Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 240 Who should I trust?

Chapter 240 Who should I trust?
His eyelids were as heavy as if filled with lead, and every breath seemed to be extremely laborious.Jessica felt like a feather floating in the sky, so light that she couldn't feel her own weight.

She slowly opened her eyes.The moment she regained consciousness, the soreness all over her body returned to her body in an instant, and the pain made her grit her teeth.At this moment, she seemed to be lying on a clean white sheet, covered with a layer of comfortable quilt.When she noticed the four Avengers, Captain America, Thor, Ant-Man, Hulk, and Eric and Raven, surrounded by her bed, she was almost taken aback.

Jessica sat up with difficulty, supported her aching head, and recalled.

"Okay, I started to think about it a little bit, I escaped with the last of my strength, escaped to the Avengers Building, and then"

She broke off at this point, and seemed to have lost her memory.Captain America continued: "And then you passed out in the Avengers Hall, covered in blood. Can you tell us what happened?"

"Oh, yes." Jessica held her head, "God, I didn't expect things to turn out like this at all. It's too bad. I mean, it's almost as bad as the end of the earth in a science fiction blockbuster, and it's not necessarily There will be movie heroes coming out to save the world."

"Relax, relax, child." The captain patted her on the back lightly, "Speak slowly, what happened?"

Jessica took two deep breaths and seemed to have calmed down a little.

"Did I speak incoherently again just now? Ah, I'm so sorry, I will keep talking when I'm nervous. Just like my idiot body." She adjusted her breath for a moment and said, "Maybe you all know it, but I still talk Let me introduce myself - my name is Jessica Drew, a clone of Spider-Man. But as you can see, I'm a girl. Well, after the clone incident, I wanted to try to change my appearance when An ordinary girl, starting a new life. But S.H.I.E.L.D. Nick Fury found me."

She looked out of the window in a daze, and fell into the color of memories: "That was two months ago. Nick Fury suddenly appeared in front of me, and he managed to convince me to let me be his superstar I can be a spy, but it's secret. He said that he can't be absolutely trusted inside Aegis, so he needs to recruit someone like me to be his secret spy. He forged my identity to sneak in or collect information without telling Aegis and the government. Intelligence work."

"You've been working for Fury?" Eric raised his eyebrows.

"Almost." Jessica nodded, "But recently, things went wrong. A month ago, he arranged for me to have a false identity and sneaked into the interior of AIM. We were in regular contact, but all of a sudden He's missing."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, as if they thought of something at the same time.

"So I had to adapt myself, and then, I discovered an amazing fact" She lowered her voice and gritted her teeth, "The top management of AIM has been infiltrated by a group of aliens who can disguise, and according to their conversations, it seems There's more lurking in all parts of the planet. They're in all walks of life, black and white, whatever, and if what I'm hearing is right, it looks like they're about to launch an all-out attack lately."

Everyone's eyes turned to Eric, and Eric showed an expression of "I told you a long time ago".

"But I was exposed, and the aliens found me." Jessica continued, "I almost tried my best to escape and tell you the news, the Avengers."

As she spoke, she paused and looked around.

"Speaking of which, where's Mr. Stark?" she asked.

"Uh" Ant-Man scratched his head and answered her, "Mr. Stark, I'm afraid he won't be here recently."

In fact, not long before Jessica woke up, after the split Avengers had been arguing for a long time about how to deal with the Black Panther, Tony said angrily, "The Avengers are finished", and then put on his armor and flew out of the skylight. out.And Black Panther also said that this time is when the country needs him the most as a king, and immediately set off for Wakanda.

And for the rest, even if they didn't speak out, the rift called suspicion is spreading invisible.
At this moment, the alarm notification system sounded again, and Jarvis' voice echoed in the room.

"Alert Level [-], gentlemen. A ship from outer space has breached the atmosphere and is now landing in the direction of the Wakanda border."

"Wakanda again?" Ant-Man frowned. "Is this a coincidence? What should we do now?"

Everyone looked at the captain in unison, consciously waiting for his next order.

After pondering for a while, Captain America said: "Let's set off. No matter what we are going through inside, an Avenger is an Avenger, and what we should do remains the same."

Thor smiled: "That's how it should be."

Raven turned his questioning eyes to Eric, as if silently asking them what their next move would be.

"Let's go together." Eric swept everyone present, and said lightly, "We'll just wait and see what happens, and wait for the next move of this Skrull."

Except for Jessica, who was seriously injured, and was left to rest, everyone boarded the Avenger and rushed to the Wakanda border.The Avenger is a Quin-jet fighter modified by Stark himself. The performance of the power engine is superior to that of the Aegis fighter. It didn't take long to arrive at the scene.

The plane landed in a pristine jungle, and the moment I got off the plane, the tropical atmosphere rushed to my face.In the dense jungle, the shadows of the trees are whirling, and the rustling sound of the wind blowing the leaves is continuous, which is vaguely mixed with the cry of some unknown animal. It sounds like it is very far away and seems to be in every bush around you.

However, the group of uninvited guests who just visited the earth is not difficult to find-it is not so much that the spaceship landed in this jungle, it is better to say that it fell off.It was an alien spaceship printed with black stripes. It had a strange and ugly shape. The nose part seemed to have two dark red eyes, but the light had been dimly extinguished.It looked embarrassed and was hung between a towering old tree by a pile of vines, and was suspended in the air about three or four meters above the ground.

Everyone gathered around the bottom of the spaceship, looking at each other.

On the contrary, the opponent took the initiative to move.

The part that looked like the hatch was kicked open, and the passengers from the alien spaceship jumped off one by one.Captain America led the way, followed by superheroes such as Iron Man, Thor, Ant-Man, Black Panther, Hulk, etc., and even Jessica Drew, the Spiderwoman with the same confused look—that is, me The one who should be recovering from serious injuries in the Avengers Building.What's more nonsense is that there are Hydra lady Viper, Hydra cadre Dementor and a group of AIM high-level officials.

Counting some of the little-known Hydra and AIM's superpower cadres who came down at the end, there are more than a dozen or 20 people who got off the spaceship. Facing the heroes who "greet" them outside the spaceship, they all showed expressions of surprise. .The two sides just stared with big eyes and small eyes, and they were in a stalemate for a while.

Eric frowned slightly.

This posture. Are the Skrulls planning to make a move now?

(End of this chapter)

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