Chapter 233 Mimicry

Perhaps as of today, no one on this planet knows about the Skrulls—except Eric, who is a time traveler.

The Skrulls, an alien race in the Marvel universe, have the top transformation skills in the universe.When they focus on an alien civilization, their usual style is to quietly infiltrate into the high-level of the civilization by virtue of their innate mimicry ability and espionage technology, and steal all high-level personnel without anyone knowing it. Replace it with your own spies, and when the time is right, you will move out in one fell swoop, and cooperate with the inside and outside to bring a new civilization under the rule of the Skrull Empire.

Marvel's big event "Secret Invasion" tells such a story, and the Skrulls have infiltrated all aspects of the earth on a large scale without knowing it.S.H.I.E.L.D., Hydra, AIM, Avengers, and many other organizations have all been infiltrated by aliens. If you think about it carefully, if it weren’t for the inevitable direction of the comics, the earth would have fallen in that war. into the hands of these dangerous and cunning invaders.

That's why Eric's heart sank when he saw this Skrull who mimicked himself - this Skrull would definitely not come to the earth alone for sightseeing, which means that there are probably already More aliens are already lurking in every corner of the earth, and now it may be too late.

However, this Skrull is still a bit weird. It stands to reason that he should be a Skrull spy who tried to replace Eric's identity, but when this guy was dying, he clearly shouted unwillingly, "I just want your life." In this case, it seems that there is no way to explain it.

In the end, the people from Aegis came to recover the body of the Skrulls. All Eric can do now is to pray that it is not too late.

Late at night, in an unknown warehouse.

The black car stopped in the empty aisle, and two agents wearing sunglasses and tight-fitting black uniforms pushed the door on the left and the right and walked out, walking side by side towards the warehouse gate.The logo of the eagle with wings is printed on their backs, and the words "SHIELD" are written in bold font, which proves their identity as SHIELD agents.

The two untied the iron chain that tied the gate, and the heavy door panel was pulled open with a "crash", revealing a huge dark space to them.Only through the shimmering light from the moon projected from the skylight, it seems that a certain figure can be vaguely seen standing in the deep darkness, and the long thing in front of it is quite like a coffin.

The body of the Skrull who was killed by Eric earlier was lying quietly in this coffin-like container at this moment. His blood stains had been cleaned up, and his eyes were closed as if he was asleep. up.

The two agents quickly came to the figure in the darkness, and both knelt down on one knee, bowing their heads reverently.Under the moonlight, their skins also quickly turned into a shriveled green color, and their pointed ears were also turned up. They were obviously Skrulls.

"Has Maria Hill found out?" The figure in the darkness spoke, and it was a female voice.

"No, Your Highness." A Skrull said, "We recovered the body before she found it. We also fiddled with the data scanned by Aegis, and no flaws were found."

When the Skrull, who had previously mimicked Erik, was taken to the mothership by Raven for inspection, although the difference could not be detected physically, his pirated Almazo armor was only imitated compared with the genuine one. They look alike, and a simple scan will reveal the difference.At that time, Aegis failed to find any problems, and it was also because of the Skrull spies lurking inside Aegis.

"Hmph." The female voice snorted softly, "I'm obviously not ready at all, but I violated the order and acted on my own initiative. Such an idiot is not a pity to die, but it adds countless risks to exposing our plan."

After pondering for a while, she said again: "But accidents can't be helped, every time there will always be such losers who are too involved in the mimic object and even forget their own mission, so our plan will be exposed in advance. That being the case."

"...Let us do it in advance."

That night, on the other side of the city.

The doorbell rang, and Sharon Carter was slightly taken aback when she opened the door to her apartment and saw Agent Coulson in a neat suit appear at the door.

"Agent Coulson?" Sharon asked in surprise, "Why would you?"

It's no wonder that she feels strange. In this residence, her identity is just a high school teacher. In order to cover her identity as a SHIELD agent, other people rarely come to talk about work matters in person.Generally speaking, if there is task delegation and the like, it will be done through electronic devices.

"Urgent mission, Agent Carter." Coulson said flatly, "Hurry up and get ready, dispatch immediately."

"Okay, but why."

"It's the news from Chief Fury." Coulson said indifferently, "It's not convenient to explain the details in the communication, and you are the only person I can trust around here."

Although he refused to explain too much, years of experience as an agent also made Sharon realize that things might be serious.In fact, Director Fury's sudden disappearance has been full of doubts these days. Even a senior agent like Sharon has never heard of the details.

After quickly changing into simple equipment, Sharon immediately followed Coulson out the door.The two got into a black car that had been waiting at the bottom of the building. After Coulson closed the door without saying a word, the driver started the car spontaneously.

The car drove for more than five minutes, and Coulson didn't say a word the whole time, not revealing any information about the mission at all.Sharon couldn't help asking, "What is the mission, Agent Coulson?"

"You'll know when you get there, Agent Carter." Coulson didn't even turn his head, still staring straight ahead.

"I doubt it." Sharon frowned, "Now I even start to doubt whether you are the real Agent Coulson."

Coulson finally turned his head and glanced at her, and after a while, he burst out laughing.

"Very sharp, I have to admit you, Agent Carter." "Coulson" laughed, "But it doesn't matter, and we don't need to pretend any more. Do you know why, Agent Carter? Because you got on this car One second behind the wheel, and you're doomed not to be able to tell anyone what's going to happen next."

"Should I say that you are overconfident or inexplicably arrogant?" Sharon snorted coldly.

"If I were you, I would choose to sit there honestly and not make any stupid attempts."

The voice from the driver's seat was actually a female voice, a female voice she was extremely familiar with.When the driver turned his face away, Sharon was stunned.

She seemed to see herself?

"Oh wait, let me correct you." The woman with the same appearance spoke again, smiling, "I am you."

(Thanks for the 500 starting coins rewarded by book friend Yanyan Yanque Anzhi Honghao Zhizhi!)

(End of this chapter)

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