

Seeing her sister's reaction like this, Xun Yayun didn't know what was going on in her heart. She curled her lips, feeling that she didn't like Feng Beiye very much.

From her point of view, in Youzhou, their Xun family is the emperor of the soil, and they don't have any kind of man. Although this Feng Beiye is a disciple of the Kunlun sect, he has also hurt his sister, so he must have disliked her, sister. This has turned into humble flattery instead.

Even someone like Xun Yayun can tell that Feng Beiye has no affection for Xun Yueyin, but Xun Yueyin doesn't know it, or rather, she has been deceived in her heart, and her extreme self-confidence makes her feel that no one can reject her .

As if Feng Beiye hadn't seen her at all, she looked down at Qiao Ran, who had a displeased face, and slightly curled the corners of her lips.

Xun Yueyin, who was approaching, couldn't hold back, so she patiently yelled again:
"Young Master Feng."

Please call Senior Feng, thank you!
Qiao Ran said again silently in her heart.

Feng Beiye didn't even lift her eyelids, as if Xun Yueyin was calling someone else.

Xun Yayun couldn't stand it anymore, she couldn't help but said:

"Hey, can't you hear my sister talking to you?"

Feng Beiye raised her head now, looked at her indifferently, and said in a slightly cold tone:

"Who is your sister?"

Xun Yayun was just about to say that her sister is the Fourth Miss of the Xun family, but she heard Feng Beiye say again:
"who are you?"

Qiao Ran couldn't help but snort, senior brother is really awesome.

Xun Yayun looked angry, "Feng, what do you mean?!"

Xun Yueyin squinted her eyes and glanced at Qiao Ran. She was very dissatisfied with her laughter, which was very harsh in her ears, as if she was laughing at her.

She brewed a bit of language and said:

"Young Master Feng, you are also a disciple of the Kunlun Sect, but you deliberately insulted me and my sister. It's your fault, right?"

Qiao Ran couldn't help but rolled her eyes again, she reacted and quickly adjusted her expression, for some reason, ever since she met this Xun Yueyin, she couldn't control her eyelids.

"Insult?" Feng Beiye sneered, "Let's not say whether I have insulted you, just say that you are from the Xun family, and I don't need to treat you with courtesy."

Qiao Ran couldn't help but want to applaud, senior brother really hit the nail on the head.

"You! Your Kunlun Sect is so big?" Xun Yueyin was half dead with anger.

"The Kunlun Sect can't be judged by you. You should be glad that the Kunlun Sect is not in Youzhou."

Otherwise, your status as Miss Xun's family would have been gone long ago.

 orz... No update, I wrote a chapter in the early morning and quickly updated it.

  Suddenly want to talk nonsense, in fact, the original intention of writing this book is because of my last book (I can't bear to look directly).

  Because it was the first book, the writing was sloppy, the plot was unremarkable, and the most important thing was that I didn't know how to write emotional scenes, which led to an unfinished ending.

  In order to overcome the fear of being dominated by emotional dramas, this book is mainly based on emotions~
(End of this chapter)

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