Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 184 Revisiting Hometown

Chapter 184 Revisiting Hometown
Raven's performance today was abnormal, very abnormal.

Compared with ordinary people, her personality is quite withdrawn. It can be said that she is quite difficult to understand, but after getting along with her for so long, Eric thinks that she has a good understanding of her personal interests, hobbies, and habits. Wen is really unprecedented.

It started with an early-morning rush to make breakfast at Eric's house, an attempt that failed "miserably" when she offered to eat pizza.You know, she used to be quite disgusted with this kind of food, and she would rather watch other people eat it than take a bite when she was hungry.Then she proposed to go to the amusement park, and the only time they went to the amusement park before that was in Gotham, and Raven was not very happy at the time.

Since she didn't want to say anything, Eric didn't ask any more questions, and today's arrangement was all up to her.But for some reason, he always had an ominous premonition in his heart, as if such a happy and peaceful time was about to come to an end.

"That," Raven asked flatly, pointing to the roller coaster whizzing by in the air, "Do you want to try again?"

Eric's mouth twitched.Did she forget so quickly the tragic ending of the roller coaster ride in the Gotham amusement park last time?Although the scale in front of me is not comparable to that of Gotham, it still looks very exciting.

But since it was a girl who brought it up like this, then no matter what, I can't back down.

"Okay, why not?"

Aegis, a floating carrier.

"Wait, I know her." When Raven's photo appeared on the big screen in the conference room, Tony sat up straight and said, "Rachel Rose? A high school student from Midtown High?"

"Yes." Nick Fury said lightly, "At the same time, she is one of the most powerful people with magical power on earth, and she is extremely unstable. She is like a magical time bomb, and once it detonates, the range of influence is worldwide."

"Wait, maybe she does have some superpowers, but I believe this kid is on our side," Tony said.

Ant-Man raised his eyebrows: "What? You guys know each other well?"

"I know what you think, Stark." Fury said, "I know you and Eric have a good relationship, but please don't get your personal emotions involved. We are discussing planetary security. In addition, this is our consultation conclusions drawn from the opinions of authoritative persons.”

"Authorities?" Tony was visibly dismissive of the word.

"That girl is the daughter of the demon 'Lord of the Three Palaces' from another dimension, and she herself is its channel to invade this dimension." Fury continued to explain, "And now, she has gradually begun to lose stability, in the words of experts Generally speaking, it is the disorder of magic power. It is a harbinger of the imbalance of the dimensional channel, which means that she may lose control at any time and become a channel to attract the World Destroyer Demon King. By then, it will be too late. Before that, we must take measures."

"Sorry, but the term 'authority' isn't very popular these days." Tony said, "Can I ask who that is?"

Fury glanced at him.

"John Constantine, a quack magician, we have had contact with him." Fury said, paused, and said, "He is not a trustworthy person, but in this matter... I think What he said was true."

amusement park.

Sure enough, there was no accident, the condition of both of them after the roller coaster was very grim.Eric was fine, he took a few deep breaths after he landed, and he was able to adjust. Raven felt his stomach churning again like last time, and went straight to the public toilet.

"Really." After Raven went into the toilet, Eric waited helplessly outside, "I can't stand it, but I still have to sit on this kind of thing."

After Raven vomited in the toilet, his breathing became much easier.She came to the sink and washed her face, looked at the mirror in front of the sink, the girl's face was as pale as paper behind the mirror.

A burst of colic came from the bottom of his heart, and Raven groaned "ah", and fell down on the sink in pain.She stared at herself in the mirror, and saw bright red marks on the girl's plain skin, like words written with hot blood, strings of characters with unknown meanings.

"No, no, no"

She never expected that this moment would come so fast, so fast that she was not even the slightest bit prepared.Eric was waiting for her just a few steps away from the door, and there were so many things she wanted to do with him, and so many things she wanted to say to him.
Raven gritted his teeth.

Maybe she was wrong at the beginning, she shouldn't have let this boy into her life at all, because it was destined to end like this in the end.

Sorry, Eric.

Raven took a deep breath, made sure there was no one else around, and whispered a spell.The field of purple-black physical power opened up under her feet, like a pitch-black swamp.The magic power slowly rose from the ground, enveloping the girl like an oval eggshell, and disappeared in an instant without leaving any trace.

Eric leaned against the big tree outside the toilet and checked his watch again.

"Speaking of which, Raven is really slow, is it so serious?"

It was as if his soul had been pulled out of his body, Raven could hardly feel his own existence, and his consciousness was advancing rapidly along a chaotic space.The surroundings were spinning, and the body completely lost its sense of balance, a bit like the feeling of being swayed in a storm and a tsunami.

After an unknown amount of time, Raven's feet finally fell back to the ground.After the chaos magic passed over her body, she had already put on the uniform of the dead reservoir water, and the cloak hung down gently as she descended.

Azeroth, the dimension where Revan was born and raised, is also the place where she learned to use magic and control her emotions, and the place where she was given shelter from the Lord of the Three Palaces.

But that was all "once".

Time has passed, and now Azeroth is desolate wherever the eye can see.Collapsed buildings and ruined palaces are everywhere, and there is no breath of life in the boundless space, as if even the air is dead, filled with a depressing atmosphere.

This is the price of bearing Sangong's anger. If one day that demon finds a passage to the earth, this will be the fate of the earth.

Raven shook his head, tried his best to put aside these thoughts, suspended his body and slowly floated forward.

She hated coming back because it would remind her of the cruel fate she was about to face, and the worst that could happen.But the truth is, some things are there no matter how much you avoid them, and one day you have to come back and face them.

According to his memories, Raven flew over the devastated building wreckage and headed for the location where the central hall used to be.If there was anywhere else she could find a way to possibly defeat Sannomiya, it would be here.


The clear and gentle female voice suddenly echoed in this empty space.Raven shuddered and turned his head abruptly, only to see a woman in white clothes with a translucent body suspended in the air like her, looking at her with a loving smile.

Raven's pupils shrank, and he said in surprise, "Mom!?"

(End of this chapter)

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