Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 236 The Skrulls

Chapter 236 The Skrulls

Ten p.m.

The party ended with the young people singing and laughing, but Eric still didn't come until the end.Raven followed the crowd out to the street, and walked towards home alone under the dim street lights.

Of course, it was impossible to say that she was not depressed at all, but now she was more worried.She didn't know how many times she tried to use the mobile phone Eric gave her to try to dial his number, but after a long series of waiting melodies, she heard the same prompt that she couldn't dial.

Eric hadn't answered her calls all night, which was unnatural enough that she couldn't help worrying.

Walking to a main road, real-time news is being broadcast in the window of a certain shop on the street, and many pedestrians are stopping to watch on the side of the road.Raven also stopped in front of the window, and glanced at the TV behind the window.

"The summit at the United Nations Building has come to a successful conclusion. Surprisingly, the 'Superman' who has always been like a myth has accepted the official invitation to appear at the meeting for the first time, and accepted the proposal proposed by Senator Carter. Bold Peace Proposal.”

As soon as the camera turned, the image of Superman standing on the conference podium appeared on the screen.

"Thank you very much for trusting me." He said, "When the senator contacted me for the first time, I refused to participate. This is also my consistent principle-not to participate in the political affairs of any country in the world. After a few conversations with his advisors, I realized that maybe I could really make a difference. It’s not for America, and it has nothing to do with any country. It’s just about truth and justice, which I will always fight for. "

The camera cut back to a blond female reporter, she said to the screen: "This is probably the case. At present, people's support for Superman is very loud. This is also a bold attempt that has never been seen in human history. According to the voting results, countries They have also accepted this ending, and agreed to temporarily stop the research and development of nuclear weapons. Is human society finally saying goodbye to the era of nuclear weapons?"

"Wow, this guy is pretty cool, isn't he? I say Superman."

Raven turned around and found that the person who spoke was a boy who had approached her at some point, and seemed to be trying to strike up a conversation with her.

Very active, but unfortunately he chose the wrong target.Raven ignored him, turned around and walked away, took out his phone and tried to dial Eric's number for the first time.
But of course it was impossible for her to call, because she didn't know that Eric had already thrown away her mobile phone in order to avoid being tracked.

A few streets away, Sharon Carter's house.

The sound of water in the head stopped, and the bathroom door was pulled open with a "crash", and a large amount of water vapor rushed out from behind the door.Sharon dried herself off and came out wrapped in a towel.

The moment she walked into the living room, she froze suddenly - Eric was sitting on the sofa in her living room with his legs crossed, playing with the fruit knife on the coffee table in the living room.Seeing her coming out, he immediately stood up and said hello.

Sharon frowned: "In case you haven't noticed, you have become a wanted fugitive not long ago, probably after you played a live-action 'Fast and Furious' with a group of special police on the street."

"I know, but there's a reason for that." Eric spread his hands, "You know me."

"I understand that you are the kind of person who will be desperate when you need it." Sharon said, "For example, that time in Sangong."

"That time I admitted that it was my willfulness, but this time it's different. Well, then I'll just say that." He paused and said, "To put it simply, there is a kind of alien that can mimic a human being." Stars infiltrated us, and I found this by chance, and now they want to arrest me or kill me. I guess that's it, I know, it sounds ridiculous, right?"

Sharon naturally put on a suspicious expression, but rather than questioning the veracity of the story, it seemed that she questioned whether Eric was still mentally normal.

"It sounds unbelievable, but someone can prove me right." Eric said, "Nick Fury—that's why I came to you. I need you to help me find Fury, his words Must have noticed that, that's why he suddenly disappeared from the carrier. We need to find him, and if we can find Fury, he can prove me right."

Sharon folded her arms around her chest and stared into his eyes for a long moment.Then, she nodded slightly.

"Wait for me to change clothes."

As she said that, she turned around and walked into the bedroom, closing the door behind her.

"Thank you." Eric sighed, "I thought it would be more difficult to convince you."

"I haven't believed your story yet." Sharon's voice came from the room, accompanied by the sound of opening a closet and getting dressed, "But the part about Director Fury, I also want to know what happened to him. "

Eric didn't talk anymore, and sat back on the sofa, meditating.

No, something was wrong, he could feel it intuitively.

But what's wrong?What exactly made him feel uncoordinated?

With a thought, he stood up and walked to the living room window.Looking downstairs through the window, I saw a large number of black cars parked at the bottom of the building at some time, and the number and density were obviously wrong.

Could it be that.
Just as he thought of this, the cold gun barrel was already on the back of his head.Unknowingly, Sharon had changed into her uniform and stood behind him, holding a black Glock pistol in her hand.

"What? Still don't believe me?" Eric asked, glancing back from the corner of his eyes.

"No, I completely believe it." Sharon said with a weird smile, "But it is because I believe that I have to do this."

"So that's it." Eric snorted, "As expected, it's true. No one can be trusted, even she has been replaced?"

"Don't try to play tricks." Sharon pushed her pistol slightly forward, "Your armor is fast enough, but it's not fast enough. Or you can challenge it to see if the armor can cover your body first. head, or my bullet will go through it first."

"Smart idea, I have counted the time to put on the armor, and it may indeed be too late for this distance." Eric said, "But forgive me, Ms. Alien Spy, you may still have missed something."

Sharon raised her eyebrows: "I would like to hear more about it."

"That is, I don't necessarily need armor to deal with you."

As soon as the words fell, he had already moved violently.Sharon hastily pulled the trigger, but he had already dodged it shortly, and the bullet shattered the window glass with a "bang".Erik turned around abruptly, and grabbed Sharon's wrist smoothly with a grappling technique. The Almazo armor was activated at the same time, covering his whole body in just an instant.

"Now, switch offense and defense." Eric said coldly, "It's time for you to explain, Ms. Skrull."

(End of this chapter)

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