Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 229 Another Person

Chapter 229 Another Person

It has been a month since Jin Bing absconded, and there has been no news about him in a month.That night Eric found the base filled with the corpses of Hydra agents and immediately contacted Aegis. Aegis also sent people to search the area carefully, but found nothing.

But they had a clue as to what the escaped cargo was.According to some unrevealable information from Aegis, the Hydra secretly hid in New York Harbor seems to be the Yamadro nanorobot that mysteriously disappeared in the rainy night 15 years ago, that is, since that night after fighting with the Omega armor. The missing one.But these are just gossip after all, whether it is true or not cannot be verified.

All in all, this month finally passed smoothly.Eric is finally living like a high school student these days, but only now does he realize that the end of the term is approaching.Unlike most students who are counting the approaching days of summer vacation on their fingers, Eric's semester has been so full that he doesn't seem to have any idea of ​​the passage of time.

Even if the thing that escaped was really the Yamojo robot, since the other party has not moved, Eric has nothing to do, so it is better to go to school normally and prepare for various exams with peace of mind.

But everyone knows that the calm days are just appearances, and the storm has never stopped, but it has only temporarily lurked underwater.Perhaps no one on the earth has noticed yet, but a pair of invisible claws in the depths of the darkness have already quietly approached, and the whole world is unconsciously in their palms.

On a peaceful and sunny weekend, Raven woke up almost as soon as the first ray of sunlight entered the room through the curtains in the morning, and the hour hand of the alarm clock on the table had just passed the "7" position.

The culprit that woke her up was a series of knocking sounds from outside the window, as if someone was knocking on her window with her knuckles.Raven sat up, got out of bed and walked to the window, opened the curtains and saw Eric smiling at her through a window.

Raven opened the window: "What's wrong?"

"Good morning." Eric greeted with a smile, "It's rare that the weather is so good on the weekend, do you want to make an appointment or something?"

Ruiwen froze for a moment, feeling strange about his abnormal behavior, but still said: "It's okay, then wait for me to wash up and change clothes."

"Okay, I'll wait for you at the door."

It feels weird.Raven closed the window, thinking.

As a girl, Raven's movements are really one of the most agile.Only a quarter of an hour later she had changed into a dark purple coat, sexy denim shorts and black stockings and appeared at the door.I don't know when, but Raven started to try to change his dressing style only when he went out with Eric.Although black is still the main color, at least he is not wrapped in black clothes from head to toe all day long, with his head tucked into a hood, like when we first met.

"You are very beautiful today." Eric praised without hesitation.

Raven smiled lightly, but didn't speak.

After a quick breakfast, Eric led Raven straight to the playground in Manhattan.It seems that he has made sufficient plans for today's itinerary, and the arrangements along the way are orderly.During the morning, they played a few times with bumper cars, took a 360-degree whirlwind swivel chair, and went on a jumping machine to experience free fall.

But of course, no matter what the project is, Eric's participation is higher. Raven is more like a tourist who comes to watch, and spends most of the time quietly watching beside Eric.The only hands-on project, after counting and counting, only finally got a little bear doll by throwing the ring, but she gave it to a little loli beside her who was looking at the doll eagerly, and the latter hugged happily He ran to find his mother with the doll.

The whole morning passed in a blink of an eye.Eric said I was going to the bathroom and bought some food, and Raven sat alone on the edge of a seat under an umbrella and waited.With one hand resting on her cheek, she looked at the young men and women who were screaming and cheering in some exciting events, and she was a little lost in thought for a while.

Today's Eric is indeed very enthusiastic, and very active, no, it should be said that it is a bit abnormal.Could it be that something happened that I don't know that made him stressed out, and he used this way to decompress?

Or is there any other reason.
She didn't notice that Eric had quietly returned while she was distracted.He approached Raven from behind without saying a word, with a gloomy expression as if he was about to drip.His footsteps are as light as a night cat, and it is impossible to be heard in this noisy amusement park.Step by step, he approached the girl under the umbrella who was completely unaware, like a killer approaching his target.

Only a few steps away from Raven, Eric stretched out his hand behind his back, as if he was about to take out something.

"Huh? Isn't that Eric and Raven?"

Eric's face changed, and his footsteps stopped suddenly.

When Raven turned his head, he noticed Eric who was approaching, but the latter had returned a warm and relaxed smile.And the ones calling their names behind him were actually Peter and Mary Jane, who were waving towards them under the shade of a tree not far away.

Peter and Mary trotted over, and he said, "Ha, what a coincidence, you're coming to the amusement park, too?"

"Eric's idea." Raven said flatly.

"Ah, yes." Eric smiled, "Because the weather is so nice, I think it's a good time to go out and play."

"My Aunt Mei is not at home today. After discussing it with Mary, I think we should come out to get some air." Peter laughed. "Since everyone is here, why don't we come together?"

Tch, annoying guy.

I thought to myself, but Eric still had that cheerful smile on his face: "Okay, it happens that everyone is more lively together."

At the same moment, at Raven's home.

"I'm coming!"

After the doorbell rang three times in a row, ten-year-old Billy jumped out of the room, trotted across the living room, and opened the door.

The one standing at the door turned out to be Eric.

"Ah, Sister Rachel's boyfriend!" cried the little one.

Eric smiled slightly: "Hello, Billy. I came to see your sister, is she there?"

Little Billy was taken aback for a moment: "Didn't she go out with you?"

"Who? Me?"

"Yes, yes." Little Billy nodded again and again, "Didn't I go on a date with you early in the morning? Ah, did you make her angry so she ran away?"

Eric froze.

How is this going?

(End of this chapter)

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