Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 105 The Truth

Chapter 105 The Truth
Today, on the Aegis Helicarrier.

It took Fury nearly an hour to finally explain to Eric what happened that night 15 years ago. After hearing this series of incredible stories, Eric did not speak for a long time.

"Matt Augustine told us this." Fury said, "Most of the information we have comes from him."

"Let me guess," Eric asked, "he's been with you since the beginning, right?"

"Not at the beginning." Fury said, "He was originally a scientist recruited by the organization, and later he wanted to get rid of the organization and asked Aegis for help, but his position in the research project of Almajo is very useful to us, So I arranged for him to stay there as an eyeliner and monitor the progress of Dr. Charlotte's research. But I didn't expect it to go this far. I'm sorry, kid."

"What about my mother?" Eric asked, "You said that Alpha's armor was taken away by her in the end, and she was imprisoned in a super prison by you for so many years. So the armor was actually given to me by you, right? ? You misled me into thinking that putting on armor and going to battle was what my father meant."

Fury admitted: "Yes, but after that night your mother took the initiative to find us-she had no choice, the organization she betrayed was trying its best to find her and the whereabouts of the armor, and the only thing that could provide her with shelter was Aegis As for the set of Alpha armor she brought."

After a pause, Fury continued: "Yes, we did lie to you. You know, the combat power of Almadra Armor is extraordinary, and it is also a very precious combat power for us, but unfortunately 15 We have not been able to analyze its technology for years, and it is tailor-made for Dr. Charlotte, and no one can crack its genetic lock."

"So I became the only one who can wear it, and you want to control me to become a soldier working for Aegis." Eric said coldly, "It's really a good plan like Nick Fury."

"We have observed you for a long time," Fury said, "Although you usually act indifferent to everything, we can all see the potential to become a hero deep in your soul. That's why I would consider putting such a dangerous I will hand over your weapon to you. According to the original plan, we wanted to wait until you became an adult before trying to hand it over to you, but the plan couldn’t keep up with the changes, and those people came to you in advance, so we had to advance the schedule.”

"Why?" Eric asked with a frown. "If they haven't moved for 15 years, why would they choose to act now? What happened?"

"It's some rumors." Fury said, "Recently, we suddenly received a tip that Dr. Charlotte is still alive and has perfected Almazo's system. I believe that organization must have received similar news."

"But you just said that his head had been roasted off by the Almajo robot."

"According to Augustine, it should be like this. But the world is impermanent. There are already too many strange things in this world. Sometimes seeing is not necessarily believing, right?"

Eric was silent.He's right, in the huge world of comics, nothing is surprising.

"Dr. Charlotte can't be found, but you're not too hard to find—that's what they must think," said Fury. "Catch you, and maybe force him to show up."

"If he is still alive and hasn't come to see me once in 15 years, I don't think this trick will work." Eric sneered, but suddenly thought of something, and was slightly startled.

"Wait, so if my father died 15 years ago and my mother has been in prison for all these years, the person who has been sending me money."

"It's us." Fury said blankly, "Although you don't know it, you have been on the list of the highest security level of SHIELD since you were three years old. Let the only one in the world who can control such a dangerous Starving the pilots of the weapons does us no good."

Eric rolled his eyes: "Thank you so much."

"But we still haven't figured out some parts about what happened 15 years ago." Fury said, "Augustine mentioned that Dr. Charlotte has another mysterious partner, who is said to be a scientific worker with comparable abilities. But no one knows who he is except Dr. Charlotte. Augustine tried to investigate many times, but he couldn't find out the identity of the mysterious collaborator until the night when Almajo went berserk. In addition, he described The last set of armor he saw that night was a black battle armor with white stripes, an 'X' mark on the chest, and an 'Ω' shape in the eyepiece. He said that it was the Armor of Almajo, code-named Omega, and it was also planned The most complete system in the world, but it should only be in the conceived stage. After that night, the set of Omega armor and Amagora robots were gone, and Aegis almost turned the area upside down. We believe that other forces should have searched that area, but as far as we know so far, they should have found nothing."

Having said that, Fury took a deep breath and stood up.

"Well, that's all there is to say," he said, "I still have a lot to do, and I've wasted too much time now. My advice, you'd better stay out of Ivo's affairs, Just leave it to SHIELD - of course I know you won't listen, so be careful, he might be after you."

After speaking, he turned and left the room.

In the infirmary of the mothership.

When Eric came in, Sharon was leaning on the hospital bed with her left hand in a cast.

"Are you okay?" Eric asked.

"Barely okay." Sharon shrugged, "I have encountered worse."

After a pause, she asked, "So...I guess Chief Fury told you everything?"

"Almost." Eric said lightly, "He told me what happened that night 15 years ago... about the Amojo robot."

"Then what are you going to do next?" Sharon asked.

"First of all, I'm going to have a look at the abandoned laboratory." Eric said, "When my father worked for the organization, he worked in the laboratory on the Rex Building in New York. I have been there not long ago. Later After he defected from the organization, he hid in another experimental facility—the place where the accident happened 15 years ago, and I want to go there first."

"Be careful." Sharon said seriously, "I've already heard about the Beta armor, the Almajo system developed by Dr. Ivo himself. And it's not just that. It has also undergone a transformation, and its physical strength is unimaginably strong, which is beyond the reach of human beings, just like a 'super soldier'."

"I know." He said lightly, "I will be careful."

(End of this chapter)

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