Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 201 Determination

Chapter 201 Determination
The Avenger flew slowly in the air, with bright red stripes printed on its silver-white body, and a huge "A" mark written on its shell.

The Avengers sat silently in the fighter plane, and Eric was among them.Everyone remained silent, and the atmosphere was extremely dignified. The only thing echoing in the huge cabin was the low engine sound of the fighter jets at the rear.

The lows are to be expected, and they just had a loss, possibly the worst they've all had since debut, and it could cost the world.

Half an hour ago, Raven's body was caught in a violent storm of magic power. The gate of dimension opened in the raging storm, and the Lord of the Three Palaces himself appeared in it.And everyone lost consciousness one after another before they could even see his figure clearly.

Fortunately, the world did not end there.When they woke up, they were crushed under a piece of ruins—it was the abandoned library that connected to the dimension of Azeroth, and it had completely collapsed and turned into a piece of ruins.

Doctor Strange felt for a moment, saying that the dimensional link here has been cut off, and it is no longer possible to enter the Azeroth dimension from here.Helpless, everyone can only go back home first and then make plans.

Halfway through the flight, there was a communication from Aegis.

"What's the situation on your side?" Fury's face appeared on the big communication screen, "Have you stopped that three-house demon?"

"Uh, I encountered a little setback." Tony scratched his head and said, "What's wrong?"

"Because if not, the situation may be very bad now." Fury said seriously, "Come to the mothership quickly, and explain in detail later."

Although a little puzzled, everyone turned their course according to the words and flew towards the floating carrier.After about 10 minutes, they docked on the mothership, and the agents who came out to greet them led them to the chamber with the highest efficiency. Fury had been waiting for a long time.

Fury deliberately took a look at Eric who followed in the team, and asked, "What about her?"

Eric grimaced and didn't answer.

"Really?" Fury already understood, and didn't ask any more questions.

After everyone found their seats and sat down in turn, Fury turned to everyone, "Just about half an hour ago, our satellite detected an unprecedented high-energy reaction on the surface of the earth, at the border of Wakanda."

"Wakanda?" Ant-Man recalled. "I remember vibranium—the stuff that Captain's shield is made of?"

"Yes." Fury nodded and said, "We have already contacted the local area of ​​Wakanda. What is condensed outside the border is an ultra-high aggregate energy body, and its energy characteristics are very strange. I have already projected the spectrum on the screen. superior"

Tony only glanced at the big screen and recognized it: "It's magic. I have studied the characteristics of the energy released by Thor's hammer. In fact, magic is to use energy in a different way from ours, although I haven't been able to crack it yet." , but I can recognize the characteristics of magical energy at a glance."

"Not only that." Fury said, "Our relevant experts have also measured that a gap is opening around the energy aggregation point in Wakanda. In their words, it is a space crack, and the other side of the door One side could lead to anywhere such as another world."

"It's him, the Lord of the Three Houses." Doctor Strange closed his eyes for a moment, and said, "He finally got the door to our world, and that should be the gap he needs to cross over. But from what it looks like so far , that gap is not yet perfect, and it should take a few hours to take shape. I have some related ancient spells, if I get close to it, maybe I can close it."

"You said it was a passage, right?" Eric, who had been silent all the way here, asked suddenly, "Then since it is a passage, it should be two-way. That is to say, if you enter from this side, the other side is Sangong's dimension, right?"

His question startled everyone.

"Theoretically yes." Doctor Strange said, "But none of us know what the dimensions of the Three Palaces are like. Maybe the environment is so bad that you can't imagine, and maybe you will be smashed to pieces in a split second."

"Really?" Eric got up and went out the door as if he didn't hear the second half of his sentence.

Tony sighed, and said to everyone: "Go ahead, I'll go talk to him."

Tony quickly stopped Eric in the corridor outside, and said, "Be clear, kid, what do you want to do?"

"You know what I'm going to do." Eric said lightly.

"I know what you want to do, but you don't." Tony pressed his shoulders and said, "You just have a hot head and want to die. In your heart, you know she is dead, and you can't do it." If you win Sangong, none of us can win. You are just looking for death."

"No." Eric patted his hand away, and said, "I won't die, and neither will she. She's still alive, and I can feel it."

This was not an illusion condensed from his pure wish, he could indeed feel Raven.At the last moment just now, Raven injected something into his body, and he felt as if he had established a certain connection with Raven, even if he crossed a dimension, he could still feel Raven's existence.Although life has been weak to the point of disappearing, she is still alive.

Maybe she just believed that Eric had left him something, maybe she was waiting somewhere in the dark for Eric to pick her up as promised.In any case, he must go this trip, even if the destination is hell.

Tony stared into his eyes for a moment, seeming to read unwavering will in them.

Finally, he sighed softly.

"On the tarmac outside, the Quinjet fighter at position B13 is ready to launch." Tony whispered, "I think your body hasn't recovered yet, it's better to take a rest before using the armor again. Can you drive?"

Eric was taken aback for a moment, then smiled easily: "Yes, my dad taught me to fly a plane in Hawaii."


"Well, this is actually a classic joke in my hometown." Eric put away his smile, patted Tony on the shoulder, and said sincerely, "Thank you, you are a very good friend."

"If you really want to thank you, come back alive." Tony waved his hand, "After you go in, I will buy you an hour. If you haven't come out after the timeout."

"You can let Qi Qi close the gap." Eric said, "I understand."

"Even so, do you have to go?" Tony sighed, "Then be careful yourself, don't die."

"Don't worry, I won't die, and I will bring her back with me." Eric brushed past Tony, walked away quickly, and said, "I owe you this time."

(End of this chapter)

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