Chapter 192 Decoy
Vladimir Schleiden, a senior agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.SHIELD built a brand new facility in Gotham City two years ago, and Vladimir has been assigned as the person in charge since then.Overall, his work is even more relaxed than when he was at the headquarters.

Today, he entered the office, opened the curtains, and sat down at the desk like every day in the past.It should have been a very normal day as usual, until a phone call came.

"This is Vladimir Schleiden." He answered the landline microphone and said.

"This is Eric Charlotte." A young man's voice came from the other side of the microphone, "The wanted man you are looking for—if you remember."

Vladimir was taken aback, but his reaction was quick.He immediately pressed the phone recording, turned on the hands-free and started the reverse tracking and positioning at the same time.Although the employee of SHIELD is not in the headquarters, he certainly knows the names of the two wanted criminals, especially now that it is said that Director Fury wants to catch them very much.

"Why do you have a phone call here?" He asked calmly, thinking about how to buy time to wait for the location.

"I have some friends who got it for me."

"what do you want?"

The other party was silent for a long while, and asked abruptly, "Can I trust you, Mr. Schleiden?"

Vladimir was taken aback for a moment, for a person who had never met this question was really strange.

"It depends, boy," he said. "It would be irresponsible for me to say so, as you know."

"It does make sense." Eric pondered for a moment, and said, "To be honest, we are in Gotham now. But I was injured in the battle with the Avengers, and I was seriously injured. And we are being killed by others People are chasing and killing us, we have no choice but to compromise, hoping that Aegis can give us asylum."

Vladimir couldn't help being excited when he heard this, and he quickly realized that this was his opportunity, an opportunity to make meritorious deeds.Of course, he is not an idiot. Even if he doesn't know why the two fugitives are wanted and what their relationship is with each other, he won't believe the one-sided words on the phone so easily.But no matter what, since the other party took the initiative to find him, he has a chance. No matter what tricks the other party is playing, he is only a middle school student after all. How could he have played elite agents?
"Understood." Vladimir said calmly, "Of course it's very good. If you are willing to surrender, Aegis is willing to provide you with any protection."

"Very well, then, in 10 minutes, come under the bridge in Kingston, and we will all wait here."

After speaking, without waiting for a response, the phone was hung up.

"Hello? Wait."

Vladimir tried to say something, but the microphone was already busy.He glanced helplessly at the computer screen for tracking and positioning, which displayed "location failure".

Of course, it is impossible to say that there is no suspicion, but in any case, there are only two options in front of him now - to go or not to go.

After thinking about it for a while, Vladimir finally made up his mind.He walked out of the office quickly and began to gather people. Of course, he did not forget to inform the headquarters of the situation here.After receiving the notice, Nick Fury also meant to let him go to the appointment anyway, no matter what the other party's idea was, at least they could not let them escape again, and the Avengers had already rushed to Gotham as quickly as possible.

"Sir?" Just as he was busy calling people, a person suddenly asked from behind him, "What happened?"

When Vladimir turned around, behind him was Clinton Barton, the top agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., code-named Hawkeye. He happened to be in Gotham these two days on business, and he could come in handy at this time.

"Agent Patton." Vladimir said happily, "It's just in time, we may need your help."

Aegis, a floating carrier.

"What is this kid thinking now?" Tony asked while putting on his armor.

"I don't know, but we have to go and see anyway." Captain America said, turning to Doctor Strange, "Doctor, can you send us to Gotham?"

Doctor Strange shook his head: "No, Gotham City is an ominous place because of its heavy magical resistance. My teleportation can't go there. You can go this time, the darkness in another dimension is becoming more and more unstable. , I must first concentrate on dealing with it.”

"It sounds like we have to go the original way." Ant-Man said.

Captain America glanced at everyone: "Avengers, dispatch!"

10 minutes later, under the bridge in Kingston, Gotham.

The agents of SHIELD still have a strong sense of time. Eric said 10 minutes, and they really arrived on time in 10 minutes.Two black cars were waiting in the open, and more agents were distributed in the surrounding environment, covering all possible monitoring points in Zhouza.

But no one came.

Vladimir tried to call back the number he just called, but after just a while, he was reminded that the number he dialed was empty and could not be connected.

He was a little suspicious in his heart—could that kid really just play tricks on them for fun?
In fact, they missed something.Not all surveillance points have been covered by them.

In a large shopping mall directly opposite the bridge, there is a pair of giant billboards hanging in the direction of the overpass.The countless fan blades that make up the billboard flip over at regular intervals to switch the images on the giant screen.

In fact, their watchers are behind the billboards.Whenever the fan blades rotated at regular intervals and the gap was exposed, he got the vision of peeping out in an instant, monitoring the situation of everyone under the bridge through a single-hole telescope.Those agents who pretended to be passers-by or read newspapers, or sat in the car and dozed off, or leaned against lampposts doing nothing thought they were very concealed, but in fact they all had a panoramic view of him.

He pressed the earphones in his ears and whispered: "They are here, and Vladimir himself has also arrived. There are more people than expected. At this moment, there must be no one in his office. The guards in the entire branch The strength should also be the weakest, but you'd better be careful."

Before he could finish his sentence, a gust of cold wind that sent chills down his spine came from behind him.Almost subconsciously, he rolled sideways, and the sharp arrow brushed past his cheek, piercing into the metal wall behind him with a clang.

It's Hawkeye.Among so many people, he was the only one who was worthy of his title and saw through the disguise and found his hiding place.At this moment, he was standing at the end of the passage, facing the monitor from a distance.

Hawkeye frowned slightly.

No, that's not Eric.The man in front of him was wearing a pitch-black uniform with the logo of a blue flying eagle printed on his chest, his cheekbones were covered by black eyepatch, but he still exuded a compelling heroism.

It's Nightwing.

(End of this chapter)

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