The correct posture of Kuai Chuan's face

Chapter 89 Blood Demon Domain

Chapter 89 Blood Demon Domain (5)

Seeing this, Qiao Ran felt aggrieved in her heart, she couldn't help tightening the sword in her hand, and frowned.

She looked at the Scarlet Gold Eagle King in the sky who looked like a king, and tried hard to recall the formula in the Chaos Art:

"Collect the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, transform the spirit of chaos, and the energy of chaos gathers in the dantian, divides into the meridians, separates from the flesh and blood, and merges with the body."

Collecting the aura of heaven and earth and turning it into the spirit of chaos is to turn the aura of heaven and earth into one's own use.

Gather in the dantian, gather these auras in the dantian.

Divide into the meridians, and then guide it to the meridians of the whole body.

Separated from the flesh and blood, and then evacuated to the whole body through the meridians.

The final incorporation is to use these forces.

Qiao Ran understands all these things, but so far, she has only covered the weapon with a thin layer of chaos.

She looked at the red golden eagle in the air, and she had only one thought in her heart, which was to take it down and give him a severe lesson.

Since the Chaos Jue says that a person with a Chaos Body can fight across levels, why can't she?
This is the field of blood demons, there are still many unknown dangers ahead, she can no longer drag her senior brother down.

A look of determination flashed across Qiao Ran's eyes, and his aura suddenly became different from before.

Everything around seemed to no longer exist, and only she and the Chijin Eagle King remained on this empty land.

As if something was guiding her, she slowly closed her eyes, and the sound of the wind in her ears became very obvious.

From the perspective of others, they could only see the aura around her rushing towards her.

In the blink of an eye, Qiao Ran absorbed all the aura within a radius of tens of miles.

And such a vision naturally attracted the attention of some people in the dark.

Qiao Ran didn't know all this, she just felt that she was surrounded by a warm force, which was very comfortable, and her body was also filled with a force.

Opening his eyes, he looked around again. Although it was the same as before except that the spiritual energy was absorbed by her, Qiao Ran felt different. His vision became much clearer, and he could even see farther. .

Qiao Ran felt that she...may have made a breakthrough.

That's right!It's a breakthrough!From the early stage of foundation establishment to the middle stage of foundation establishment!

Feng Beiye at the side naturally felt the change in her aura.

The reason why he didn't make a move all the time was to train Qiao Ran. He had always known that Qiao Ran had relied too much on him.

At first, he thought it was good, but now that the demons have reappeared, no one can guarantee that he can protect her all the time, only let her have the ability to protect herself.

The body of chaos, either died young, or was a peerless genius, soaring into the sky.

And Qiao Ran is definitely not the former, as long as he is around for a day, she will not be wronged in the slightest!

The corners of Qiao Ran's mouth couldn't stop turning up, and he waved the sword in his hand, feeling a lot more flexible, even looking at the Chi Jin Eagle King was much more pleasing to the eye.

She tried to gather the energy of chaos on her legs, and with a touch of her toes, she flew up and stood on the same level as the Chi Jin Eagle King.

Qiao Ran was overjoyed, she didn't expect it to be a success.

Having a good start made her more confident.

She pointed at the Scarlet Gold Eagle King with her sword, and she instantly became serious, with a serious expression on her face.

Although the Chaos Jue said that monks with a chaotic body can leapfrog to fight, but she is still only in the middle stage of foundation establishment, and in front of her is the Chijin Eagle King who is actually equivalent to a monk in the golden core stage.

(End of this chapter)

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