Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 113 Blasting

Chapter 113 Blasting
"Okay! Does anyone want to eat kebabs?" Uncle Jack grabbed a handful of grilled kebabs from the oven, and the overflowing aroma attracted the children to rush over like hungry wolves.

"Don't grab, don't grab, there's something for everyone, Billy! Be careful not to burn!"

Raven was lying on the lawn, stretching his limbs comfortably in the sun, looking at this rippling warm picture, unconsciously showing a smile.

"It's nice to have a place to call home." Eric sat next to her.

Raven's smile gradually subsided.

"what happened?"

"It's nothing." Raven hesitated, and seemed to decide to say to him, "I'm just not sure if this is the life I should live. I always think that this choice is a mistake. With you, and these innocent people people come so close, when that day comes.”

"At that time, we will face it together." Eric interrupted her, patted her shoulder with a smile.

A news broadcast interrupted them: "The police and firefighters have arrived at the scene, and the scene is in chaos. The [-]th and [-]th floors of the building are completely engulfed in flames, and relevant personnel are organizing rescue. It is said that when the explosion occurred, Billionaire Tony Stark is being interviewed live upstairs, so far no trace of Mr. Stark has been found."

The voice came from the tablet computer that Aunt Alice was holding in her hands. She squinted at the news on the tablet through a pair of red glasses and muttered: "It's getting more and more chaotic these days, it's never been like it is now This kind of thing happens every three days.”

Tony was involved in the explosion again?That's right, the key point is the word "again".

"Are you going to see it?" Raven asked.

"Well, I'd better go and have a look." Eric said, "Stark is also my friend, I'm a little worried."

"Then go."

Noticing that Eric was about to leave, Aunt Alice called out, "Huh? Are you leaving now? The skewers are just done."

"Ah, I'm sorry, but I just remembered. I remembered that I forgot to turn off the gas at home! I'm sorry, I will definitely come back another day!"

After leaving this sentence, he turned around and ran away as if fleeing for his life.

Aunt Alice shook her head suspiciously.


Coney Island, the site of the explosion.

The accident happened suddenly, and all the onlookers at the bottom of the building saw it. The crimson fire shattered the glass on the nineteenth and twenty floors without warning, and the slag and the Martian maiden fell like flowers. The thick smoke spread from the inside of the building in all directions, and the scene was quite spectacular.

When Eric arrived at the scene on the nineteenth floor, the scene had been blocked by the police and government personnel. Fortunately, he saw a familiar figure through the blockade.

"Agent Carter?"

Sharon Carter, who heard his shout, turned around, and then gestured to the two black suits in front of the cordon.

"The child can come in," she said.

Eric crossed the blockade and came to Sharon's side.The scene was a mess. Although the firefighters had basically brought the fire under control, there were still smoldering flames in the ruins, and the pungent black smoke was everywhere. Very weird.

"What's going on here?" Eric frowned and asked.

"I don't know." Sharon shrugged. "So far we haven't found anything that could be the source of the explosion, and there are no explosive fragments or components remaining. It's as if the high temperature and shock erupted out of thin air."

"But that's impossible."

"Of course it's impossible." Sharon said, holding her chin and thinking, "We must have missed something. There must be something we didn't expect."

Indeed, something was missing. Eric thought for a moment, but he just couldn't remember what part should not be missed.

It seems that there is indeed a similar plot in the memory of comics and movies in the previous life, without the explosion of explosives. But he can't remember it for a while.

He temporarily put the question aside, and asked instead: "What about Stark? Have you found him?"

Sharon shook her head regretfully: "We have searched all over the two floors, and all the people who should be found have been found, dead or alive, but Stark's whereabouts are still unknown. We have to assume that this explosion It was an attack planned against him. You should have seen it when you came in. His armor is still downstairs, so he must have failed to leave the building."

"Someone took Stark away." Eric frowned.

Sharon was right, nine times out of ten this was a targeted attack.But it doesn't make sense, why do you want to explode if you just want to catch Tony?Does attracting so many people's attention with such fanfare help them catch people?

Or in fact, the explosion was actually an accident for the kidnappers?

"However, this is not the first time." Sharon continued, "Similar accidents have occurred in various parts of the United States in the past two days, and super-high-temperature explosive terrorist attacks were released in an instant, but no explosives were found at the scene. Aegis has basically OK, these incidents are all connected, there must be something linking them together, and now we're pretty much sure that Stark may be somehow connected to this chain of incidents as well. We dialed up Stark's private phone According to the call records, it was found that he had just received a call just a few minutes before the explosion."

"Wait, you guys are monitoring his private phone?"

"To be precise, it's a private phone for business." Sharon said, "He has another phone with more complicated encryption, so it can't be monitored. Let's not talk about that, let's listen to the content of this phone call."

She played the recording of the call on the Aegis multi-function communicator worn on her wrist.

"Tony? Is that you?" It was a woman's voice.

"Of course, ma'am. But now the question is - who are you? Why do you know my private number?"

"It's me, Maya Hansen, we've met before."

"Uh, sorry, I don't have any impression."

"That's not important. The important thing is that I need you. Or I need Iron Man. The situation is very urgent and may rise to a national security incident."

"That sounds like something for SHIELD to do."


"Forget it, just tell me the address and I'll be there in a while."

Recording so far.

"Maya Hansen." Eric thought for a moment, and he began to remember the name.

"We also have investigations about this woman, botanists and genetic engineers, and this is the address."

"Why did you tell me this?" Eric asked, "I guess SHIELD generally doesn't want laymen to intervene in the investigation?"

Sharon sighed: "It's the director. He thinks you are very capable. And if you really want to intervene, I guess it's useless for me to say 'no'."

"That's true, so we are going to be partners this time?"

"No, I have other tasks." Sharon said, her eyes glanced in another direction. "She is responsible for the investigation this time. You can act with her."

It was a woman with red hair like a ball of fire, with exquisite and charming features, her impeccable figure was vividly outlined by a tight black leather jacket, but in her beautiful emerald green eyes, it was clear that only she had rubbed shoulders with death countless times The killing intent that can only be experienced can be said to be a deadly woman who is both sexy and dangerous.

"This is Natasha Romanov, codenamed Black Widow." Sharon introduced, "Our best agent."

(End of this chapter)

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