Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 1 The New Universe

Chapter 1 The New Universe
There is no moon in New York tonight, and the sky is dominated by dark clouds.The heavy rain poured down, as if the gate of the Tianting Reservoir had collapsed, and the raindrops "cracked" on the ground in a dense beat.The torrential rain washed the streets of New York like a mirror like a waterfall, and the bright red and green lights reflected colorful lights on the smooth and washed streets.

Eric Charlotte was walking home along Broadway.Theoretically, he is exactly this year - if you don't count the part of your life before reincarnation.Yes, Eric Sherlock is a time traveler from a far more normal place than this crazy world.

How crazy is this world?

Take New York, for example, just a few streets away from here, there stands a tall tower that seems to pierce the night sky in the rain, and Eric can see the shining tower from here. The letters "STARK" are written in large characters with an aluminum alloy frame on the top of the tower. At that height, it is like a lonely night light flashing white neon lights.On the other side of the same city, the building of Osco Corporation stands like another dark castle on a rainy night, with incandescent lights illuminating every floor behind the glass curtain wall, and three transparent sightseeing elevators running at high speed with.

Probably since recent years, superheroes have gradually entered people's field of vision, among which the first to appear in people's field of vision is the famous playboy Iron Man in the comic universe.Maybe there were other superheroes active before him, but most of them were spread in people's mouths in the form of urban legends or strange stories. The first superhero who stepped onto the screen and swaggered to announce his existence was indeed the first. indivual.

Ever since he learned of the existence of Stark and Osko, he has always felt that this is the Marvel universe, and he must have traveled to the Earth of the Marvel universe by accident.However, since he first inquired that cities like "Metropolis" and "Gotham" still exist in this world, his original view that it could not be worse has been refreshed again.

Well, assuming that an earth ushers in a subsidence of the continent once every three days and an end of the world once every five days, what would happen if two such earths were combined together?Eric has been wondering for so many years why no aliens have fallen from the sky and planted a small flag in the center of Times Square announcing that this planet is theirs from now on, or that there are no aliens that are said to have existed for hundreds of thousands of years. Why didn't the organization that has been brewing endless evil plans take advantage of the so-called superheroes to carve up the world for so many years?

Regardless of the world view of Marvel or DC, if those superheroes have not yet been born, then even two earths are not enough for the evil forces hidden under the water to divide.So maybe it's kind of an unsolved mystery why the crazy world stuffed into two worldviews isn't finished yet.

Well, if all those time-travelers in the fan fiction were to form an organization together, Eric felt that he must have humiliated his countless predecessors.His predecessors have traveled to a new universe, and they seem to be extremely excited, as if they have golden fingers ready to show their talents in the new world, join the Avengers, and alien villains such as Thanos and Darkseid will all do it. Turn it over, get some magic costumes like infinite gloves, infinite gems, maybe you can fight with some life court in the end, and you can return triumphantly, and then you can usher in the winner's ending of life hugging left and right.

And what about Eric? 18 years have passed, it seems that what it was like before coming here, and what it is after coming here.

It is said that the basic law of the superhero world is "the poor rely on mutation, the rich rely on technology".It seems simple to say, but the opportunity of mutation is rare.Maybe you will think that similar to Spider-Man is just bitten by a spider?But someone was bitten and turned into Spider-Man, you go to the same spider to bite, what if you are bitten directly?Chance is like the protagonist in a martial arts novel who falls off a certain cliff. There are seven out of ten chances that he will fail, and in nine out of ten chances he will pick up a peerless cheat book similar to "Nine Suns Magic".However, passers-by fell from the same cliff, and nine out of ten they just confessed directly.

Mutation is a rare thing, even if there are 70 billion people on the earth of Marvel or DC, there are only so many superpowers, you can't expect yourself to hit that probability just like winning the lottery.As for "technology", the first condition is that you are very rich, first of all you have to be a rich second generation.This has to mention Eric's reincarnated parents, and that's the problem-he hasn't seen them since he was three years old, and he was brought up by a nanny until he was 15 years old.

Eric sometimes even felt that the probability of bumping into such a pair of wonderful parents was about the same as the probability of being reborn as a superpower by chance.It is said that his parents are doing something big outside, doing mysterious research all day long, claiming that it is "absolutely confidential".Eric didn't like that word, especially in such a crazy world.He didn't even know if his parents were still alive, maybe they happened to be the researchers of some genetic modification project, and then died in an experimental accident that accidentally created some monster with three heads and six arms.

Well, that was just a complaint, he actually knew that his parents were still alive, because they occasionally wrote some concise and clear letters, and there was always a certain amount of cash in the envelope.There are also regular deposits in his bank card, not too much and not too little, at least it never makes him feel that he has no money.

In fact, he doesn't want a magnificent heroic life that can turn the world around when the world is collapsing. He just wants to live an ordinary life, make a few close friends, meet the other half of his life, and then settle down.

But he is a time traveler, and the moment he came to this world, it was doomed that he would not be able to spend this life in an ordinary way as he wished.

And the misfortune began tonight.

"Damn the rain."

Eric finally walked to the front of the house, muttering dissatisfiedly, at this moment his whole body was already soaked by the rain.All he wanted to do now was to get in the house, shake off his soaking sweatshirt, and head straight for the bathroom to take a good shower.

Then, the moment before his hand touched the handle of the security door, he stopped.

The door is open.

Someone got in before him.

(End of this chapter)

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