90 days of cultivation temperament goddess

Chapter 15 Decorating the house is a man's business, "makeup" repairing oneself is a

Chapter 15 Decorating the house is a man's business, "makeup" repairing oneself is a woman's business (1)
Makeup is a method and an art of using color, line and layering to create beauty.Like learning, makeup is a kind of belief, and it is a thing worthy of women's lifelong learning and research.

Makeup is an attractive woman's "second skin" creation project.A woman who knows how to make up is a smart woman; a woman who is good at making up is a wise woman.

Make-up can not only obtain rich means of creating charm, but also retain lost time and years, making the dream of delaying a woman's short beautiful years a reality.

Maintaining makeup is a basic attribute of being a woman

Monkeys will choose the opposite sex with neat teeth as their partner, birds will choose the opposite sex with neat tail hair as their partner, and the same is true for humans, men will choose women with good makeup as their partners.

Don Osborne, a psychologist at Bellarmine University in the United States, did an experiment: He showed 50 male assessors pictures of women with and without makeup.The results showed that in photos of women without make-up, no matter how good-looking the woman was provided in the photo, the rating of her attractiveness was greatly reduced.About 80% of the evaluators liked the photos of women with makeup on.This prompted Osborn to urge all women to go back to the beauty salon and seek help from a professional make-up artist.

A similar story was also told in the autobiography of a certain cosmetics queen.

There was a husband who called to express his gratitude. The husband said that when he first got married, his wife was as beautiful as a woman who walked out of a fashion magazine. Her hair was properly combed, her face was beautiful, and her figure was charming.Then the wife became pregnant, gave birth, upgraded to become a mother, and her appearance was scribbled. "Every day I go out, she's standing there with a kid hanging from her dirty apron and another screaming in her arms. She never combs her hair or puts on makeup. When I come home from get off work at night, The only thing that changes is that everything gets worse." One day, the wife was sold a set of cosmetics, perhaps because she was worried that her husband would blame her for spending too much money, so she put on her makeup before her husband left work and put on a Appropriate clothes, combed hair.The husband came home and was stunned to see his wife. "She looked fabulous, I don't know how long ago I almost forgot how beautiful she was."

Through the above experiments and cases, we can draw the conclusion that "women with makeup are more attractive to men".In fact, women are more attractive to themselves through makeup, and "self-pleasers" are not only for attracting the opposite sex, but also for "pleasing themselves".Some women sit in front of the dressing table and look at themselves, that is, they feel happy when they see their beautiful self during the process of makeup. look.Makeup has undoubtedly become part of self-authentication for women.

The importance of makeup for women

The main function of makeup is to make women look more beautiful, and it has a magical concealer and modification function.Through makeup, women use foundation to erase a face of primary color in order to create an ideal face, especially the magical function of making up for defects.Just the right eye shadow makes the eyes shine, bright and energetic, and the fine wrinkles at the corners of the eyes have completely disappeared without any trace.A woman with a narrow face puts the blush away from the nose to use an optical illusion to make the face appear fuller; while a woman with a wide face should avoid applying it too close to the ears, making it vertical and blurry A blurry slice effectively "shrinks" the face.

Makeup is also a means of improving mood and self-expression.The behavior of making one's own image look better is called "self-presentation" in psychology, and makeup is an essential self-presentation for women.There is such a beauty story: there is a group of elderly people who are fighting against aging and disease in nursing homes.When the beauty program was launched in nursing homes, the ladies were unanimously opposed at first; later, they allowed the beautician girls to do their make-up, so that they looked decent; and after waking up every morning, they would actively ask: "When will you put on my make-up today? "The moaning and sighing in the nursing home was less, replaced by giggling like a little girl.A few weeks later, an old gentleman walked up to the person in charge of Miss Beauty and said to her: "We want to be treated equally, and we also need beauty." Hope to be treated equally, hope to show ourselves better, It is a common psychological appeal of men and women.

Even if you are naturally beautiful, you must not omit makeup
Some beautiful women may retort: ​​"I have a good foundation and a natural beauty. I don't need makeup to be beautiful. I like to be naked."

I don't want to be mean, but it's what it is - as the years go by, everyone's skin loses its baby-like skin, the years drag on the face with fine lines and spots, sagging facial muscles, lip color From pink to raven red...it's obvious to all, and it's not something you can cover up by deluding yourself.So I really can't think of any reason you could be proud to say "I never play with that stuff".

Makeup is still the most basic social etiquette.In today's social etiquette, women's make-up is a basic etiquette requirement. A plain face will not give people a good impression. Especially in the case of illness, staying up late, or physical discomfort, a plain face will often only show your haggardness. Only delicate makeup can show your beauty. Your beauty and respect for each other.

The older I get, the more I feel differently about makeup.In the past, I used makeup to make myself eye-catching, hoping to be gorgeous and compelling, and to be appreciated or favored by others; now, I do not apply makeup to win the praise of others, but to hope that when facing the reflection of any mirror or window, I can Don't dodge quickly, but fix your eyes for two seconds, recharge your calm heart, and tell yourself with relief and certainty: "Hi! You look good."

Learn makeup quickly, no excuses
Seeing what I said, you probably plan to throw the book away and counterattack plausibly: "Why is it so hard to be a woman?"

Hard?Getting divorced is hard, being unemployed is hard, losing confidence is hard, and looking good is never hard.

Or, you might say weakly, "I don't have time for makeup."

Hey, dear, you who say this are making excuses for your laziness.In magazines and newspapers, 3-minute make-up and 5-minute make-up are taught everywhere. You can change channels for an hour a day with the remote control on the TV, why can’t you spend 5 minutes?

Or, you can push the problem to your husband: "He doesn't like women who wear makeup, and he doesn't like me wearing makeup."

Well, I don't bother to call you "darling" - why should I call you "darling" when you don't even love yourself?Husband doesn’t like your makeup, maybe it’s because you spend money or you spend too much time in front of the mirror, but there is no husband who doesn’t like beautiful women and his wife being praised.Many girlfriends complain to me that their husbands don’t take them out to socialize, and I always ask them: “Look in the mirror, if you can describe yourself with bright and bright words, it’s his problem if your husband doesn’t take you out; If it's just 'okay' and 'handy', then I wouldn't take you with me."

When everyone realizes that maintaining makeup is not a professional attribute, nor a gender attribute, but a basic human attribute, then our half the sky will be even more enchanting.

Four elements of good makeup
Makeup is an important means to beautify the appearance by using colors, lines, layers, etc. Correctness, accuracy, delicacy, and harmony are the four major elements of a good makeup method.

The first element of good makeup: correct

This element means that the makeup parts and colors must be matched and the purpose of expression must be correct, and some basic principles of makeup must be followed. No or vulgar or eye-catching feeling.For example: when drawing eyebrows, you must know the basic principles of correct starting point, angle, and height of eyebrows. Usually, the starting position of eyebrows should be consistent with the position of the inner corner of the eye. That is, one eye can be placed between the two brows.If you don’t understand this principle, if the eyebrows are beyond the inner corner of the eye, and the distance between the two eyebrows is too short, people will appear depressed and depressed; if the position of the two eyebrows is shorter than the inner corner of the eye, and the distance between the two eyebrows is too wide, people will appear dull and lacking. Vitality and anger, even seeming dull.These are the basic principles that need to be learned for good makeup. If you don’t know these principles, if you just rely on your feelings, if you make a longer one today and a shorter one tomorrow, not only will you not be able to get a good effect, but you will also not be able to figure out where the problem lies.

The second element of good makeup: accurate

The "accurate" emphasized here has a different meaning from the "correct" emphasized in the previous element. "Correct" focuses on mastering the theoretical principles of makeup, and "accurate" emphasizes your makeup operation skills. Be able to accurately express the theoretical principles of makeup on the individual.For example, whether the lip shape is good or not cannot be judged solely from the size, thickness and shape, but must also make it suitable for your face shape and temperament, as well as the occasion you will attend.

Another example is in lip makeup, there is a basic makeup principle, that is, the thickness ratio of the upper and lower lips should be 1:2, and the valley of the lips should be in a straight line with the center of the person. Such lips are called standard lips.Don't underestimate this simple principle of makeup. If you want to draw it accurately, you can't do it without sufficient practice.

The third element of good makeup: exquisite

Most Chinese women's makeup is not refined enough, which is mostly due to the lack of aesthetic education since childhood.Chinese women generally do not have fine-grained concepts and habits, and at the same time, they do not have an unrelenting awareness of their image every day and every moment, so there are more rough traces in their grooming.For example, the edges of the lipstick are not clear, the foundation is floating, the eyebrows are not modified, and so on.

Delicacy requires long-term cultivation and polishing, and delicacy is a very representative form of expression of a woman's quality.In fact, compared to the other three elements of good makeup, refinement is the easiest to achieve, all you have to do is to practice repeatedly and persevere.When you can paint lipstick very delicately every time, with a smooth and clear lip line outline, you will find that your quality and taste have improved a lot.

The fourth element of good makeup: harmony

Harmony is the highest state of makeup. If this harmony can also express your personality and characteristics naturally and appropriately, it would be great.

Harmony includes three levels: one is the harmony of makeup.The harmony of makeup is reflected in the makeup of each part, with uniform style and color.For example, if the eyebrow shape is soft, the lip shape should also be soft; if the eye shadow is cool, the lipstick should also be cool.The face is the visual focal point where the facial features are relatively concentrated and the visual response is relatively strong. The conflict and disharmony of makeup and face will greatly reduce a woman's taste.The second level is the harmony between makeup and the overall image, that is, the harmony between makeup and hairstyle, clothing, accessories and other related bodies.The third level is the harmony between makeup and the external environment.The external environment here refers to the temperament you want to express, the occasion you will attend, your age, occupation and social status.You need to use makeup to express and enhance them.

Makeup is not only a means of beautification, but also an expression of emotion, an expression of emotional information and attitude towards life.Whether it is a relationship or a friendship, the other party can feel your attitude of emotional dedication and devotion to the other party through whether you make up or not.A person who is good at makeup holds the key to the door of life in her own hands. She is trying to attract the attention and appreciation of others, expressing her positive attitude clearly.

Make-up is the most taboo "self-admiration" and "lonely self-admiration"

I remember when watching "The Legend of Zhen Huan", the emperor put on pear makeup for the nobles in Guan, so all the daughters-in-law and big girls in the city followed suit.In fact, makeup is the most taboo to follow suit.

Audrey Hepburn's elegance is a classic of a century, but Hepburn's makeup art cannot be used on Marilyn Monroe's body.Similarly, Concubine Hua's appearance is not suitable for Zhen Huan.Women who pursue elegance must know that blind imitation can never imitate real elegance.If you wear expensive and beautiful clothes that look like someone else's, and if your painstakingly put on makeup just makes you look ridiculous, then you are a failure.

Therefore, you must recognize yourself, especially everything that God has given you that belongs to you. Only in this way can your thoughts be meaningful.The pursuit of elegance begins here, and you can never go wrong!
Understanding your own face shape can help you use makeup, clothing and other means to modify yourself more effectively, creating an elegant acquired beauty.

how to determine your face shape

First, observe the entire face shape and its bone structure, check the hairline, forehead, cheeks and cheekbones, pick out the features of the face, and then compare it with the following face shapes to see which face shape it belongs to or which one is closer face shape.Some people's face shape is a mixture of two or more face shapes, and the closer one can be selected for modification.

Oval face (commonly known as "duck egg face"): The lines are smooth, giving people a gentle and virtuous feeling.The oval face is the best face shape. When making up, the oval face is often used as the standard to modify the face shape.The ratio of face length to width is about 4:3.

A-shaped face (also known as oval face, inverted triangle face): A-shaped face has a sharper chin, giving people a pure and delicate feeling.

Zigzag face (also known as pear-shaped face, triangular face): In addition to the natural oversized cheeks, it is common in obese people.The zigzag face gives people the impression of being rich, stable and majestic.

Round face (also called baby face): A round face has a short face and round cheeks.The length and width of the face are almost equal, giving people a lovely, cheerful, lively and approachable feeling.Look younger than actual age.

Square face (also known as square face): A square face is characterized by a round face + square chin, with a similar width and length.The lines are straight and powerful, giving people the impression of resoluteness and strength, but lack of femininity.

Rectangular face (also known as square face): Rectangular face is a hybrid face shape of long face and square face.It not only has a long face, but also has a wider forehead and cheeks.Give people a sense of integrity and seriousness.Because the edges and corners are too sharp, it lacks the femininity of women.

Shen-shaped face (also known as diamond face, diamond face): The diamond-shaped face is the most three-dimensional among the seven face shapes.It is characterized by a narrow forehead, thin cheeks, high cheekbones, and a sharp chin.

Makeup tips for different face shapes

The so-called face modification is to correct the face shape into a standard "duck egg face".However, since each person's face shape is different, the focus of modification is also different.For the following six types of face shapes, carry out the necessary modifications according to the basic makeup steps. Which face shape do you belong to?Come and find out!

1. Oval face makeup tips

The cheekbones are relatively inconspicuous, and the length, width, and narrowness of the face are the most suitable. This face shape is the most standard face shape.

Foundation: Apply a skin tone foundation, and add a dark foundation on the cheeks to make the face look more three-dimensional.

Eyebrows: Suitable for any eyebrow shape.

Nose shadow: according to the length of the nose to modify, mainly in natural three-dimensional.

Lipstick: Suitable for standard lip shape.

Blush: Dab oval blush or standard blush on both cheeks.

Hairstyle: Suitable for any hairstyle.

Glasses: If you have this type of face, first of all congratulations, basically every shape of the frame looks good on you, but it is recommended that you choose a horizontal frame that is slightly larger than the line of the face, so that you can see It looks more eye-catching!

Matching collar shape: This is the most perfect and ideal face shape, usually called oval face or duck egg face, because there are no defects and no need to cover up, so any collar shape is suitable.

Appropriate accessories: You can wear accessories of various shapes and styles, as long as you pay attention to the coordination principle of body, clothing and jewelry.

2. Inverted triangle face makeup skills

The face shape is relatively pointed, with a wide top and narrow bottom, and a wide forehead and sharp chin will give people a sad feeling.It is necessary to use dark foundation on both sides of the cheekbones, chin and forehead to create a shadow effect, and use white or light foundation on the thinner cheeks to make the whole face look plump and clear.

(End of this chapter)

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