Chapter 91 A dream? ! (season finale)


With a piercing scream, the heads of households in the entire building were startled awake by the woman's scream, and they turned on the lights in their homes one after another.

"What's the matter?"

The middle-aged woman on the bed asked sleepily. She got up, pushed her wife beside her, and asked, "Did you hear anything?"

My wife said in a daze, "Isn't it just someone who stays up in the middle of the night and yells? What does she do?"

"What if something happens?" the woman asked unwillingly.

"What's the matter? Even if something happens, it's the police's business. Go to bed quickly. You have to go to work tomorrow."

As the wife said, she closed her eyes, and snoring sounded after a while.

The middle-aged woman was a little helpless, but she didn't continue to struggle with the screaming, and lay down to sleep again.

The person who screamed, Qiao Ran, was sweating profusely, staring at the familiar surroundings, a little dazed.

She... isn't she dreaming?This seems to be her home.

But... Didn't she time travel?

Qiao Ran was a little confused, she couldn't help calling the system:
"038, are you still there? Why did I come back here?"

The night in the city seemed extraordinarily quiet, her voice echoed in the room, but she failed to get an echo for a long time.

Qiao Ran covered her face in pain, thinking of everything that happened, she couldn't help but let out an "ah".

What the hell is going on here?Is it all a dream or is it real? !
The more she thought about it, the more she collapsed, she couldn't help but bumped her head against the wall, trying to clear her head.

But it didn't help, everything was still the same.

"Dong dong dong."

There was a loud knock on the door, and Qiao Ran's heart skipped a beat, feeling that something was about to happen.

However, the voice from outside the door was: "What's the noise in the middle of the night? Why don't you let people sleep? Go to the hospital if you're sick, crazy!"

Qiao Ran: "..."

She looked at her hands, and even began to wonder if she was really sick.

Looking at the dark sky outside, Qiao Ran sighed.

Forget it, let's talk about it after she sleeps first, maybe everything will be answered when she wakes up.

It was probably because she hadn't slept in bed for too long, the soft and comfortable quilt made her feel very comfortable, and she fell into a deep sleep after a while.

After a night of no dreams, when she woke up again, it was completely dawn, and she was still staying in her room well.

Looking at the dazzling sunlight outside, Qiao Ran narrowed her eyes slightly, feeling a sense of reality in her heart.

Yeah, what is she so tangled up about?This is the world she really lives in. Wouldn't it be nice to come back here?Isn't modern society much better than the world of fighting and killing?If you don't pay attention, you might lose your life, so it's best to come back.

As for everything that happened there... no matter if it was real or a dream, it was still a brand new experience.

The only regret is that I probably won't see Feng Beiye again.

But it doesn't matter, compared to him, she still prefers hot pot milk tea crayfish!

Speaking of this, Qiao Ran suddenly became hungry, and quickly took out her mobile phone to ask her sisters out to play:
Qiao Qiaoqiao: See you at the old place at noon.

Beibei: Received!
Xixi: OK!

Seeing that the sisters returned quickly, Qiao Ran put away her phone, feeling very relieved.

How wonderful it is to not have to worry about your life all the time!

As for those bizarre things?Cut, it's just a dream.

(End of this chapter)

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