Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 165 Nuclear Crisis

Chapter 165 Nuclear Crisis

"Ascension to Heaven" detonated all the earth rocks they had, and the scale of the explosion was astonishing. Almost half of the jungle was turned upside down by violent flames, and the flames rushed straight into the sky.The green woodland was submerged into a sea of ​​fire, and the towering ancient trees turned into dead wood in the scorching flames, and fell down with a roar of flames.

In the remaining wreckage of the base, the green ball of light broke through the flames and slowly rose. Eric flew out of the sea of ​​flames holding Revan at the waist. Under the green light mode of the armor, the willpower became a shield to protect them from the explosion.

"You know I can protect myself." Raven was dissatisfied, "And I can fly."

"Sorry, subconscious reaction." Eric let her go.As soon as he raised his head, several tracks were cut in the distant sky, flying into the distance with the sound of destruction, like a meteor shower.

That's a tactical-grade nuclear missile, and it's happening all over the world right now.Eric put away his relaxed demeanor, and frowned tightly as he stared at the tail flames passing high in the sky.If no one comes up with a good solution within half an hour, maybe people all over the planet will suffer. Like always.

Raven showed a small cone-shaped earth rock in his hand: "Just before the detonation, I managed to get one out of that pile. This is what triggered the nuclear bomb launch, right?"

Eric took the earth stone in her hand and thought about it.

Although it's just a small spar that can be held with one hand, Eric seems to feel endless things through it.He felt that this small stone was trying to talk to him and show him infinite things. He seemed to be able to see an infinite net through the spar, and all kinds of technological products were in this space. On the Internet, the entire earth is covered.

He seemed to see the missiles, all the missiles, in his mind, flying towards their respective targets with scorching tail flames.

"'Ascension' once tried to use the earth stone to control the Almajo armor." Erik muttered to himself, "I can still feel it through the neural network of the armor, maybe I can use this The nugget is then linked to those missiles that have been fired, allowing them to disintegrate without touching the warhead."

Raven held his hand expressionlessly, and said calmly, "You can do it."

Words without any emotional color are not like encouragement, but more like a statement of established facts, but they are even more inexplicably boosting self-confidence.Eric smiled in relief, maybe this is also her talent.

Time is running out and he must act quickly.Eric's whole body was filled with green light, and the power of the simulated light ring was fully turned on. The light wrapped around him and shot out high into the air, like a green rocket.

The leader of Shengtian did not lie. The earth stone is indeed the best technology produced by the earth's local resources. Eric can clearly feel every nuclear bomb flying in the air through this spar, their programs, their Circuits, and even every wire that makes up inside them.

But not only these, there was another voice, as if from the other side, which was so far away, repelling him through the medium of the earth stone.The sharp noise mixed with the violent signal hit Eric's nervous system again and again, as if someone was screaming in his brain.He felt that his brain wanted to be torn apart, his breathing was almost suffocating, and a huge amount of data was churning in his mind like waves.

"Damn." The altitude has broken through the atmosphere and reached the surface of the earth. Eric's eyes are already blurred, and his consciousness is almost dissipated.

It is a bit too exaggerated for the human spirit to control the earth stone with consciousness. In fact, Superman has made the same attempt in the original comics.

When he was almost distracted, Eric felt a hand gently resting on his cheek through the helmet, and a special energy penetrated the armor and entered his body, making people feel warm in the bottom of their hearts. meaning.

"Cheer up." Raven's voice remained the same, but it was miraculously reassuring, "You can do it."

The power came back in an instant, and Eric opened his eyes, with azure blue light shining in his eyes.The stone statue of the earth resonated, and also shone with blue light, bursting out on the blue planet in an instant.It was as if countless sharp arrows shot out of the string, weaving a blue trail with them into a huge net, and enclosing the whole earth.

He succeeded!All the missiles in the sky exploded in mid-air, crackling like a fireworks on a global scale, and after blooming magnificently, warheads with thick smoke were dropped from the center.The numerous nuclear weapons reactions disappeared one after another, and the bigwigs around the world who got the news finally let out a long sigh of relief, rejoicing that the fate of this planet has not ended here.

But this time Eric has also reached the limit.Although the earth stone did not consume vitality, it seriously depleted mental power. Now he felt exhausted as if he had been working non-stop for several days, and his eyelids were as heavy as lead.Although the armor's green light mode was still full of vitality, he didn't even have the energy to keep himself suspended in the air, and the moment the light dissipated, he began to fall downward.

Fortunately, he is not alone.Revan caught him, took Erik's weight on her thin shoulders, and helped him gently back down to the ground.

"You said you could do it."

"Ah, yeah." Eric leaned lazily on her, "Because you're here. We just saved the world, shouldn't we have a toast or something?"

The two landed back on the ground, and Eric finally recovered a little.He stood up straight unsteadily, and looked at the spar in his hand.

"'Earth rock'?" he murmured, "it's a terrible thing indeed."

"This may be the last piece left." Raven said, "What are you going to do?"

"Keep it secretly, it's okay to play with Black Stark's armor." Eric resumed his usual casualness and joked.

"I'm afraid you can't keep it, sir."

A heavy and muddy voice came from the air behind the two of them. When they turned their heads, they saw a dark and burly figure suspended in the air five or six meters above them, with eyes as red as blood.

Eric frowned: "Where did you come from?"

"My name is 'Ghost'." The black figure said in a low voice, "On behalf of the government's 'machine' agency, I hereby give an order—hand over the Earth Stone!"

(Thanks to book friend 268114724215 for the reward of 500 starting coins!)

(End of this chapter)

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