Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 231 True and False Eric

Chapter 231 True and False Eric

Huttonson River, under the bridge.

A figure jumped out of the water "suddenly", and the snow-white waves splashed five or six meters high with him, and fell heavily back to the river.

Eric flew and landed on the shore, and the armor was lifted back to the backpack form.

In fact, it should be said that he won the last confrontation with another Eric just now, and the opponent's situation is definitely much worse than him.But his luck was very bad. When the last blow collided, his body happened to be suspended in the air, so when the shock wave of the last blow was released, he was very unlucky to be shaken off the bridge and fell into the river.And the other Eric, although in a much worse condition than him, was only knocked down on the bridge.

Eric lay down by the river and gasped for a moment, frowning.

Who is that guy?
Aegis, a floating carrier.

After Raven took another Eric, he brought him here immediately.Now he is isolated in a special room on the mothership, covered with all kinds of advanced equipment that you can't even name, and has scanned him thoroughly from head to toe.

"The detection is basically completed." Deputy Commander Maria Hill quickly walked to the one-way glass for isolation, stood beside Raven, and said, "There is nothing abnormal, the instrument shows that he is Eric Xia Lotte, it's true."

"Thank you." Raven breathed a sigh of relief, and then gave her a strange look.


"No, it's nothing. It's just... I don't seem to have seen Director Fury today?"

"Now I'm the director." Maria Hill said lightly, paused, and added, "Acting, for the time being."

Raven frowned: "What happened?"

"Nothing." Hill said calmly, "The less you know about internal affairs, the better."

After speaking, she turned her head and walked out the door.

"Also, you can take him away now." She said, "Although I haven't figured out what happened to the two Eric Charlottes, this one has withstood the most advanced instruments on the planet. , so he should be the true deity. Are there any questions?"

"No, it's just." Raven slightly raised his eyebrows, "Why do you think you don't seem to care about this?"

"Chief Ferry may be paying special attention to him, but we don't have the time right now," Hill said. "We have far more important things to deal with right now."

After speaking, she quickly left the room.

Raven stared at her leaving back, and vaguely smelled something bad.The mothership of Aegis seems to be calm, but there seems to be an invisible undercurrent hidden under the surface. Nick Fury's resignation and Maria Hill's temporary replacement as director may be related to this , What hidden secrets.

But Raven is just thinking about it that's all, that's not what she needs to care about.She opened the door of the isolation room and entered it.

Eric has woken up now, saw her come in, and asked, "How is it?"

"Well, Aegis's equipment didn't find any abnormalities, just now Hill also said that there is no problem."

Raven seemed hesitant to speak.

Eric smiled slightly: "But you're still worried, aren't you?"

Raven bit his lip and nodded.

"Don't worry, it's okay, I'm me." Eric sat up and took her hand, "If you don't believe me, take a closer look, it's exactly the same as before? We also agreed to be together forever, we The miracle created by your bonds brought down the impossible demon, remember?"

Raven raised his head and stared into his eyes for a moment, those eyes were clear and resolute, they should indeed be the eyes of the person she is most familiar with.

He should really be fine, Raven thought.

"Okay, although there was an accident today, there is still some time left, which is enough." Eric got out of bed, began to change his clothes and prepared to leave, "I still have the last and most important arrangement for today. "

"The most important arrangement?" Raven repeated suspiciously.

Eric smiled mysteriously and said nothing more.

It was close to six o'clock in the afternoon when we left the mothership, the sun was about to set, and the last afterglow burned the clouds in the sky red.Raven followed Eric, walking along the golden river, not knowing why.

After the two walked silently for a while, Eric suddenly stopped and turned to face the sunset.

"I've fallen in love with you since we first met, Raven." He said suddenly.

Raven started, but didn't interrupt him.

"It was an indescribable feeling, like I should have known you a long time ago. It has grown stronger after being with you, and you have become my whole world. Don't you want Do you know why I tried my best to challenge Sangong? The answer is as simple as that - I like you, and I can't accept a world without you."

Raven's frosty cheeks turned slightly red, and he lowered his head unconsciously.

Eric turned to Raven seriously: "So, today, I decided to take the step that I haven't taken all this time. Come with me, Raven, forever and ever, ten years, 20 years, 100 years Not even parting, okay?"

Even if she was as calm as Rui Wen, she couldn't help feeling a little flustered in front of this sudden request. She said hesitantly, "This. I. I haven't thought about it yet."

"Then think about it now, Raven!" Eric suddenly became anxious, pressing his hands on her shoulders, and suddenly raised his voice, "Please."

If Raven had been half as calm as usual, she would have noticed how uncharacteristic Eric was at this moment, his eagerness was almost like he was running a race against someone.But now her mind was also in a mess, and she didn't notice the abnormality.

What is there to hesitate about?Although it has not been pierced, but it has been decided in the bottom of my heart, isn't it?

Thinking of this, Ruiwen almost blurted out the promised words.

And precisely at this moment, another Eric appeared.

"Hey impostor over there, what do you want from my girlfriend?"

The two turned their heads sharply, only to see the other Eric walking slowly towards this side from the hill with his hands in his trouser pockets.

The expression of Eric next to Raven suddenly changed, and he said coldly: "You are really a lingering guy, aren't you? Although I don't know where you came from, but trying to take my life away is courting death .”

"There's a limit to arrogance, Shanzhai." Eric on the opposite side stopped on the hill and sneered, "Do you really think I can't prove the truth?"

As soon as the words fell, his eyes sharpened sharply, and the armor on his back was activated quickly.This time, the moment Almadra finished putting on the armor, a domineering purple energy radiated out, and the metal wings attached to the burning purple flames opened gorgeously, and the badge of the crow was printed on the chest of the armor.

Armor of Amojo - Raven Mode!He actually activated this mode without using the resonance with Raven!

"This is the proof of our bond." Eric, who was standing on the hill, said coldly, "Do you have any copycats like you?"

(Thanks to book friend 160714090634891 for the reward of 200 starting coins)
(End of this chapter)

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