Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 23 Encounter

Chapter 23 Encounter
"I found you." In the parking lot outside the school, Raven grabbed the wrist of the black girl who had slipped away earlier, "Who are you? What do you want to do to me?"

The girl didn't try to break free, instead she showed a triumphant smile as if she had caught prey.

"Are you ready, Raven?" she asked in a voice that seemed possessed, like a muffled duet of men and women.

Raven's expression changed suddenly: "You are."

The girl didn't speak any more, and her smile disappeared in an instant.She roared something, her turbid voice exploded like a thunder, and the invisible fluctuation suddenly exploded with her as the center.Raven was caught off guard, his thin body was blown out like a weak leaf, and smashed hard on the windshield of a Chevrolet.

The girl ran away.Raven struggled to get off the cracked windshield, looking quite embarrassed.There were blood stains oozing from the corners of her mouth and nasal cavity, her cheeks seemed to have just been punched, and half of her black silk was torn apart by the impact.

But she had no time to feel the pain, cold fear surrounded her body.

"Get ready, Raven. The day is almost here."

The deep voice seemed to sound from her mind, surrounding her from all directions.The chill seemed to have grown legs and climbed up her spine, making her shiver uncontrollably.

That guy came and the world was over.

She couldn't remember how she got home, and then she was in a daze, like a bird with broken wings, listless.Aunt Alice, who came to pick her up, asked her what happened several times, but she just gave a few absent-minded "hmm" and was reluctant to say a word.

When she got home, she went straight to the bathroom to wash her face.She raised her head, the snow-white face in the mirror was bloodless, the water was rushing down the wet hair, and the face behind the water curtain was faintly imprinted with fear.

"You can't escape." The voice said again, "Remember the prophecy? Destiny is a book, and everything has already been written. And now, that page is coming, and nothing can stop it The coming of you, Raven! Accept it, it is your destiny."

"No, I won't compromise." She gritted her teeth, "You can keep threatening me, intimidating me, but don't expect me to be caught without a fight!"

She tore off the hanging towel and wiped her face carelessly.

She just had a symbolic dip in the dinner, and soon went back to her room to rest on the pretext of being uncomfortable.She threw away the coat casually, and sat on the quilt with her knees hugged.

The wind outside the window was getting louder, and the mottled tree shadows were projected by the moonlight into the dark room, spinning and moving on the floor.In an instant, it seemed that invisible hands emerged from every shadow, surrounding her like an iron barrel.Raven gritted his teeth, closed his eyes tightly, and tried his best to curl up his thin body towards the head of the bed, like a little girl who was too scared to sleep by a horror movie.

"What are you resisting, Raven? You know that you can't resist your destiny, you should have known it since you were very young." The voice sounded again, "Recall quickly, your mission, and... your real body."

In an instant, she opened her eyes, but they were filled with pale light.She clutched her belly in pain and moaned in a low voice: "Please don't. Don't"

But apparently, her prayers didn't stop what was happening.Blue light suddenly filled the small room, which was separated from her body.The soul-like form hangs in the air and condenses into a bird-like shape. It spreads its black wings and is surrounded by light blue flames.

like a crow.

It rushed out of the open window, and the black figure danced gracefully against the bright moonlight.


Raven flew up, shot out from the flying window, and chased after the black crow.

This is one of her abilities. Raven's soul and body can be separated into two independent existences. The one in the sky is her soul.Generally speaking, she intentionally controlled the separation of soul and body, but this time it was the result of losing control.In addition, although the soul and the body can still maintain a certain connection within a short period of separation, if the separation is too long, it may bring very tragic consequences.

So you have to ask - what tragic consequences?

To be honest, Raven himself didn't know very well.All she knew was that she might become a soul bomb and implode, but how far was it?How powerful is it?She hasn't tried it yet, and doesn't really want to.

The night wind roared past her ears, making her feel a biting chill.Maybe Raven was a superhero, but that didn't mean she couldn't feel cold flying full speed through the night sky in just a thin pajama vest and a pair of pajama bottoms.At this moment, judging from the height of the building below, she estimated that she was already at a height of about 200 meters, and she was covered in goose bumps.

She managed to catch up to the black crow - her own soul.But it didn't seem very happy to go back obediently, and turned around and slapped its master with its black bird claws.

Raven's left face was hot, and the blood oozing from the bloodstains was wiped onto his cheek by the strong wind.She thought that being slapped by her own soul might not be a rare experience for everyone.

But she didn't let go, she used the strength of her arms to climb onto the crow's back as hard as she could, and pressed its head hard to control it to fall down.When approaching the roof of a building, the crow screamed, and while gliding at a low altitude, it rolled over handsomely, throwing its owner off his back.

Raven rolled several times on the icy roof in embarrassment, the impact of the fall and the biting cold wind hit her alternately, making her eyes go black for a while.

The crow seemed to be laughing at her, and Raven vaguely saw the bird transforming into his own appearance, and said mockingly: "What are you resisting? You don't really think of yourself as a human, do you?"

She gritted her teeth and got up, and the figure in front of her turned back into a crow with its teeth and claws open again.It screamed loudly, flapped its pitch-black wings violently, and swooped towards Raven like a black gust of wind.

She subconsciously raised her arms to protect her face, and closed her eyes tightly.

But the expected impact did not come.

The moment the crow jumped in front of her, another figure suddenly appeared from the edge of the roof, and the metal boots swept across the crow's head and neck forcefully, kicking it screaming, Deviated from the direction and rolled out.A metal bracket of the water tank on the roof broke suddenly in front of its projectile-like body, and the water tank with one foot missing sank downward, as if it was about to collapse at any moment.

Raven opened his eyes in surprise, and was shocked to see a burly black figure standing in front of her.

"You're...the one in the news."

She recalled it quickly.Although there is no brilliant green light show this time, from the general appearance, isn't this guy the guy who appeared in New Jersey with an amazing photogenic rate in the recent news?Why is it here?
"Let's talk about it later," Eric waved his hand, "I'll see if I can help you with it."

(End of this chapter)

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