Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 126 Black Week 5

Chapter 126 Black Friday

April NO.13, Friday.

Most Westerners hate these two numbers - NO.13 and Friday. If NO.13 of a certain month happens to hit Friday, then this day is generally called "Black Friday".People will cancel most of the risky plans originally planned for the day, and some people even choose to stay in bed all day.People would refuse to fly, buy a house, or buy stocks, and businessmen would not even dare to do business on this day—they tended to be the more superstitious group.

And today is exactly such a day. "Black Friday" came with a thunderstorm and a heavy rain.People have no intention of lingering on the slippery street. People on the street are in a hurry, their eyes are fixed on the rain-soaked road under their feet.

There is a small newsstand on the corner of the street only a few dozen steps away from the block where Eric lives. The owner Jonah has been watching his stall for more than ten years, rain or shine, and he is also an old acquaintance of Eric. In [-], he would come to the stall to chat with the boss from time to time after school, and bought a newspaper of the day. For Eric, there were not many acquaintances who could chat with each other every day.But now the boss is a little old, he is not sure how long he can sit on this newsstand, maybe after the new year, he will close the stall and go home to retire.

Time has left wrinkles on Jonah's face, and his beard is half black and half white.Covering his newsstand with a big umbrella, he sits in his seat and reads the newspaper through a pair of presbyopic glasses, which are almost narrowed.

It was at this moment that a guest in a black trench coat came to the newsstand.He was wearing a bowler top hat and black leather gloves on his hands. The rainwater flowed down the round brim of the hat, and the outer skin of the windbreaker was soaked with water droplets.He looked to be in his mid-thirties and behaved like a British gentleman.

The guest stooped to smoke a copy of today's newspaper, and the headline on the front page was accompanied by a photo of the half-collapsed Stark house.The media failed to get many detailed information, but according to the gossip, the story of Iron Man fighting with "a group of strange people who will catch fire" seems to be related to the recent series of terrorist explosion accidents in the United States, but the matter seems to have been solved by Iron Man.

"There are a lot of things like this recently." The boss Jonah glanced at the guest and said, "The world is getting more and more crazy, isn't it? Newspaper headlines are full of strange things like this now."


Humming indistinctly, the gentleman dropped the coin on the newsstand and took the paper with him.

Jonah suddenly remembered something, and was taken aback for a moment.

"Wait!" He stood up, and asked with some doubts towards the figure who was about to leave in the rain, "Are you Dr. Charlotte?"

The gentleman paused, turned his head, and smiled gently: "Long time no see, boss."

Jonah's mouth almost opened into an "O" shape in astonishment: "'s been so many years, why do you look...not changed at all? Where have you been all these years? Your son."

"Ah, Eric, he is really great." Dr. Charlotte said meaningfully, "I have been paying attention to his growth, and he has grown better than I imagined. As a father... I am very relieved. "

He smiled happily, and his back quickly disappeared into the rain.

His name is Patrick Charlotte and this is a story about him.

He has been planning for many years, the plan has been started a long time ago, Eric has completed all the final tests that Armazo's system needs for him, he has collected all the necessary data, Eric can be said to have over completed Tasks assigned without their knowledge.Padraic was delighted, he decided on a whim to give his son a chance - let him join his plan, but he refused, what a pity - for Eric.

But it won't have any effect.Everything was going as planned, just like when Columbus was approaching the New World, and the mere thought of it made him overwhelmed with excitement.

But there was a variable, a woman.

Thinking of her gave Patrick a headache.That was the only missing part of his plan, and it could be the fatal one.

To him, that woman is simply a collection of resentment.

Less than half an hour later, a woman also appeared in front of Jonah's newsstand and pulled out the same newspaper.She wore a black bowler hat, a thin black veil over her face, a black leather dress, and a white scarf around her neck.

"I just met a regular customer." The boss Jonah couldn't help but said again, "It may be weird to say it, but you guys really feel exactly the same."

"is it?"

The woman smiled lightly, left the coins behind, and took the newspaper away.

Her name was Yvette Charlotte, and she cursed the name.

The man felt that this was a story about him, and he felt that everything was going according to the script he had written.

He was wrong, Yvette was the one who ensured the variables in his script.

Padraic had also been a good guy, a real genius, someone who really wanted to change the world, someone she fell in love with.

But suddenly, everything changed.Without any sign, he seemed to be a different person. His beliefs and pursuits all night before disappeared with the wind like lettering on the beach, leaving behind a ferocious demon.

No matter what means must be used to stop him.

But there was only one thing that made her hesitate, that caused an emotional shudder whenever it came to mind—Eric.

That child was innocent. He didn't know anything, yet he was dragged into such a complicated vortex inexplicably.She hated the man who cruelly involved his own child in this vortex, but there was nothing she could do about it.Even during the days when she was locked in the cube prison, she never stopped paying attention to Eric's situation.She knew that this child just wanted to live an ordinary life, which was also her expectation, just like most mothers, but unfortunately fate did not allow them to do so.

Fate does not always let most people get what they want.

(End of this chapter)

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