Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 179 Princess

Chapter 179 Princess
Facing Eric, who had broken free from the shackles and was already dressed, and Raven who suddenly appeared, Ginny still did not show the slightest panic, and sat calmly on the wooden chair.

Her bodyguards climbed up desperately, and rushed towards Eric and Raven like moths to the flame, and as a result-it goes without saying, two of them were very unlucky to be shot head-on by Eric. Flying far away, those with better luck were greeted by Raven's chaos magic. After being bound into rice dumplings by the black and purple magic power, they were hypnotized and fell asleep like a dead pig.

Eric walked up to Ginny, looked down at her, and said, "Now, we can start talking."

Under Raven's control, the purple magic power turned into a snake-like chain, sprang up from the ground, and stabbed at Ginny swiftly.

However, the blond girl still kept a calm smile and didn't even blink her eyes.The moment Raven's magic power rushed a few centimeters in front of her, it shattered as if it had hit an invisible wall, and the remaining magic power fell like raindrops.

Although he didn't understand magic, Eric could tell at a glance that she seemed to have hit a wall, and turned to Raven and asked, "What's going on?"

"A spell." Raven frowned. "I've read similar spells in related books, which are specially used to protect the caster from magical attacks."

"The caster." Eric asked, "Listening to you, she is not the caster anymore?"

"No." Raven shook his head, "The caster is a very good magician, but she is not a magician."

"The little girl reads a lot."

A lazy male voice came out from the darkness, with a strong British accent in its tone.The man appeared from the corner of the room. He had short short blond hair and a long beige windbreaker. His hands were in the pockets of the windbreaker. His chin was full of stubble. Overall, he was quite handsome Uncle.

"Meet you for the first time," he said, handing Eric a cigarette, "do you need one? You can take that thing off, and I promise we won't have to fight today."

"Sorry, I don't smoke." Eric shrugged, but according to his words, he lifted the armor back to his back.

The man lit a cigarette for himself, put it in his mouth, and continued: "According to those doctors, this thing will kill me sooner or later. It's ironic, I didn't die at the hands of those evil spirits and ghosts, but instead To be killed by this thing. Oh, forgot to introduce myself - my name is John Constantine, please take care of me."

"That's right, Constantine."

John Constantine, of course Eric will not forget this guy.This is a legendary human being in the DC world, an expert in the occult and magic, who was dubbed the Hell Detective for his great exorcism achievements.

That would make sense—the odd dissonance that Ginny had brought to them earlier, and her invisible influence on Eric, were all effects of Constantine's spell.

"Oh?" Constantine said unexpectedly, "You know me?"

"The great John Constantine, the world's top exorcist and magician." Eric smiled and said, "Ah, I've heard of it."

"Magician, that's a good way to say it. In fact, people like us are just cheaters, cheaters under the big rules of the universe." Constantine said, "But it's easy if you know me, we can directly cut into That's the point—"

He said, paused, and turned his gaze to Ginny: "You should have seen it before, but let me introduce it again-this is the princess of Xinka Lilan, Mia. The purpose of our trip here is also It's simple - get the two of you married, right now."

A brief silence.

"Uh, sorry, what did you just say?"

"You are married to this princess of Sinka Leland." Constantine repeated, adding this time, "For world peace. We have already arranged, and the wedding will be at the ambassador of Sinka Leland tonight." Hall held"

"What trick are you playing, magician?" Raven asked, frowning.

"I really admire you, classmate Eric." Princess Mia said calmly, "You are young and brave, and you dance very well."

"Stop, stop, you know I'm only 18, right?" Eric spread his hands.

Constantine smiled: "The princess is only 18, but what does that matter? Xincaria can get married when she is 16. Look, this princess is rich and powerful, and she is so cute. What's wrong with her?"

"Wait, let's not talk about this for now, I remembered." Eric stared at Princess Mia for a moment, and said, "It seems to be said in the recent news that Princess Sinkaliland and King Vivian of Latvinia The Engagement of Keto von Doom"

Constantine sighed: "Yeah, that's what we came here for - to prevent this from happening. This Princess Mia is the seventh of the seven princesses, with noble blood, she has been flowing since birth Extraordinary blood, with great potential buried in her soul. It can be said that she was born with this extraordinary magical talent, which is of extraordinary value to any mage who pursues it."

"So that's how it is." Eric understood, "Is that why Doom has taken a fancy to her?"

"That's right." Constantine said, "Coincidentally, my job right now is to maintain the balance. There are too many people cheating in the world, and even magic has a price. You can get something for nothing, but there is always a price. cost. As one of those few who understand how things work, it is my job to make sure that no one cheats too far—such as preventing extremely dangerous magical artifacts from falling into the hands of ambitious wizards. The king of Sincalia recently Decided to marry my daughter to that bastard Doom for political purposes, and I stole her out before that."

"To put it bluntly, it's snatching a kiss."

"My father doesn't believe in any 'nonsense' from my mother." Princess Mia said helplessly, "He is not a mystic, he only cares about his own 'state affairs'."

"Doctor Doom is undoubtedly one of the people who know magic the most in the world, and he is an ambitious man." Constantine said, "So this is my solution - faster than that old guy, before him Let this princess find someone she really wants to marry."

"And that person is not me." Eric said, "Please, I can tell at the first sight of her, you just want to find someone to use Dr. Doom's shield for you, right?"

The princess did not speak.

"Okay, so why me? Why don't you go to Stark or something? He's more famous than me, and you don't have to go to the trouble of finding out Iron Man's identity because his mugshot is on the TV Did you smash a construction robot into my school?"

"That was a bit ill-conceived," the princess muttered under her breath, "but it didn't hurt. And superheroes like the Avengers are a bit too old for me."

Uh well, that's kind of a reason.

"Speaking of which, you are really amazing. You actually got the data about me inside Aegis, and how did you get a construction robot that Aegis couldn't trace the source of?"

"It's not mine, it's Doom's, and he was the one who stole the information from Aegis. I just 'borrowed' it while he wasn't paying attention. I think since Doom is interested in your information, it must be because Are you a threat to him?" The little princess stuck out her tongue, "The old man insists on forcing me to be his fiancée, so I'm just borrowing some of his stuff, isn't it too much?"

But didn't you run away? Eric complained secretly in his heart.

"Wait," Raven noticed something keenly, "someone is coming."

Almost as soon as her voice fell, unknown objects in the form of thick fog entered the room from every corner.A sense of nausea and incongruity surged from the bottom of everyone's heart. The two chairs fell apart in an instant, and everything in the room seemed to start to disintegrate. Shards of wood and metal danced in the air, as if they were in a special effect scene of a movie. There is no sense of reality.


The purple waves blasted through the wall from the outside, and the dust was blown in, making way for the awe-inspiring figure outside.Like a ruler slowly stepping down from the throne, the green cloak fluttered in the moonlight.

It's Doctor Doom.

(End of this chapter)

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