Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 19 Truth and Lies

Chapter 19 Truth and Lies
When he first found out that he had traveled to the world of American comics, Eric secretly thought - if there is any place on earth that is the worst place to go, then the Aegis Helicarrier must be ranked high.

Because once you get the chance to climb up, nine times out of ten it means that you will miss the word "ordinary" in your life.

But destiny is really interesting. If it decides your future at the beginning, it seems that no matter how long you play hide-and-seek with it, you will eventually return to the original point and have to obey its arrangement.Eric deliberately wanted to avoid trouble, but now trouble still came to his door. At this moment, he still boarded this sci-fi mothership.

I have to say, this thing is really quite spectacular.At the same time, the aircraft carrier has the capability of amphibious combat by sea, land and air. The vast deck is equipped with countless cannons, tanks and Quin-style fighter jets. It is simply a mobile arsenal.As far as technology is concerned, the world's technological power has indeed surpassed the eight major roads in the world before Eric's rebirth.

"Director Fury is waiting here." Sharon Carter led Eric through countless turns in the corridor extending in all directions, and finally stopped in front of a composite golden door, "I'll take you there Here it is."

Eric nodded: "Thank you."

The automatic door slid open in front of him as if recognizing him, and then closed immediately after he stepped in, making a "tick" locking sound.

Nick Fury sat behind the only transparent table in the room, the same image as Eric remembered.He was wearing that dark windbreaker, with a bald head, and the incandescent light was reflected on the black skull.He covered his left eye with a black eyepatch, and the sharp gaze from his left eye was like a precision scanner, making people feel as if his soul was exposed naked in front of him.

"So what should I call you? One-Eyed?" Eric asked despite actually knowing Nick Fury.

"My name is Nick Fury, the person in charge here." Fury glanced at the seat in front of the table with his eyes, "Sit down, kid, be casual."

Erica pulled up a seat and sat down.

"First of all, I have to thank you. You subdued Zola, saved us a lot of trouble, reduced a lot of losses, and saved many people who might have died, although Zora's body has not been found yet."

Although he said thank you, his tone of emotion has hardly changed since he opened his mouth.

"I know you have a lot of questions right now," Fury said, "but you may be disappointed—maybe I don't know as much as you think, and the information we have is limited. I want to share my knowledge, but before that, you have to answer—how did you know about the existence of Aegis?"

Eric shrugged: "Through my parents, how else would I know? They thought I wouldn't remember until I was three years old, but in fact I started to remember much earlier than the average child. They used to Mentioned before me."

He lied.His parents never brought him up on work, but he figured a lie would be better than "I saw it in a comic."

Fury was silent for a moment, as if trying to see through his eyes, but unfortunately he found that the boy's eyes were as unfathomable as a well, and he couldn't see anything clearly.

"Then take it as it is." Fury's statement was meaningful, but it seemed that he didn't intend to pursue it for the time being. He turned, "Then, as you know, your parents used to be researchers of Aegis. In the past, The project they are in charge of is the 'Unmanned Soldier' ​​project, the purpose is to create robotic soldiers that can be remotely controlled, so that the days when soldiers risked their lives and blood on the battlefield will become a thing of the past."

"But your father—forgive me for saying this—was a very ambitious man, and he was even a little difficult to control." Fury seemed to recall something, and slightly frowned the one-eyed brow, "He tried several times Dangerous attempts were vetoed by me, and I thought maybe that was the trigger. Somebody else offered him an olive branch 15 years ago."

"Hydra?" Eric asked, "I heard that the guy named Zola who was just dealt with was from Hydra. He told me that it was because of the armor system developed by my father that Zola research is no longer taken seriously.”

"We thought so a while ago, but now we find that it doesn't seem that simple. Not only Hydra, but also more unknown organizations are involved. We still don't understand the relationship between them." Fury said, "But there is one thing we are sure of. Dr. Charlotte is personally responsible for the development of the 'Armodra System' - which is the armor you have now. Maybe he entrusted someone to make it The armor is in your hands, and I'm sure he wants you to use it to make a difference."

"But how do you know that giving this to me is what he meant? There are many possibilities."

"Because the armor is designed for you, Eric." Fury interrupted him, saying seriously, "It contains all kinds of your data, binds your genes, and no one can drive it except you , this was programmed when it was designed, and now even Dr. Charlotte himself cannot change it."

Eric froze.

"Your father loved you, Eric," Fury said. "He entrusted this to you because he believed in you and he knew you would make the right choice. I'm sorry, son."

Eric read something from his face, and his face sank involuntarily: "Is he dead?"

Fury looked directly at him without speaking, but a positive answer was clearly written on his face.

Eric was silent for a while, then said, "When did it happen?"

"The details involve other confidentiality, and I can't disclose them. But what I can tell you is that Dr. Charlotte has been confirmed dead, but your mother is still missing. I'm sorry you have to hear this, child."

"It's okay, I kind of expected it." Eric said in a low voice, "Then if there's nothing else, I want to go back first, Director, I'm very tired today."

"Of course, Agent Carter will send you back in a moment. Oh, and one more thing"

Fury pulled the glass table with one hand, and the light blue virtual screen immediately stood up from the table.In the center of the screen is an urgently interrupted news, which is the scene of Eric's fierce battle with the gigantic Dr. Zola just now.

"We will erase all clues that may affect your life in this incident, but you'd better think of a code quickly." Fury pointed to the flying green light spot in the screen, which is Eri in green light mode Ke, "You're a household name now, after all."

"let me consider it."

After leaving the last sentence, Eric left the room.

A moment later, Deputy Director Maria Hill entered the room.

"You didn't tell him the truth, sir," she said. "You didn't tell him how Dr. Charlotte died and that we were the ones who gave him the armor."

"It's good now." Fury said lightly, "Dr. Charlotte's genetic lock on the armor makes him only willing to fight if he can drive the armor and make him think that it is his father's intention to get the armor. It would be good for us to be properly guided. In addition, it would be good for him to keep him from knowing the truth about Dr. Charlotte."

(End of this chapter)

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