Chapter 227 Taunt
"I don't care how powerful your armor is," the sand man turned into a large mass of surging sand, pouring it madly towards Eric, "but any armor and electronic equipment, as long as there is even a gap, I will can infiltrate and mess up your circuits!"

He wasn't bluffing, the Sandman was capable of doing just that.But when the gushing sand stream bombarded Eric, he hit a wall on the layer of energy shield that was barely visible to the naked eye.The light green ripples spread along the body of the armor, completely dissolving the menacing wave of impact of the sand man.

The dispersed sand flow closed behind Eric, and the re-condensed human figure stood up, surprised and said: "What's going on?"

"That's the thing, maybe you can penetrate armor, but you can't break through energy layers like this."

As Eric said, his right fist had already swung out from the air, and the energy gushing out from the ring formed a huge and impenetrable net to cover it down.The sand man was startled, and his body turned into a cloud of sand in a hurry to try to escape, but finally he was a step too late.The green cover mercilessly covered him inside, even if he transformed the sand into the shape of a meteor hammer or a giant axe, he couldn't shake it at all.

Of course, he couldn't find even a gap in the energy layer of the green light to get out of the sand, so it can be said that he was completely trapped inside.

But Eric had just made this thing into shape, and before he had time to catch his breath, the Rhino had killed him from behind.Although that guy is bulky and inconvenient to move, but regardless of his speed, he is not at all savage.Rhino's huge slap slapped Eric's waist abruptly from behind, and he was thrown out like a tennis ball, breaking a load-bearing column heavily and smashing into a pile of equipment fragments of unknown purpose.

With this interruption, the energy layer of the green light also disappeared due to the lack of concentration, and the sandman also fell to the ground freely.He pumped his fist in satisfaction, and resumed the attack alongside his hulking gray comrade.

Eric patted the dust on his body indifferently, stood up slowly, and looked directly at the murderous duo who drove over.

"Complete, super mode is online."

When the two of them were sprinting, the Almazo armor had been quickly switched, and the flashing fluorescence of the "S" mark on the chest was quite eye-catching in the dark red room.And in just a few steps, the rhinoceros and the sandman's feet also differentiated their speeds. The rhinoceros, like a heavy armored tank, rushed forward and was the first to kill Eric, stabbing fiercely with its sharp horns.


With a loud noise like thunder, the rhinoceros man, who was as tall as a hill, was completely overturned, his head buzzed and he passed out, and he fell backwards and hit the sand man.The sand man who was sprinting at full speed behind him couldn't dodge at all, and he was smashed into a puddle again on the spot.

But the ball of sand immediately split into two waves, one on the left and one on the right bypassing the rhinoceros's body and rejoining, like a wild beast, it opened its teeth and claws again and pounced on it again.

"The output power is 100% fully charged."

Without dodging or dodging, the armor was fully charged in an instant, and the eyepiece was like a soldering iron.Eric let out a clear cry, and the thermal vision shot out from the eyepiece, and the fire-colored light beam hit the lump of sand where the sandman incarnated.

Sandmen are immune to any physical attack, that's pretty clear, but only physical attacks.

The moment he came into contact with thermal vision, the turbulent sand flow slowed down instantly, re-condensing the silhouette of a person, standing on the ground in a difficult posture, struggling against the impact of high temperature.

In just a few seconds, he was completely unable to move.The outer layer of the sandy body seemed to be covered with a layer of glittering glass, like a beautiful and exquisite ice sculpture being fixed in place.

In fact, this trick was invented by Spider-Man in the original work-heating treatment at a high temperature of more than [-] degrees to vitrify the sandman whose body is mainly composed of silicon dioxide and lose its ability to move. It is a victory for a schoolmaster.

Eric clapped his hands and turned back to the basic mode.The problem is solved, I don't know if Spiderman's side is going well.

While he was fighting two super villains, the exit of the basement.

Kim stood in front of Spider-Man grimly.At this moment, he had already taken off the black suit that was tightly attached to his body, and was wearing a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up high.

"Who do you work for?" Kim asked coldly.

Spider-Man looked directly at him for a moment, and then said seriously: "You are right, you don't know me, and you don't know why I insist on doing this. I swore to myself, if I can still face you face to face, then I will Just to tell you. There are so many facts I want to tell you that I'm afraid of missing any. So I literally wrote down all the things I wanted to tell you, because they are also very important to me .”

He really took out a dozen small slips of paper, and began to read to them in a leisurely manner.Jin Bing frowned slightly, not knowing what kind of medicine this kid was selling in his gourd.

In the next second, the painting style changed suddenly.

"Let's see what it says," Spider-Man cleared his throat. "You're so fat, so when you shave, the marshmallows come out of your face."

Jin Bin instantly petrified, so shocked that he even forgot to be angry.

"What, isn't it funny? Then look at this." Spider-Man dropped the note and continued, "You're so fat that your high school graduation picture can only be taken from a helicopter. Uh, it's still not funny." ? Then listen to this, you are so fat that when you weigh yourself, the scale will show that only one person can take it at a time"

Only then did Jin Bing finally come to his senses. He roared angrily, and the shirt that was close to his chest finally burst open, and all the buttons were blown out.He rushed forward like crazy, as if he was about to crush the little man in front of him.

But Spider-Man was like a little eel, slippery and impossible to catch.He took off lightly and passed over Jin Bin's head. Jin Bin's powerful fist slammed a water pipe at the back completely deflated.


Jin Bin turned around with a roar, and threw another punch hard.Spider-Man dodged it with a short body, and slammed his huge fist on the wall, causing the bricks of the wall to crack immediately.Taking advantage of the situation, Spider-Man flung out two balls of spider silk, one on the left and one on the right, sticking Jin Bin's hands to the wall, while he squatted down and landed on his chubby chest.

Unable to move his hands, Jin Bin stared at Spider-Man with eyes that seemed to be eating people: "I will turn you into a dead man!"

"Funny, I guess we still have things in common, like I hate you as much as you hate me. But I'm not here to punch you, because even an idiot can do that."

After finishing speaking, he finally left a last spider web on Jin Bing's fat face, then jumped off and walked away.

(Thanks to book friend kabuto555 for the 500 starting coins!)

(End of this chapter)

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