The correct posture of Kuai Chuan's face

Chapter 87 Blood Demon Domain

Chapter 87 Blood Demon Domain (3)

[When the red golden eagle was suppressed into the blood demon domain, there should have been 130 or two. It stands to reason that the red golden eagle is a herd animal, how could this one act alone? 】

As soon as she finished speaking, Qiao Ran felt her surroundings suddenly darken. When she looked up, her heart suddenly turned cold.

I saw hundreds of giant birds walking side by side in the sky, covering the only light shining through the dark clouds.


The red golden eagle made a sharp cry before, and then similar calls sounded one after another in the air, as if in response.

In comparison, Qiao Ran and the two seemed a little weak.

Even so, there was no fear on Feng Beiye's face, his white clothes were gently blown up by the wind, like a white lotus emerging from the mud, independent and alone.

Qiao Ran frowned delicately, her face was full of distress, she gritted her teeth and said to 038:

"You crow mouth."

038: Blame me?
[Host Mo Fang, except for the Chijin Eagles that were only Tier [-] monsters at the beginning, most of the rest are Tier [-], rarely Tier [-], maybe... you can still run while Feng Beiye is dealing with these monsters Lose! 】

038 doesn't know what giri and morality are, it only knows how to do it better for its own host!

However, Qiao Ran didn't appreciate it. In comparison, she felt that it would be fine if she died. Anyway, she couldn't die with her golden fingers, but it was Feng Beiye who worried her.

After thinking about it for a while, Qiao Ran realized that if she shrinks her head at this time, she will become Feng Beiye's burden instead.

Therefore, she made a decisive decision and took out a sword from the space bracelet and held it tightly in her hand.

Seeing her movements, Feng Beiye's eyes showed a hint of surprise, but he quickly restrained himself.

Qiao Ran's face was full of seriousness, and she swore to Feng Beiye:
"Senior brother, don't worry, I will definitely not hold you back this time, I am amazing."

It was supposed to be a very serious scene, but with her childish chat, it was inexplicably joyful.

Seeing her appearance, Feng Beiye couldn't help but bend the corners of her lips, stretched out her bony hand to gently rub her head, and replied softly:

"it is good."

Qiao Ran was stunned, and a sense of pride suddenly rose in her heart.

[Grand Mo laughs drunk on the battlefield, how many people have fought since ancient times! 】

038's voice sounded at the right time, with a soul-stirring tone.

"..." If 038 has an entity, Qiao Ran just wants to kill him, what the hell are you talking about, isn't this sentence cursing them on this occasion! !
038 obviously also realized that he had said something wrong, so he could only laugh a few times and said:

[Host, come on, believe that you are the best. 】

"..." At first she believed it quite a bit, but after being disturbed by 038, she became a little suspicious.

The red golden eagles in the sky landed on the ground one after another, shaking up the yellow sand all over the sky, and the scene was very spectacular.

Qiao Ran clenched the sword unconsciously, and slowly mobilized the chaotic energy in the dantian to gather on the sword, making the surface of the ordinary sword covered with a layer of white light.

Seeing this, Feng Beiye suddenly asked: "Are you able to mobilize the Qi of Primal Chaos?"

Qiao Ran lowered her head and said embarrassedly, "I'm just trying it out."

Isn't that how it's written in novels?She didn't expect it to actually work.

Feng Beiye didn't ask any more questions, and held out Fuchen with his backhand, but Fochen suddenly got out of his hand and flew to Qiao Ran's side, and circled around her a few times happily, as if greeting her.

 I love hard work, hard work loves me qwq
(End of this chapter)

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