The correct posture of Kuai Chuan's face

Chapter 83 The Difficulty of the Xun Family

Chapter 83 The Difficulty of the Xun Family (25)

Xun Yueyin squinted her eyes, a flash of hostility flashed in her eyes.

No matter how bad Xun Yayun is, she is also her own younger sister. How could she be bullied like this? This is not only hitting Xun Yayun, but also slapping her in the face!

"Don't bully me too much!" Xun Yueyin looked at Qiao Ran angrily.

Qiao Ran twitched the corners of her mouth, and said with a half-smile, "Are you human?"

Even her mother never beat her, why should she be beaten by these inexplicable people?

She has a good temper, but that doesn't mean she's a persimmon!
"You!" Xun Yueyin was furious. The injury she had suffered before hadn't healed completely, and now she felt a burning pain in her chest.

But what she didn't expect was that Xun Yayun, who was stunned in place, suddenly fell down.

Xun Yueyin was also stunned, a little at a loss, but she quickly came to her senses, hugged Xun Yayun, and said to Qiao Ran with a ferocious face:
"You wait for me!"

"..." Don't say that she was the one who hit her, she is not a poisonous person, just slap her and she will fall down?

Maybe she practiced iron sand palm and she didn't know it.

Over there Xun Yueyin has already left quickly with Xun Yayun, Qiao Ran glanced at Feng Beiye who was at the side, the fearlessness just now disappeared, she looked like she had done something wrong, twisted her fingers, and said submissively :

"Brother... Did I get into trouble again?"

I thought Feng Beiye would teach her well, but unexpectedly Feng Beiye patted her head and said softly:
"You did very well."


Qiao Ran looked confused, and she said again:

"But...Xun Yayun seems to be serious, but I really just slapped her, although it was quite hard...wouldn't it be a problem for me to slap her?"

Thinking about it carefully, Qiao Ran was a little uncertain. Could it be that she really made Xun Yayun a problem?

Feng Beiye let out a sneer, his eyes were full of coldness:

"so what?"

Qiao Ran choked for a moment. She was quite timid in the face of such a senior brother, but she struggled for a while and said:
"But in this way, won't the Xun family definitely become our enemies?"

Feng Beiye asked back: "Isn't it already?"

Qiao Ran choked again, and didn't intend to say anything more, but secretly told herself to be more vigilant, maybe the Xun family would come to her soon.

However, this was the case. Not long after they returned to Qiao's house, the Xun family came to the door with people in a mighty manner.

"What did you two do again?"

After hearing the news from Qiao Yi, Rong Xi looked at Qiao Ran and Feng Beiye sharply.

Feng Beiye's face remained unchanged, and he didn't intend to answer Rongxi at all.

Qiao Ran had no choice but to tell the story exactly.

After finishing speaking, she paused and added:
"I sent four, I definitely just hit her and did nothing."

Rong Xi didn't care, she didn't think Qiao Ran could do it to this level...

Thinking of this, she glanced at the indifferent Feng Beiye, feeling a little helpless.

"Then tell me, how to solve this matter now?" Rong Xi asked.

Gu Lingyun sneered and said, "Does a mere Xun family need to bother so much? Why don't we just take them all at once!"

"It's easy for you to say, but don't forget what we are here for. The demons are already in a lot of trouble. What if we deal with another Xun family and let the demons take advantage of it?" Rong Xi had a headache. Fue asked.

 I would say that I wrote this chapter for several days, and Kawen stuck to burst (@ ̄ー ̄@)
(End of this chapter)

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