Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 203 White Raven

Chapter 203 White Raven
Wakanda, frontier.

A big mouth was torn open in the sky, like a shocking bloodstain.In just one hour, the space rift had grown to an unbelievable extent, a dangerous red glow shot out from it, and the dull roar was like thunder.

"It's almost there." Doctor Strange, who was hanging cross-legged in the wilderness, suddenly opened his eyes and said to everyone, "If you wait a little longer, it might take shape. I'm sorry for that child, but I have to close it."

Tony gritted his teeth: "Wait a little longer, just for a while"

Captain America patted him on the shoulder: "We are at the forefront of the war, Iron Man, behind us is the entire human world. We all have to learn to make choices on the battlefield, and we all have to pay for our decisions. When Eric made his choice, I think he must also know the responsibility he needs to bear."

"Okay." Tony relented with a sigh. "Close it."

Doctor Strange got up, levitated up, like a red leaf, and the blood-colored gust of wind was retrograde.He rose to a height of about ten meters from the entrance, took a deep breath, made strange gestures with both hands and began to chant the spell aloud.

The magic wave was released from his hand, rushed up against the violent vortex, and began to rotate against its direction, actually starting to prevent the further expansion of the crack.

Doctor Strange is worthy of being the one who inherited the title of "Sorcerer Supreme", and the effect of this spell is indeed extraordinary.After a short while, the crack actually began to shrink, showing a faint tendency to close.Scarlet electricity spattered violently around the crack, as if it was itself screaming in resistance.

"It's more powerful than I imagined." Doctor Strange gritted his teeth, his forehead was already covered with fine beads of sweat, and said, "It's beyond expectation that there is such a majestic magical power, and I can't hold on if it goes on like this till it closes completely"

"Maybe I can help," Tony said, "Jarvis, analyze Doctor Strange's magical energy-related data and frequency, and see if you can replicate similar fluctuations."


Doctor Strange said disdainfully: "I have been studying magic for so many years, and my magic power has reached its peak. How can it be beyond the capabilities of your human technology?"

Before he finished speaking, a blue beam of light whizzed out from Iron Man's chest, and merged into the magic wave shot out by Doctor Strange like a river, sinking into the huge vortex together.

It really worked, the gap began to accelerate and close, rotating and shrinking against the previous direction.Doctor Strange glanced at Iron Man with a slight embarrassment, and continued to cast spells without saying a word.

If this continues, within a minute, this gap should be able to be closed.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

It was as if a god had come down to the world, and the earth-shattering thunder sounded loudly.The vortex that was closing suddenly paused, and then expanded uncontrollably as if going crazy, like a huge mouth spewing out a terrifying and fiery breath.Both Iron Man and Doctor Strange who were in mid-air were blown to the ground unexpectedly, in a rather embarrassing figure.

"Your spells are worthless, Mage Supreme."

The deep voice resounded between the sky and the earth like thunder behind the clouds, and a huge shadow appeared at the gap.The moment the blood-red soles hit the ground, the ground seemed to tremble. The red giant stood upright, and the horns on the top of his head seemed to pierce the clouds, and the indescribable pressure descended, even the sky and the earth were eclipsed.

Lord Sangong, he finally came.

On the other side of the gap, in the dimension of hell.

Eric looked at the little girl in front of him in astonishment, unknowingly removed his armor, and for a moment he forgot the purpose of his trip as if petrified.

"You are Raven?" He asked in disbelief.

This little girl who was no taller than his waist had short black hair, and she was indescribably similar to Raven in terms of hairstyle, face shape and facial features.But under the cloak, she was wearing a pure white attire. Her eyes were like a frightened little rabbit carefully looking at Eric. Raven's image is completely untouched.

"who are you?"

As she stepped back cautiously, she asked in a tender and tender voice.

Eric smiled slightly and stretched out a hand: "Don't worry, I'm here to pick you up."

Little Raven stared at his hand, bit his lip and thought for a while, but finally turned around and ran away.

"Hey! Raven, wait!"

Although this girl is small in stature, she does not run slowly at all. With Eric's dazed effort, she has already run a long way, and rushed out through the small door behind.

When Eric followed him out, he saw a long black staircase outside the back door, which spiraled down and extended to an unknown number of floors.The girl's petite white figure ran down the stairs, and people couldn't help but worry that she might fall down due to an unsteady foot.

"Raven, stop and think about it!" Eric yelled as he hurried to catch up.

But Raven ignored him.Seeing that Eric was about to catch up, she turned around abruptly, jumped from the stone ladder into a pile of rocks on one side, and jumped up and down among a pile of fiery rocks nimbly, like a scurrying rabbit.

But at this moment, a stalwart figure suddenly emerged from among the chaotic rocks.Raven bumped into the shadow unexpectedly, and fell to the ground with an "ah".

It was a piece of blue-gray armor, with an extremely strong figure, holding a huge ax in his hand, a fully enclosed iron-colored helmet on his head, and shocking iron nails on his face.

This is one of the gatekeepers of the hell dimension, and its combat power is far beyond that of ordinary hell fish.

It raised the battle ax high, and was about to fall towards Raven in a numb manner.Raven tried to walk, but there was a sharp pain in his ankle, as if he had just sprained it when he fell.She could only tighten her head, hold her head tightly with her little hands, and close her eyes.

Eric arrived just at this time, and while he was wearing the armor, he had already jumped out, snatched Revan from under the ax dangerously, and rolled over to avoid her.The great ax grazed his back, sending sparks flying and leaving a crack in the armor.

"Are you all right?" Eric breathed a sigh of relief and asked Raven in his arms.

Little Raven looked at him blankly.

"Wait a minute." Eric stood up with a smile and patted her on the head. "I'll get rid of this guy soon, and then you and I will go home together, okay?"

Raven still didn't speak, bit his lower lip lightly, and nodded hesitantly.

Erik put her down and turned to face the gatekeeper with the axe.

"Complete super mode is online."

(End of this chapter)

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